Top Table Update: Round 7
We’re nearing the end of Day 1 of YCS Charlotte. Here are the top Duelists heading into Round 7.
Table 1: Jerome Raymond Adams (Eldlich) VS Alejandro Tomas Ahearn (Sky Striker Adventure)
Table 2: Hunter Francis Lloyd (Tenyi Swordsoul) VS Josh Steven Kippenberg (Cyberse Eldlich Adventure)
Table 3: Edwin Martin Strom IV (Sky Striker) VS Peter James Lauziere (Cyber Dragon Adventure)
Table 4: Charley Ray Futch III (Tenyi Swordsoul) VS Kevin Rodrigues Goncalves (Plunder Patroll Adventure)
Table 5: Victor Javier Suarez (Floowandereeze) VS Matthew David Bishop (Dogmatika Invoked)
Table 6: Carl Edouard Manigat (Sky Striker Adventure) VS Hisam Yasser Jawhari (Prank-Kids Adventure)
Table 7: Thomas Isaiah Rowe (Prank-Kids Adventure) VS Brian William Stone (Dragon Link Adventure)
Table 8: Bryce Baker Johnson (Invoked Dogmatika) VS Ivan Alberto Robledo Villa (Cyberse Eldlich Adventure)
Table 9: Brian John Kalina (Prank-Kids Adventure) VS Jose Luis Santiago-Torres (Prank-Kids Adventure)
Table 10: Traviis Terrell Massengale (Shaddoll Dogmatika Adventure) VS Corban Eric Palmgren (Shaddoll Dogmatika Eldlich)