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Top Table Update: Round 9

April 9th, 2022

This is the final Swiss round for Day 1 of YCS Charlotte! Here’s a look at the top tables.

Table 1: Edwin Martin Strom IV (Sky Striker) VS Matthew David Bishop (Dogmatika Invoked)

Table 2: Thomas Isaiah Rowe (Prank-Kids Adventure) VS Charley Ray Futch III (Tenyi Swordsoul)

Table 3: Jose Luis Santiago-Torres (Prank-Kids Adventure) VS Josh Steven Kippenberg (Cyberse Eldlich Adventure)

Table 4: Ryan Fletcher (Floowandereeze) VS Victor Javier Suarez (Floowandereeze)

Table 5: Enzo Maximiliano Fiallos Velasco (Cyberse Eldlich Adventure) VS Bruce Landon Kendrick (Floowandereeze)

Table 6: Carl Edouard Manigat (Sky Striker Adventure) VS Joshua Corey Miller (Floowandereeze)

Table 7: Anthony Xu (Prank-Kids Adventure) VS Steven Trifunoski (Prank-Kids Adventure)

Table 8: Jerome Raymond Adams (Eldlich) VS Matthew Evan Harris Vanden Heuvel (Rose Dragon Adventure)

Table 9: Chase Alyse Davis (Dragon Link) VS Hunter Francis Lloyd (Tenyi Swordsoul)

Table 10: Alex Bienvenido Dominguez (Prank-Kids Adventure) VS Hisam Yasser Jawhari (Prank-Kids Adventure)

Here’s the breakdown:

6 Prank-Kids Adventure
4 Floowandereeze
2 Tenyi Swordsoul
2 Cyberse Eldlich Adventure
1 Eldlich
1 Rose Dragon Adventure
1 Dragon Link
1 Dogmatika Invoked
1 Sky Striker Adventure
1 Sky Striker

In the final round, we’re seeing that the Adventure engine is certainly living up to the hype! Out of the twenty Decks here, eleven are using Adventure cards. Prank-Kids Adventure is the most popular Deck, with six represented. The next most popular Deck, however, is Floowandereeze, which plays no Adventures at all. There are three Eldlich Decks, but two are the Cyberse Adventure variants which are significantly different from a pure build. Two Sky Striker Decks are represented, one pure and one with Adventures. And finally, a single representative for each of Dragon Link, Dogmatika Invoked, and Rose Dragon Adventure.

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