QQ: Which Deck Will Win This Weekend?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Top 32 will soon begin, and there are lots of different Decks represented in the top cut! I surveyed the Duelists in attendance to see which Deck they think will win YCS Hartford. Check out their responses!
“Tenyi Swordsoul. Vishuda interacts favorably with every other Deck.” -Calvin Tahan

“Branded Despia will win, because I’m playing it and I’m going to be in the Top 32!” -Matthew Ellis

“I think the P.U.N.K. Therion combo Deck will win. It’s a Deck that is unknown to the room and has the highest ceiling. It also plays well into most of the meta Decks right now.” -Robert Doolittle

“I think the Branded Despia Deck will win. As long as their engine gets started, they can keep playing cards. They gain advantage as they break apart fields to overwhelm the opponent.” -Mark Solis

“I’m gonna say it’s Drytron. I think Miles Valentino will win with it. He’s in the Top 32 and he has the heart of a champion! He’s playing his favorite Deck ever and says this is the best of all of his top cut finishes. I know he can win!” -Douglas Haddad

Follow the coverage to see which Duelist and Deck wins YCS Hartford!