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Home > 2022/05 - YCS Hartford, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > The Feature Match Area at YCS Hartford!

The Feature Match Area at YCS Hartford!

May 28th, 2022

There’s an intense-looking Feature Match area that is immediately noticeable when you step into the tournament hall. This Feature Match area is designed to give you the best coverage possible over on Twitch and YouTube.

YCS Hartford Feature Match Area

There are lights, cameras, and a full staff people working hard to make sure you can enjoy spectating the event from the comfort of your home. There’s also an area for Duelists in attendance to gather so that they can watch the Feature Match action as it unfolds.

Round 1 Feature Match Table

The pressure is constantly on for the Duelists competing at the Feature Match table. Fortunately, most of them came prepared thanks to their prior experiences Dueling in tournaments.

With the stream setup in place at YCS Hartford, you can watch live coverage of the event on Twitch and YouTube to avoid missing any of the action!