Round 9 Feature Match: Lawrence Walters vs. Jordan Nichols
Lawrence Wolters from New York and Jordan Nichols from Mississippi are both currently undefeated with perfect 8-0 records! Nichols is using a Branded Eldlich Deck, while Wolters is using a Marincess Deck made possible by the recent release of Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep. Both of these Duelists are doing phenomenally in this weekend’s tournament, but only one of them can finish the day with a perfect record. It’s today’s final Swiss Round – let’s Duel!
Duel One
Nichols started off Duel 1 by activating Pot of Prosperity.

He banished 3 cards from his Extra Deck to excavate the top 3 cards of his Deck and add Dogmatika Punishment to his hand. Wolters used the effect of Droll & Lock Bird. Next, Nichols Set 4 cards to his back row and passed his turn.
Wolters drew a card and then had Marincess Springirl, Marincess Dive, Effect Veiler, Nibiru the Primal Being, and Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring in his hand. He Summoned Springirl and sent it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Marincess Sea Angel. He used the effects of Sea Angel and Springirl and Wolters Chained Demise of the Land to activate Mystic Mine from his Deck. Springirl’s effect sent Sea Horse to the Graveyard and inflicted 200 points of damage to Nichols. Then, Wolters added Marincess Battle Ocean to his hand when his Sea Angel’s effect resolved. Wolters passed his turn, unable to make any more plays through Mystic Mine.
Nichols drew a card and passed.
Wolters drew and passed.
Nichols Set a card to his back row and passed.
Wolters drew Marincess Pascalus and then activated Marincess Battle Ocean.
Nichols drew and passed.
Wolters drew Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit and then Set Marincess Dive to his back row.
Nichols drew a card and then activated Branded Fusion! He fused Eldlich the Golden Lord and Fallen of Albaz from his Deck to Summon Albion the Branded Dragon. He activated its effect but lost out to Effect Veiler. Next, he activated his Golden Lord’s effect to return it to his hand and then Special Summon it to the field by sending Mystic Mine to the Graveyard. He Special Summoned Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous next, and activated its effect; but Wolters Chained the effect of Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop him from adding a card to his hand. Nichols entered his Battle Phase and then flipped Dogmatika Punishment, targeting Sea Angel. He sent Elder Entity N’tss to his Graveyard, destroying Sea Angel and the face-down Marincess Dive. Direct attacks from all three of Nichols’s monsters inflicted 7500 points of damage to Wolters and then Nichols flipped Paleozoic Dinomischus to banish Battle Ocean. He flipped Skill Drain by paying 1000 Life Points, and Special Summoned Dinomischus from his Graveyard in Attack Position. A direct attack from Dinomischus wiped out the rest of Wolters’s Life Points!

Jordan Nichols successfully stalls the Duel with Mystic Mine until he can wipe out his opponent’s Life Points in one turn!
Duel Two
Wolters opened up with Marincess Sleepy Maiden, Infinite Impermanence, Marincess Blue Tang, Twin Twisters, and Crossout Designator.

He Normal Summoned Blue Tang and used its effect to send Marincess Sea Horse from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Link Summoned Marincess Blue Slug next and used the effects of Blue Slug and Blue Tang. He excavated Marincess Dive and added it to his hand with Blue Tang and added Marincess Sea Horse from his Graveyard to his hand with Blue Slug’s effect. He Special Summoned Sea Horse and then sent it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Sea Angel. He activated Sea Angel’s effect to add Marincess Battle Ocean to his hand and then activated it. Next, he sent his 2 monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Marincess Coral Anemone and used its effect to Special Summon Sea Angel from his Graveyard. He sent Coral Anemone and Sea Angel to the Graveyard to Link Summon Marincess Coral Triangle next and used his Coral Anemone’s effect to add Blue Tang from his Graveyard to his hand. He used Coral Triangle’s effect by discarding Blue Tang to add Marincess Wave from his Deck to his hand. He activated Marincess Dive to Special Summon Marincess Pascalus from his Deck and used Pascalus’s effect to Special Summon Marincess Sleepy Maiden from his hand. He sent Pascalus and Sleep Maiden to the Graveyard to perform a Link Summon and then sent his remaining 2 monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Marincess Aqua Argonaut. He used his Battle Ocean’s effect to equip his Aqua Argonaut with Sea Angel, Coral Anemone, and Blue Slug from his Graveyard. He Set Infinite Impermanence to his middle column and then ended his turn.

Nichols sent Eldlich the Golden Lord and Conquistador of the Golden Land from his hand to his Graveyard to send Battle Ocean to the Graveyard with the Golden Lord’s effect. Next, he Set Solemn Judgement and sent it to his Graveyard to return the Golden Lord from his Graveyard to his hand and Special Summon it with 3500 ATK. He attacked and destroyed Aqua Argonaut, sending it to the Graveyard along with the cards equipped to it. Wolters used Coral Triangle’s effect to add Blue Tang to his hand. Nichols Set 2 cards to his back row and then banished Conquistador from his Graveyard in the End Phase to Set Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine from his Deck.
Wolters drew Crossout Designator and then used Coral Triangle’s effect to banish it from his Graveyard and Special Summon Coral Anemone and Sea Angel from his Graveyard. He used Coral Anemone’s effect to Special Summon Pascalus from his Graveyard and then used Pascalus’s effect to Special Summon Blue Tang from his hand in Defense Position. He sent Blue Tang to the Graveyard to Link Summon Blue Slug and used the effects of Blue Slug and Blue Tang. He added Sea Horse to his hand with Blue Slug’s effect, and Nichols flipped Metaverse to activate Mystic Mine from his Deck! Wolters activated Twin Twisters by discarding Crossout Designator from his hand to try to destroy Mystic Mine and a face-down Solemn Judgment, but Nichols Chained the Solemn Judgement to negate its activation! Wolters Set Marincess Wave and then passed his turn.
Nichols drew a card and then switched his Golden Lord to Defense Position. He Set a card to his back row and then ended his turn.
Wolters drew and Set Infinite Impermanence.
Nichols drew and passed.
Wolters drew and passed.
Nichols drew a card and then Normal Summoned Fallen of Albaz. He activated its effect by discarding Lava Golem from his hand and Wolters flipped Marincess Wave to negate its effect. Next, Wolters sent his two monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Lyna, the Light Charmer Lustrous and attacked Coral Anemone. Lyna was destroyed in battle, and Nichols lost 150 Life Points. He used Lustrous’s effect to add Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous from his Deck to his hand. He ended his turn with no monsters on his field.
Wolters drew and passed.
Nichols drew and passed.
Wolters drew Gozen Match and Set it.
Nichols activated Cursed Eldland and used its effect to add Conquistador of the Golden Land from his Deck to his hand. He used the effect of the Golden Lord in his hand to send it to the Graveyard with a Mystic Mine in his hand and send a face-down Gozen Match from Wolters’s field to his Graveyard.
Wolters drew Twin Twisters and activated it by discarding Crossout Designator. He targeted Mystic Mine and a face-down card, and Nichols Chained Conquistador followed by Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine. He Special Summoned a Golden Lord from his Deck with Eldlixir and then Special Summoned Conquistador, using its effect to destroy Coral Anemone. Twin Twisters resolved, finally taking down Mystic Mine! Wolters used his Coral Anemone’s effect to target Blue Tang in his Graveyard, and Nichols banished it by activating Huaquero of the Golden Land. Wolters Special Summoned Springirl from his hand next, and then Xyz Summoned Number 4: Stealth Kragen. Nichols conceded, no longer protected by Mystic Mine.

Lawrence Wolters wins Duel 2 after destroying Mystic Mine with Twin Twisters!
Duel Three
Nichols Summoned Buzzsaw Shark and used it to Special Summon Right-Hand Shark. He combined them to Xyz Summon Bahamut Shark and used its effect to Summon Toadally Awesome. He Set 3 cards to his back row and then passed his turn.
Wolters opened up with Marincess Dive, Marincess Battle Ocean, Gadara, the Mystery Dust Kaiju, Marincess Wave, and Marincess Sea Horse. He drew Marincess Springirl and then Tributed Nichols’s Toadally Awesome to give him the Kaiju. He used the Toadally Awesome’s effect to return it to his Extra Deck. Wolters activated Marincess Battle Ocean and followed up with Marincess Dive to Special Summon Blue Tang. He activated its effect but lost out to Solemn Strike, which destroyed the Blue Tang. Wolters Summoned Sea Horse next and used it as a Link Material to Summon Blue Slug, but Nichols flipped another Solemn Strike to negate its Summon. Wolters Special Summoned Springirl from his hand next by banishing Blue Slug from his Graveyard. He tried to Link Summon another Blue Slug, but this time lost out to Solemn Judgment! Wolters Set a card to his back row and passed his turn.
Nichols used the effect of Bahamut Shark to Special Summon Toadally Awesome. He attacked directly with his monsters and then passed his turn.
Wolters drew Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and Set it.
Nichols activated Branded Fusion, fusing a Golden Lord and Fallen of Albaz from his Deck to Summon Albion the Branded Dragon. He used its effect to Fusion Summon Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon and used its effect to banish Wolters’s face-down Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Direct attacks from Nichols’s field of monsters wiped out all of Wolters’s Life Points!

Jordan Nichols uses two copies of Solemn Strike and a Solemn Judgment in succession to shut down Wolters’s plays and win Duel 3! He’ll be starting tomorrow off with a 9-0 record!