. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 3 vs. 3 Prize Winners

3 vs. 3 Prize Winners

October 23rd, 2022

Here are the top teams of the 3 vs. 3 Team Dueling Public Event!

In fourth place, we have Team Jonathan’s Angels! From left to right, it’s Garret Alexander Soto Schier, Jonathan September Gonzalez, and Ryan Ryouichi Sano.

Next up, in 3rd place, it’s Team No Flood Gate V2! We have Ricardo Emilio Lopez, Nicholas Ellis Simon, and Conner Frank Ondrus.

In second place, we have Team Don’t Bubble Zakk, featuring Alex James Mondlak, Santiago Gonzalez, and Christopher Alexander Pyke.

And finally, our big winners: Team D.D. Inguses! This team is made up of Robert John Fontaine Smith, Zhaoliang Sun, and Kaelan Michael Anthony Woollard.

Our first place team’s prizes were unavailable for the photo, but their friendship is prize enough.

Congratulations to our top teams!