Home > 2022/10 - YCS Minneapolis, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What Deck will win the YCS?

QQ: What Deck will win the YCS?

October 23rd, 2022

QQ stands for Quick Questions! We asked several Duelists the big question of the weekend: What Deck will win the YCS?

“Spright Runick” – Aaron Thompson

“Spright Tearlaments” – Korey Linton

“Dracoslayer Pendulum” – Nicolas Ramlal

“Bystial Tearlaments, honorable mention to Runick Spright” – Zach Butler

“Bystial Tearlaments” – Jose Lara

“Bystial Tearlaments. But my hopeful answer is Sunavalon.” – Jonathan Lara

“Bystial Tearlaments, because Bystial is OP” – Brandon Swiss

The main consensus is that Tearlaments are the Deck to beat; specifically the new Bystial variant. We’ll find out soon enough!