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Home > 2022/10 - YCS Minneapolis, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 9 Feature Match: Dakota Angeloff vs. Simon He

Round 9 Feature Match: Dakota Angeloff vs. Simon He

October 22nd, 2022

Dakota Angeloff from Tuscaloosa, Alabama is Dueling against Simon He from the U.K. in this Round 9 Feature Match that pits two undefeated Duelists against one another. Angeloff won the North America WCQ in 2019 and a YCS in 2018, plus took fourth place at the 2019 World Championship. Simon He won a Remote Duel YCS earlier this year and has a second place YCS finish, but is looking for his first in-person YCS victory this weekend. Dakota Angeloff is using a Tearlaments Deck, while Simon He is running a Runick Spright Deck. These are two of the most popular and powerful Decks being used this weekend, so the Match between these two undefeated Duelists is likely to provide a great display of these Decks in action. It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Angeloff opened up with Tearlaments Merrli, Danger! Nessie!, Danger!? Jackalope?, Super Polymerization, and Tearlaments Sulliek.

Dakota Angeloff

He Set Super Polymerization and then activated the effect of the Jackalope in his hand. He randomly discarded Sulliek, Special Summoned Jackalope, drew a card, and then used Sulliek’s effect to add Tearlaments Reinoheart to his hand. He activated Tearlaments Scream next and then activated the effect of his Danger! Nessie!. He randomly discarded Merrli from his hand, Special Summoned Nessie, and then drew a card. Next, he paid 1000 Life Points to activate Instant Fusion and Summoned Tearlaments Kitkallos from his Extra Deck. He used the effects of Kitkallos and Scream to send the top 3 cards of his Deck to his Graveyard and add Tearlaments Cryme from his Deck to his hand. He used the effect of the Havnis sent to his Graveyard to Fusion Summon Garura, Wings of Resonant Life and then Link Summoned Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion. He used Curious’s effect to send Tearlaments Heartbeat to his Graveyard and used the effects of Curious and Heartbeat to add Sulliek from his Graveyard to his hand and then send the top 3 cards of his Deck to his Graveyard, including a Tearlaments Scheiren. He used Scheiren’s effect to Fusion Summon Mudragon of the Swamp and then used Kitkallos’s effect, targeting Kitkallos. He Special Summoned Reinoheart in its place and then used the effects of Kitkallos and Reinoheart. He sent the top 5 cards of his Deck to his Graveyard and sent Merrli to the Graveyard with Reinoheart’s effect. He used Merrli’s effect to Fusion Summon Tearlaments Rulkallos and then Normal Summoned a Reinoheart. He combined both Reinoheart’s to Xyz Summon Bahamut Shark and used the Shark’s effect to Special Summon Toadally Awesome from his Extra Deck. He Set the rest of the cards in his hand to his back row before passing.

Simon He conceded immediately after drawing a card for his turn.

Dakota Angeloff’s incredible first turn allows him to take a quick victory over Simon He in Duel 1! Angeloff is just one win away from finishing Day 1 of YCS Minneapolis with a perfect 9-0 record!

Duel Two

Simon He started off Duel 2 by activating Spright Starter in the Draw Phase to Special Summon Spright Jet from his Deck.

Simon He

He lost 1300 Life Points and used Jet’s effect to add Spright Smashers to his hand. He Special Summoned Spright Blue from his hand in Main Phase 1 and used its effect to add Spright Red to his hand. He Special Summoned Red and then combined Blue with Red to Xyz Summon Gigantic Spright. He used its effect to Special Summon Capshell from his Deck and then used Capshell and Gigantic Spright to Link Summon Spright Elf. He drew a card with Capshell’s effect and then used Elf’s effect to Special Summon Capshell from his Graveyard. Next, he Xyz Summoned Number 65: Djinn Buster and activated Runick Fountain. He Set 3 cards to his back row and then ended his turn.

Angeloff opened up Duel 2 with Evenly Matched, Super Polymerization, Instant Fusion, Dark Ruler No More, and Danger! Nessie!. He drew Tearlaments Havnis for his turn and then entered his Battle Phase. Simon He flipped Spright Starter to Special Summon Spright Carrot in Defense Position and lost 1000 Life Points. With Carrot on the field, Angeloff would no longer be able to successfully resolve the Evenly Matched in his hand! He activated it anyway at the end of the Battle Phase and He used the Carrot’s effect by Tributing Spright Elf to negate the effect of Evenly Matched. Angeloff Chained the effect of the Havnis in his hand. He tried to Special Summon it to his field, but Simon He negated the effect with Djinn Buster. Simon He drew a card with Capshell’s effect. In Main Phase 2, Angeloff used Instant Fusion to pay 1000 Life Points and Special Summon Tearlaments Kitkallos. He used Kitkallos’s effect to add Tearlaments Scream to his hand. Simon He flipped Runick Slumber to Special Summon Hugin the Runick Wings from his Extra Deck and then used his Fountain to return the Slumber to his Deck and draw a card. Angeloff activated Tearlaments Scream next and then activated Kitakallos’s effect targeting itself. Simon He Chained Runick Freezing Chains targeting Kitkallos and Angeloff Chained Super Polymerization! Angeloff discarded Havnis and fused his Kitkallos with Djinn Buster to Fusion Summon Mudragon of the Swamp. Kitkallos’s effect resolved to Summon Havnis and then the effects of Scream and Kitkallos resolved to send 8 cards from the top of the Deck to Angeloff’s Graveyard. He used the effects of his sent Scheiren and Havnis to Fusion Summon Tearlaments Rulkallos and Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart. He used his Kaleido-Heart’s effect to target He’s face-down Spright Smashers and He Chained it by banishing Spright Starter from his Graveyard. Simon He banished the Hugin on his field and the Kaleido-Heart on Angeloff’s field. Next, Angeloff activated the effect of the Nessie in his hand and randomly discarded it. He used its effect to add a Jackalope from his Deck to his hand then used the Jackalope’s effect. He discarded a Dark Ruler No More from his hand at random, Special Summoned the Jackalope, and then drew a Nessie. Angeloff Link Summoned Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy next, and used its effect to Special Summon Spright Jet to his field. Next, he used Dharc and Jet to Link Summon Spright Elf and used the Elf’s effect to Special Summon Dharc from his Graveyard. Angeloff passed his turn.

Simon He activated Runick Flashing Fire in the Draw Phase to destroy Spright Elf and banish the top 2 cards of Angeloff’s Deck. Next, he used his Fountain’s effect to return 2 Runick Spells from his Graveyard to his Deck and draw 2 cards. He Tributed Angeloff’s Rulkallos and Dharc to Summon Lava Golem to his field next, and then Special Summoned Spright Blue from his hand. He used Spright Blue’s effect to add Spright Jet to his hand and then Special Summoned the Jet and used its effect to add Spright Starter to his hand. He combined Jet with Blue to Xyz Summon Gigantic Spright and used its effect to Special Summon Ipiria from his Deck. He drew a card with Ipiria’s effect and then activated Runick Tip to add Runick Freezing Curses to his hand and banish a card from Angeloff’s Deck. He sent Gigantic Spright and Ipiria to the Graveyard to Link Summon Spright Elf and then used the Elf to Special Summon Capshell from his Graveyard. Next, he Link Summoned I:P Masquerena and drew a card with Capshell’s effect. He Set 3 cards to his back row before skipping his Battle Phase due to the effects of his Runick Spells and then passing his turn.

Angeloff drew a card and then lost 1000 Life Points in his Standby Phase due to the effect of Lava Golem. He Normal Summoned Reinoheart and activated the effects of his Reinoheart and his Tearlaments Scream. Simon He Chained the effect of Spright Elf to Special Summon Spright Red from his Graveyard and Angeloff sent 3 cards from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard before using Reinoheart’s effect to send Havnis to the Graveyard. He activated the effects of the Scheiren and Havnis to Fusion Summon Kitkallos and Garura. He attempted to enter his Battle Phase and Simon He used Masquerena’s effect to Link Summon Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax in Main Phase 1. Angeloff then used his Mudragon’s effect to make the Mudragon a LIGHT monster. He then sent 4 of his own monsters plus He’s Avramax to the Graveyard to Link Summon Closed Goddess of the Underworld! Angeloff activated the effects of Garura and Closed Goddess. Angeloff used the effect of the Nessie in his hand and randomly discarded the Nessie. He attacked Spright Red and Simon He flipped Runick Destruction to Special Summon Hugin from his Extra Deck. He used the effect of his Fountain to return 2 Spells from his Graveyard to his Deck and draw 2 cards. Mudragon of the Swamp destroyed Spright Red in battle and then Underworld Goddess attacked Hugin to destroy it. Angeloff conceded, no longer believing he’d be able to win the Duel and wanting to conserve time with under 5 minutes left in the round.

Duel Three

Angeloff opened up Duel 3 with Tearlaments Heartbeat, Tearlaments Scheiren, Danger! Nessie!, and 2 copies of Mystic Mine. He activated Nessie’s effect and randomly discarded Scheiren from his hand to Special Nessie and draw Reinoheart. He used Scheiren’s effect to fuse it with Nessie and Summon Kitkallos. He used Kitkallos’s effect to add Tearlaments Scream from his Deck to his hand and then activated the Scream. He then used Kitkallos’s effect targeting Kitkallos and Special Summoned Reinoheart from his hand. He used the effects of Scream, Kitkallos, and Reinoheart. He sent the top 8 cards of his Deck to his Graveyard including a Skull-Mark Ladybug.

Once Simon He saw the Ladybug with 24 seconds left in the Round, he conceded. Angeloff would gain 1000 Life Points with the Skull-Mark Ladybug’s effect and win in time with higher Life Points at the end of the phase.

Dakota Angeloff finishes Day 1 with a perfect 9-0 record using his Tearlaments Deck after taking a narrow 2-1 victory over Simon He and his Runick Spright Deck!