Quick Questions: What Deck Is Winning This Weekend?
It’s always good to gauge what your competition is thinking will be the Deck that takes it all over the weekend! So we went to the floor to ask Duelists what Deck they thing is going to be piloted to victory this weekend. The answers were extremely similar, not to anyone’s surprise!
Pak Pamornsut – “I think Ishizu Tearlament is winning this weekend, best deck by far.”
Tristian Bridges – “My Deck! Ishizu Tearlaments, it has the most options.”
Steven Cervera – “Tearlaments with Ishizu Fairy cards, or Floowandereeze.”
Michael Hilario – “Probably the Tearlaments Deck with new Ishizu cards, that deck is scary!”
Esala Wathuthantrige – “Ishizu Tearlaments, it’s so much stronger than everything else, and it has answers to it’s counters.”