. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS San Jose, Costa Rica 2022: VIP Players
Home > 2022/11 – YCS San Jose, Costa Rica, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS San Jose, Costa Rica 2022: VIP Players

YCS San Jose, Costa Rica 2022: VIP Players

November 26th, 2022

The following players will enter the tournament with a 2-Round Bye and will receive static seating throughout the event:

Jesse Dean Kotton
Oscar Alexis Vargas Martinez
Jose Eduardo Montejo Peralta
Osmin Edgardo Arteaga Gonzalez
Gerald Yagans South Chaves
Orell Daniel Olivares Perez
Paulo Roberto Goncalves da Silva
Daniel Coto Grosser
Jesus Antonio Paredes Guauxochitl
Alejandro Garcia Moreno
Roger Alberto Cruz del Saz
Joseph Liou Tello Wong
Ander Inaki Asturias San Jose
Christopher Mora Abarca
David Mauricio Quintanilla Ochoa
Carlos Eduardo Martinez Velasquez
Oscar Mario Madrigal Hernandez
Juan Jose Rodriguez Carrillo