Home > 2022/12 Remote Duel YCS North America, Championships > QQ: The New Forbidden & Limited List

QQ: The New Forbidden & Limited List

December 10th, 2022

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The newest Forbidden & Limited List made quite a few shifts to the game as we know it, so we asked many of our Remote Duelists: What’s your favorite change?

By an overwhelming margin, people are happy to wave goodbye to Mystic Mine. It’s a card that was beloved in some strategies, while completely shutting down many, many, many more.

The second most popular answer was the return of Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmos to Unlimited status. These can be similar to Mystic Mine, in that they have the power to totally shut down certain strategies like Tearlaments. No surprise that the Duelists who liked Mine will gravitate to cards like these.

We did get a handful of other answers, such as seeing cards like Tellarknight Ptolemaeus Unlimited, or Herald of Orange Light Limited. And then there was Leonard Sacchetti, whose favorite change was that no Tearlaments were restricted. Shoutout to Leonard for knowing what he wants.