. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Remote Duel YCS Virtual Prize Wall!

Remote Duel YCS Virtual Prize Wall!

December 11th, 2022

Did you know that this weekend’s Remote Duel YCS features a virtual Prize Wall?

Duelists can earn Tickets for the Prize Wall by competing in Public Events, and earn even more Tickets if they do well in the Public Events that they enter. This works just the way it would at an in-person YCS event – except, since there are no physical walls for this Remote Duel event, the Prize Wall is virtual! Duelists can even transfer their tickets to other Duelists through a link, so that they can pool them with friends to earn more expensive prizes.

The most expensive item on this weekend’s virtual Prize Wall is a Super Rare YCS Prize Card of Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker, available for 150 Tickets. The next most expensive items are uncut sheets of cards and GIANT cards. Uncut sheets are available at a rate of 120 Tickets for the larger sheets and 100 Tickets for the smaller ones, and GIANT cards are available for 120 Tickets.

Other available prizes include special dice and Regional Deck Boxes. Lots of different Game Mats are also available.

Some Game Mats, like this Structure Deck: Legend of the Crystal Beast Game Mat, are available for as few as 6 Tickets.

Other Game Mats, like this YCS Top Cut Game Mat, cost 50 Tickets.

Regional Game Mats each cost 20 Tickets, and there are some very popular ones available, including this one:

There’s a wide assortment of prizes available at the virtual Prize Wall, so if you missed an opportunity to win one of these prizes when it initially became available, here’s a second chance to win it without even leaving your home!

You can find out more about the virtual Prize Wall and participating in Public Events here. Join the Remote Duel YCS Discord to check out the complete virtual Prize Wall for this event and start earning Tickets!