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Round 4 Feature Match: Daniel Plummer vs. William Woods

December 10th, 2022

Daniel Plummer from Ontario, Canada is Dueling against William Woods from Fountain Inn, South Carolina in this Round 4 Feature Match! Plummer is using a Tri-Brigade Deck that includes Cannon Soldier and Morphtronic Telefon so that he has the possibility of winning on the very first turn with an infinite damage combo, and Woods is using a Scareclaw Deck. Both of these strategies are unconventional, but only one of them can win this Feature Match. It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Plummer started off the first Duel by Normal Summoning Tri-Brigade Kitt and sending it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj. He used Kitt’s effect to send Tri-Brigade Nervall to his Graveyard and then used Nervall’s effect to add Tri-Brigade Kerass to his hand. Next, he Special Summoned Kerass from his hand by discarding Kitt and used the effect of Almiraj to Tribute it targeting Kerass. He used Kerass’s effect to banish one card from his Graveyard and Summon Scareclaw Light-Heart. Next, he Link Summoned Spright Elf and used its effect to Special Summon Kitt from his Graveyard. He then used Kitt’s effect to banish 2 cards from his Graveyard and Special Summon Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager. He discarded 2 cards from his hand to Special Summon Nerval from his banished zone with Bearbrumm’s effect and then banished 2 more cards from his Graveyard to use the effect of Nervall and Special Summon Fire Fighting Daruma Doll. He Link Summoned Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen next, and then Link Summoned Worldsea Dragon Zealantis using Shuraig as a Link Material. Next, he used the effect of Shuraig to add Rescue Ferret from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom next and then used Ferrijit’s effect to Special Summon Rescue Ferret from his hand. He then used his Ferret’s effect to Special Summon Cannon Soldier, Morphtronic Telefon, and D.D. Crow. Then, he used the effect of Worldsea Dragon Zealantis to banish all of his monsters and Summon them again so that their effects would no longer be negated. He used Cannon Soldier’s effect to Tribute a D.D. Crow and inflict 500 points of damage to Woods. Next, he used his Telefon’s effect to Special Summon a Telefon from his Graveyard that he discarded earlier when he activated Bearbrumm’s effect. He then used his Cannon Soldier’s effect to Tribute the Telefon whose effect he had already used. Woods conceded, acknowledging that Plummer had assembled a combo in which he could deal an infinite amount of damage to his Life Points!

Plummer wins Duel 1 with his combo involving two copies of Morphtronic Telefon and Cannon Soldier!

Duel Two

Woods started off Duel 2 by activating Pot of Prosperity. He banished 6 cards from his Extra Deck face-down to excavate the top 6 cards of his Deck and add Mask Change II to his hand. Next, he Normal Summoned Scareclaw Astra and used it to Link Summon Scareclaw Light-Heart. He used Light-Heart’s effect to add Primitive Planet Reichphobia to his hand and then activated the Reichphobia. He added Scareclaw Reichheart to his hand and Special Summoned it. He used its effect to add Scareclaw Arrival to his hand and then used Arrival to Special Summon Astra. He sent all three of his monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Scareclaw Tri-Heart. He then Special Summoned Parallel eXceed from his hand with its effect, and used its effect to Special Summon another copy from his Deck. He Xyz Summoned Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir next, and then Special Summoned Reichheart with Tri-Heart’s effect and added Scareclaw Reichheart to his hand. He Set 2 cards to his back row and then passed his turn.

Plummer drew a card and then entered his Battle Phase. At the end of the Battle Phase, he activated Evenly Matched! Woods banished all of his cards except for Bagooska face-down! Plummer Set a card to his back row and passed his turn.

Woods detached an Xyz Material from Bagooska and then activated Primitive Planet Reichphobia. He added Scareclaw Astra to his hand with its effect and then Normal Summoned Astra. It switched into Defense Position due to the effect of Bagooska. He Special Summoned Scareclaw Acro and then used his Reichphobia to destroy Plummer’s face-down Forbidden Droplet. Next, Woods Link Summoned Tri-Heart and then Special Summoned Reichheart. Plummer used Infinite Impermanence to negate its effect. Next, Woods used the effect of Tri-Heart to Special Summoned Astra and added Acro to his hand. He Special Summoned Acro and then attacked three times with Tri-Heart thanks to Astra’s effect to wipe out all of Plummer’s Life Points!

William Woods recovers from Evenly Matched to win the second Duel!

Duel Three

Plummer opened up Duel 3 by activating Fire Formation – Tenki to add Tri-Brigade Fraktall from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated the effect of Fraktall in his hand, but lost out to Woods’s Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. He Set a card to his back row and then activated Tri-Brigade Showdown. He Normal Summoned Fraktall and used its effect by banishing Fraktall from the Graveyard. Woods Chained the effect of Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood. Plummer Special Summon Scareclaw Light-Heart and Woods gained 500 Life Points. Plummer used his Showdown to return the banished Fraktall to his hand and then ended his turn.

Woods Normal Summoned Scareclaw Astra and used it to Link Summon Light-Heart. He activated Light-Heart’s effect to add Primitive Planet Reichphobia to his hand and then activated it. He used its effect to add Scareclaw Reichheart to his hand and then Special Summoned Reichheart from his hand. He used its effect to add Scareclaw Arrival to his hand. He activated it to Special Summon Astra from his Graveyard and then Link Summon Scareclaw Tri-Heart by sending all 3 of his monsters to the Graveyard. On its Summon, he Special Summoned Parallel eXceed from his hand, and Plummer flipped There Can Be Only One, stopping Woods from Summoning a second copy of Parallel eXceed with its effect. Plummer sent his Light-Heart to the Graveyard and kept Fraktall on his field. Next, Woods used his Tri-Heart’s effect to Special Summon Astra and add Acro to his hand. Next, he used his Reichphobia’s effect to destroy There Can Be Only One and then he Special Summoned Acro from his hand. Tri-Heart attacked and destroyed Fraktall, and Tri-Heart returned to the Extra Deck due to the effect of Tri-Brigade Showdown. In Main Phase 2, Woods Link Summoned Tri-Heart back to the field and used its effect to Special Summon Acro from his Graveyard and add a Reichheart to his hand. He Set a card to his back row before passing his turn.

Plummer activated the effect of Fraktall from his hand and Woods once again used Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop it. He Set 2 cards to his back row and then passed.

Woods Special Summoned Reichheart from his hand used its effect to add Scareclaw Arrival to his hand. Next, he activated Arrival to Special Summon Reichheart from his Graveyard. He activated Reichphobia’s effect next, destroying Plummer’s face-down Tri-Brigade Oath. Next, he Xyz Summoned Bagooska and then used Tri-Heart’s effect to Special Summon Scareclaw Astra and add Scareclaw Belone to his hand. He Special Summoned Belone and then attacked with Tri-Heart. Plummer flipped Tri-Brigade Revolt to Special Summon two monsters from his Graveyard and use them to Link Summon Ferrijit. Tri-Heart attacked Ferrijit and returned to the Extra Deck due to the effect of Tri-Brigade Showdown. Ferrijit’s effect activated to allow Plummer to draw a card and return a card to his Deck. In Main Phase 2, Woods Link Summoned Tri-Heart once again and used its effect to Special Summon Scareclaw Acro and add Reichheart to his hand. He Set a card to his back row and then ended his turn.

Plummer drew a card and then Set a card to his back row. In the End Phase, Woods flipped Cosmic Cyclone to banish Plummer’s newly Set card,

Woods drew a card and then detached an Xyz Material from Bagooska. He Special Summoned Astra from his hand and then used Tri-Heart’s effect to Special Summon Belone and add another copy of Belone from his Deck to his hand. Finally, he attacked directly with Scareclaw Tri-Heart twice to wipe out the rest of Plummer’s Life Points!

William Woods takes the win with his Scareclaw Deck in the Round 4 Feature Match!