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TEAM YCS Las Vegas Standings after Round 6

February 18th, 2023
RankTeam NameDuelist NamesPoints
1Team KanzenLuca C., James K., Harishanth J.18
2Back For SecondsStephen S., Dominic C., Alexander C.18
3Team Honorary MembersPakawat P., Dakota A., Shunping X.18
4Kentucky BoyzMichael G., Elijah G., Chester H.18
5D-boyzHector O., Zachary R., Andrew L.18
6MysticTCGMatthew B., Justin W., Jordan F.18
7Team Beige ATimothy M., Theodore H., Alexander F.18
8HikariGuangnan L., Shaozhou Z., Ji Z.16
9Slifer SlackersBohdan T., Ryan L., Nishaad L.16
10Legacy Card Gaming TTTri N., Tom K., Steffen E.16
11Charlie’s AngelsCreighton P., Jesse F., Roberto H.15
12Tears Every NightChristopher R., Peter K., Charles K.15
13Robert Andrew McNettCameron N., Caulin B., Ramiro G.15
14Fala Galera 4.0Luke P., Raphael N., Paulo G.15
15Team JRBMichael A., Jeffrey J., Maximillian R.15
16do your thing bluemaster21Luka F., Herman H., Anderson T.15
17PFKNRIan N., Mitchel R., Carlos L.15
18Worlds playoff competitorsKenny N., Brian C., Calvin C.15
19The CreameryJordan A., Griffin M., Oliver D.15
20Squiddy GameChancy W., Anthony E., Jordan V.15
21OzoneTCGLyric B., Howard D., Nicholas N.15
22RPA NLAAdan S., Micah G., Kyle C.15
23Team BeigeIgnacio F., Muhammad A., Logan A.15
24Team SchemeShannon L., William M., Matthew E.15
25Rulers Of The WorldAlejandro G., Jose C., Jose C.15
26Pitkin – Vu – PowellDeylan P., Johny V., Rasheen P.15
27Eat Your VeggiesBrian K., Caleb V., Ryne H.15
28Team: Can You Show Me The Combo?Turner B., Steven G., Kevin L.15
29Team Kinda SucksSpencer Y., Jiahao L., Morley T.15
30Sauce SpreadersNoah B., Mitchell M., Grabiel M.15
31Beef SquadAlexander F., Jose L., Jose V.15
32Team Xplaze OchampsChristopher J., Jonathan P., Aram A.15
33BurgerAlexander B., Steve H., Matthew R.15
34BobaTCGKaran S., Andrew N., Robert J.15
35Misunderstood GamingJose N., Adrian M., Eddie S.15
36Labyrinth GamingNathan M., Cameron K., Seth R.15
37Team plan BOmar B., Larry F., Austin M.15
383 Headed GoatChristopher L., Ruben P., Patrick H.15
39Next Gen GamingMaximilian K., Elmahdi Z., Tom M.15
402 World Champs and JohnRyan Y., John W., Charley F.15
41Sushi-Kimchi-HamburgerJongwon L., Thomas W., Yoichi M.15
42TCG BattlegroundAaron B., Jacob B., Damian M.15
43Nguyen – Tamez – CebrianKhai N., Michael T., Julian C.15
44Team GhostAnthony K., Brenden B., Kyle B.15
45Pandora’s ProdigiesCody C., Eric M., Lyle C.14
46TrifSamuraixcineYacine S., Ittipat A., Steven T.13
47Area 51Deilys F., Corey N., Dale C.13
48FrogboysNoah S., Dario G., Jonathan M.13
49Illustrious IllusionsBrian C., Leonardo V., Rene Q.13
50Lewis – Al-Ziyadi – PhanAntonio L., Ali A., Khoa P.13
51FC SNOWLoan C., Walid B., Afizi J.13
52Hey Soul SisterRyan M., Zachary B., Ed A.13
53TEAM BENDO CARD PLAYERSSamir B., Brice D., William L.13
54Bay2LAMichael M., Trenell W., Sagar R.13
55Jerry Beans Man’s Bean MenJulian L., Christopher L., Michael L.13
56Team BeverageBlake R., Viren A., Eric G.13
57Let It RipAbraham D., Noel A., Jiahuang W.13
58Team KashedGuillermo S., Alexander I., Payton P.13
59Team RIWDavid E., Braedon H., Thanh N.13
60The Berkley Coffee ShopAnthony G., Thomas R., Bruce Z.13
61BarbershopEnzo F., Walter J., Gabriel B.13
62Capybara StudsSean P., Austin C., Kody M.13
63A Scot, A Swiss, and a Latvian walk into a casino…Vladis B., Jordan G., Robin B.13
64Joel White’s Insurance AgentsSantiago G., Mohammed K., Adrian G.13
65NRG SweetiezDaniel P., Matthew S., Justin S.12
66Midwest GamingDavid F., Clifton L., Joseph D.12
67Tennessee TitansAaron L., Logan K., Michael F.12
68Zero Slash 10 Power SpikeChristopher W., Abraham K., Joseph K.12
69le-64-trahit-pasAli Y., David C., Wassim Y.12
70Illustrious illusions 1Alfred D., Bryan A., Daniel T.12
71Travis and Stephen SandwichTravis B., Steven S., Travis W.12
72BlackstoneAdam C., Nechemia G., Giovanny V.12
73The Cream TeamLogan J., Tristan B., Manav D.12
74Grantham – Yim – WootanTyler W., Justin G., Kevin Y.12
75Team Scheme 2.0Matthew N., Vivek S., Frank N.12
765pm Party of 3 Heck’s KitchenNikhil K., Anthony Z., Varun M.12
7724K! Los Pollos HermanosPete N., Ulises A., Michael S.12
78Global Swap ExchangeJordano G., Denny V., Maxell N.12
79Danger?! MST Negates?Andrij R., Matthew B., Coltin C.12
80Team SupremePatrick J., Denis N., Lexus W.12
81Eder was right on GodJose F., Karan G., Richard B.12
82Team All-StarJuan S., Benito G., Thomas N.12
83Team DQAnthony P., Sam J., Julian H.12
84First or Last GamingAnthony V., Kyle W., Andrew A.12
85Paulie want a carrot?Paul A., Benjamin T., Bradd C.12
86JHSHuawa X., Johnathan V., Sai V.12
87MJS CollectiblesCalvin S., Austen D., Jonathon L.12
88Chrome CrewAlejandro C., Michael B., Stephen J.12
89Team STARTristan R., Sensoulie H., Minh P.12
90Team Waiter!Abraham C., Eric J., Jose R.12
91Danger ZoneNoah J., Mitchell V., William D.12
92UCI AlumniXuhui Z., Bailey T., Yishan M.12
93Montreal’s finesseMaxim G., Anandeth S., Alexandre T.12
94Steel StrikersAdam N., Leon V., Leonard C.12
95House of ChumpsKenny N., Valeriano R., Richard C.12
96Kash MoneyIan U., Logan H., Fernando P.12
97FafnirBlake T., James V., Corey N.12
98TAHMID ZAMANSimon H., Hansel A., Ankit S.12
99Empty JarJonathan N., Jeremy V., Keith K.12
100Team 17th After SwissAlyse D., Justin S., Joshua K.12
101Banh GoonsHy N., Phillip T., Kenneth T.12
102Kash Me OutsideSebastian T., Hisam J., Nicolas O.12
103Team Durable + JohnFrancisco C., John H., Jhovany A.12
104The Gaming Metro Team BNnamdi N., Isacc Z., Dillon T.12
105NegativityRichard S., Adam B., Alonzo H.12
106DavidJoshMarshawnDavid R., Joshua R., Marshall N.12
107Marky, Marc, and The BoyMark M., Marc S., Quinton B.12
108Guu GamingJabin B., David F., Isaiah H.12
109Team Top DollarMichael K., Shawn R., Joseph F.12
110Raiza and the Floo GangNicholas D., Gavin M., James M.12
111Got DizzyMichael P., Andy L., Edmond W.12
112Draw QueensTyler B., Michael S., Veronica P.12
113HNG VFDAidan C., Logan M., Ethan C.12
114Top GsJoseph C., Daniel R., Daniel R.12
1151 and 2 Half MenMorgan J., Cooper M., Dylan H.12
116No Deck Check PlsScott X., Jackson R., Logan S.12
117NekogalsJoseph R., Alexander C., Gage P.12
118AlectryonJerome L., Zyair M., Ethan L.12
119They really scramblingCristian U., Hani J., Kamal C.12
120Coughing BabyTimothy R., Vince H., Max W.12
121Clean Up CrewJustin A., Austin H., Felipe G.12
122Open AI didn’t give us somethingRuben K., Keanu K., Johannes E.12
123Bemani Sound TeamKwang L., Angus Q., Kevin C.12
124Double Down on 12Anthony M., Alqoun S., Matthew B.12
125TeamSkylineGamingJason U., Craig H., Brandon W.12
126Don’t Think Too HardSiming Y., Christopher Y., Andrew S.12
127MS GOATSTrevor C., Larry N., Christopher H.12
128Primero o UltimoCarlos T., Alberto L., Danny L.12
129Identity CrisisBrandon L., Jesus G., Omar M.12
130Team Final PepperAnthony W., Ira L., Alexander V.12
131The Kevin SandwichKevin L., Zachary H., Kevin T.12
132Team MatrixShaunPatrick P., Adin L., Carlos L.12
133TierOneGaming 1Ronald L., Rhett M., Michael N.12
134It’s Been Too DenglongJose G., Tyler M., Dario T.12
135Leo LocalsElijah Q., Leonidas M., Eric S.12
136Bone-In WingsMarlon S., Quinn B., Carlos A.12
137Illustrious illusions 3Mario P., Jeffrey G., Jesus L.12
138Beans & RiceRoman A., Trevor D., Wesley L.12
139Sinister Gaming ABrian R., Ruben R., Abdiel G.11
140WHATSGOOD5Shawn N., Johnny A., Andrew X.11
141Hungry Burgers (Versus Games FL)Jorge G., Jean P., Yuyang X.11
142Cardforge ReloadedMichael A., Joseph R., Tyler B.11
143#DablessedDarelle L., John B., Dablessin W.11
144Draw broke!Eddie M., Kelvin B., Jesus B.11
145EndgameJesus F., Haoran G., Ryan M.10
146N3RD CULTUREDavid P., Jimy M., Andrew P.10
147LosersDavid P., Bowen L., Xirong X.10
148Dochi TCGIvan D., Omar N., Francisco D.10
149I’ll Take the Spin DipBlair H., Mark C., Oliver H.10
150Rodriguez – Ober – McKinneyAlberto R., Austin O., Kyuss M.10
151Toadally AustinAustin A., Christian P., Nicholas O.10
152Team JerseyKevin R., Bryan P., Nicholas M.10
153Team GeekedErnest R., Giovanni I., Robby A.10
154MDT HIRE GARRETRyan S., Garret S., Ricardo G.10
155Vampire Vamp Fan ClubJoshua G., Ryan M., Tochtli M.10
156Fato not GatoRaymond G., Fabian C., Omar L.10
157GeekedOutDavid G., Andres A., Audulio G.10
158The Adventure BeginsAntonio S., Owen L., Caleb W.10
1593mpireCameron T., Reginald B., David G.10
160GooberHenry G., Etienne B., Sean Y.10
161East LancasterAndrew A., Nicholas A., Kevin G.10
162Big Black And YellowJason Y., Alexander T., Randall J.10
163FederationWilliam M., Daniel A., Jean D.10
164The Rogue BrosEun H., Seung H., Richard S.9
165RagnarokEdward S., Michael J., Cecilio D.9
166Limes and Ping PongKobe S., Avery F., Aaron M.9
167Jose’s second choiceDaniel S., Michael T., Tej A.9
168Delicious6Christian D., Daniel D., Ryan C.9
169DragonSlayerAshia K., Timothy A., Jacob G.9
170Pop 1 PodcastAlexander V., Michael M., Jordan W.9
1712 and half menWilliam K., Gabriel G., Ambrose J.9
172Island BoyzJorge B., Francisco S., John O.9
173Team PogJim D., Billy G., Christopher K.9
174Shelton – Hess – NobleTyler S., Samuel H., Ethan N.9
175I.E BanditsMiles H., Abel S., Randy M.9
176Branded in BeigeRene F., Javier H., Carl G.9
177PCDKylar P., Dante S., Dillon D.9
178Team MokeyTroy Y., George S., Aaron G.9
179The Crooked CooksGavin A., Samuel F., Dallas W.9
180Legendary SanninJacob B., Robin M., Tyler T.9
181No Effect MonstersJames Y., Ezekiel C., Zayn B.9
182The GX JestersEmir C., Albert L., Arda O.9
183GGPHarold G., James G., Quang P.9
184Team KarasuKenneth D., Miguel M., Kathryn M.9
185TFTJet X., Allen W., Tam N.9
186Team BreakRobert R., Nicolas A., Johnel M.9
187X3 GamingMarcus C., David R., Juan V.9
188Draw The OutRicardo L., Jordan M., Kelley H.9
189The Card TroopersMatthew M., Juaquin C., Samuel R.9
190Drachen – Pyne – ContreasDario D., Anthony P., Gabriel C.9
191NavasAndres N., Ernesto N., Ismael N.9
192Team ThreeGabriel C., Eion V., Emmanuel H.8
193Chaos HuntersAdam-Michael A., Steven H., Joshua D.7
194Trip 7’sTommy Y., Anthony L., Hou L.7
195Barrera – Glenn – GarciaIsaac B., Michael G., Matthew G.7
196HaveYouReadMisc?Nathan B., Ryan G., Anthony M.7
197Scrubs AnonymousConnor A., Jesus P., Luis R.7
198ChungusByron S., Matthew A., Karim O.6
199GoldcrestDwight A., Chau N., Christopher G.6
200Kings of the Shadow RealmJonathan F., Bridger M., Darien L.4
201Fairy TailMichael C., Patrick E., Ivan G.4
202$500 cardboardDrew D., Aiden S., Noah B.0