Home > 2023/04 – 250th YCS Los Angeles, California, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > 250th YCS Los Angeles Bounty Duelists – now with cosplay!

250th YCS Los Angeles Bounty Duelists – now with cosplay!

April 1st, 2023

At each YCS, ten Duelists are chosen to receive a bounty! Defeating a Bounty Duelist will reward you with some booster packs, and the Bounty Duelist will get packs the more they win. These Duelists can be chosen for any reason. Sometimes it’s because they’re a champion, and other times it’s because they have a funny hat. Here’s a spotlight on a few of this weekend’s Bounty Duelists – including TWO ocean-themed Duelists?!

Forbes Ku is fresh off a Feature Match victory, playing Suships! Not only is he dressed for the part – his playmat is a custom made cutting board!

Forbes Ku

Known to many as simply “The Captain”, Douglas Haddad is the self-proclaimed best Plunder Patroll Duelist! Here he is giving his best impression of Blackbeard, the Plunder Patroll Captain!

The Captain

And here we have YCS Champion Manav Dawar! He won the 200th YCS in Columbus, OH, and he’s back to try for another landmark victory!

YCS Champion Manav Dawar