QQ: Fan-Faves From Cyberstorm Access
QQ stands for Quick Questions! YCS Philadelphia is the first YCS in the United States to follow the release of Cyberstorm Access. Featuring new cards for decks like Branded, Superheavy Samurai, and the World Premiere Gold Pride theme, it’s loaded with surprises and support for every kind of Duelist.
There’s a lot going on in the new set, so we asked duelists at YCS Philadelphia: what’s your favorite card from Cyberstorm Access?

“Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko! I like the whole Mikanko concept!” -Ramone Morro
“Bystial Dis Pater. I really like the artwork” -Oscar Flores
“My favorite card from Cyberstorm Access is definitely Purrelyly.” -Kevin Chen
“Guiding Quem, the Virtuous. I think it added good depth to the Branded Despia plays.” -Julian Perotti

“Guiding Quem, the Virtuous. I like the number of interactions it opens up, and it rewards you for being alert to the game state.” Dominique Roberts
There are plenty of new, tournament-defining cards that are poised to shake up today’s competition in Cyberstorm Access, including upgrades to themes from Amazing Defenders: stuff like Hu-li the Jewel Mikanko and the popular Purrelyly. Of course, the Duelists we spoke to were also huge fans of the incredible art featured on cards like Guiding Quem, the Virtuous and Bystial Dis Pater.
Whether you’re a competitor, a collector, or just finding your footing in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG for the first time, Cyberstorm Access has something for everybody.