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See The Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Prizes

May 27th, 2023

ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD is a fan favorite side event, and now it’s speeding up! Winning Giant Card versions of iconic powerhouses to hang in your dorm room, rec room, or office sounds awesome, and whether you’re an Obelisk Blue, Ra Yellow, or just a Slifer slacker, the competition is open to all. This weekend, Duelists can win either of these GIANT Cards, all found in the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box.

Ancient Gear Golem and Volcanic Doomfire Albion the Sanctifire are the Giant-sized prize cards for the Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! tournaments here at YCS Philadelphia!

Ancient Gear Golem is one of the most famous monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and one skilled scholar will take home Dr. Crowler’s ace card to keep and display forever! If mechanical mayhem isn’t your style, you can heat things up with Axel’s Volcanic Doomfire.

And even if you can’t be the first to the finish line, don’t worry! There are also smaller, but still very large cards reserved for 2nd Place and 3rd Place finishers. Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! events are massive fun, opening up lots of unique strategies thanks to the Skill Cards competitors choose to build their Decks around.