. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » North America World Championship Qualifier Survey Giveaway Prize: Rescue Rabbit Plush
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North America World Championship Qualifier Survey Giveaway Prize: Rescue Rabbit Plush

July 8th, 2023

Those in attendance at the North America World Championship Qualifier this weekend may have seen posts of a QR code around the event hall. If you haven’t scanned it, you should! It’ll take you to a short survey to give feedback to KONAMI to create BIGGER and BETTER events for Duelists everywhere!

Look at the trio of cuteness! Only one is awarded, because it would be an overload of adorable.

Rescue Rabbit is a fan-favorite card and Duel mate in Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL. These plushies are incredibly popular, and this weekend one Duelist in attendance will be lucky enough to take this home with them.