Speed Duel Finals Feature Match: Steven De Lara vs. Jara Sicking
Welcome to the Speed Duel finals! The final two Duelists are here, looking to claim the Ultra Rare Jinzo Speed Duel Prize Card! First up is Steven De Lara, from Orange County, CA, playing Vehicroids! This Deck uses the Syrus Skill Card Small Roid Big City to get the right monsters for any situation, and also as a way to put extra cards to use. He’s up against Jara Sicking, from Germany, who is playing in her first ever Speed Duel tournament! She learned about the format recently at YCS London, and clearly has taken an affinity to it. She’s using Vampires with the Yami Marik Skill Card Twisted Personality. This skill turns life loss into discard and destruction, and the Vampires have a lot of effects with Life Point payments. Sicking mentioned that De Lara was her only loss in the Swiss rounds – will she get her revenge, or will De Lara get a repeat victory? It’s time to Duel!
Duel 1
De Lara won the dice roll and chose to play second.
“What’s this hand?” Sicking laughed, as she revealed two copies of Golden Ladybug in her Standby Phase, gaining a total of 1000 Life Points. She Set two back row cards.
De Lara Normal Summoned Submarineroid and Set three back row cards. He attacked directly for 800 damage, switching it to Defense Position after. Sicking put a counter on Twisted Personality.
Sicking used both Ladybugs again. She flipped Vampire Awakening to Special Summon Vampire Retainer and used its effect, paying 500 Life Points to get another Awakening. Twisted Personality got another counter. She Set one back row card, then Tribute Summoned Vampire’s Curse. De Lara flipped Floodgate Trap Hole!
De Lara used Spellbinding Circle on the face-down Vampire’s Curse. He then used Small Roid Big City to destroy Spellbinding Circle and add Mixeroid to his hand. He Normal Summoned it, using its effect to Tribute Submarineroid and Special Summon Truckroid! He Set one back row card. Truckroid attacked and destroyed Vampire’s Curse, equipping it. Mixeroid attacked, and Sicking flipped Vampire Awakening to get Vampire Familiar. She used its effect, paying 500 Life Points to add Vampire Lord to her hand, and got her third counter on Twisted Personality. Familiar was destroyed in the End Phase, due to Awakening.
Sicking used the Ladybugs once more, going up to 5200 Life Points. She used Twisted Personality to destroy Truckroid. She flipped her third Awakening and Special Summoned Vampire Retainer, paying 500 Life Points to get Vampire’s Desire, and got a counter on her skill card. She Special Summoned Familiar by discarding a Retainer, paid 500 Life Points, and got Vampire Hunter. She Tributed Familiar for Vampire Lord, and activated Desire to swap Retainer with Vampire’s Curse! Vampire’s Curse attacked Mixeroid, and De Lara flipped Spellbinding Circle on Curse. Vampire Lord attacked, and De Lara used his Field Spell to send Submarineroid to the Graveyard, buffing Mixeroid to 2200 ATK. Vampire Lord was destroyed, and Twisted Personality got its third counter.
De Lara used Small Roid Big City to destroy his Spellbinding Circle and search for Steamroid. He Normal Summoned it and Set two more cards in his back row. Mixeroid attacked Vampire’s Curse, and his Field Spell sent another Mixeroid to the Graveyard so De Lara could win the battle. Sicking paid 500 Life Points for the effect of Vampire’s Curse. Steamroid attacked directly, dropping Sicking to 1500 Life Points.
Sicking gained 1000 Life Points with the bugs, and Vampire’s Curse returned to the field with a 500 ATK boost. She used Twisted Personality to finally destroy De Lara’s Small Roid Big City. She discarded Vampire Hunter to Special Summon Retainer from the Graveyard, paying 500 Life Points for its effect to add Vampire’s Desire to her hand. Vampire’s Curse attacked Mixeroid, and De Lara flipped Nightmare Wheel to protect his monster.
Nightmare Wheel dealt 500 damage to Sicking. De Lara put Mixeroid to Defense Position. He activated its effect, Tributing Steamroid to Special Summon Expressroid in Defense Position. Its effect returned 2 copies of Submarineroid to his hand.
Sicking gained yet another 1000 Life Points with the pair of Ladybugs. She Special Summoned Retainer from the Graveyard, discarding Familiar from her hand, but declined to use its effect.
Nightmare Wheel dealt another 500 damage. De Lara used Mixeroid, Tributing Expressroid to Special Summon Submarineroid. He Normal Summoned a second Submarineroid, and attacked directly with both of them. Sicking had just 400 Life Points.
Sicking gained 1000 Life Points with the Ladybugs. She used Twisted Personality to destroy Nightmare Wheel, then Tribute Summoned another Vampire’s Curse. She attacked a Submarineroid, and De Lara flipped Waboku! The pair of Submarineroids was enough to finish off Sicking’s last Life Points on the following turn!

Duel 2
Sicking chose to play second. De Lara Normal Summoned Vortex Trooper, shuffling two cards back into his Deck to draw two new cards. He followed that with Supply Squad! Then he used Small Roid Big City to destroy Vortex Trooper and add Mixeroid to his hand. Vortex Trooper and Supply Squad each let him draw a card! He Set one back row card.
Sicking had no Golden Ladybug this time. She Normal Summoned Vampire Retainer and Set two back row cards. Retainer attacked directly.
De Lara Set a monster.
Sicking Tribute Summoned Vampire’s Curse and Set a back row card. She didn’t attack, knowing De Lara had a 2200 DEF Mixeroid.
De Lara Normal Summoned Submarineroid. At the start of the Battle Phase, Sicking flipped Zero Gravity to prevent it from attacking.
Sicking flipped Vampire Awakening to Special Summon Vampire Familiar, paying 500 Life Points for it to add Vampire Lord to her hand. She then sent the Familiar to the Graveyard to Special Summon Vampire Retainer, paying 500 Life Points to get another Awakening. She Tributed it to play Vampire Lord, but it fell into De Lara’s Floodgate Trap Hole! Vampire’s Curse attacked Submarineroid, but De Lara had Sphere Kuriboh! Sicking passed with 2 counters on Twisted Personality.
De Lara Normal Summoned Drillroid, and played a second Supply Squad. He destroyed one Supply Squad with Small Roid Big City to add Mixeroid to his hand. Submarineroid went to Attack Position. Drillroid attacked Vampire’s Curse, and Sicking asked if De Lara would like to use Small Roid Big City to swap the ATK and DEF of his 1600/1600 Drillroid. De Lara laughed and declined, and Sicking used Book of Moon to flip Drillroid face-down, protecting her Vampire’s Curse. Submarineroid attacked directly, putting the score at 2200 to 2800, in De Lara’s favor. Submarineroid went to Defense Position to finish.
Sicking used Twisted Personality to destroy De Lara’s Field Spell. Then she flipped Awakening to Special Summon Retainer, paying 500 Life Points to search for Vampire’s Desire. She Tributed Retainer for another Vampire’s Curse, and switched her other Curse back to Attack Position. She destroyed Submarineroid and Drillroid in battle, and De Lara drew a card with Supply Squad.
De Lara Tributed both Vampires to hand over Lava Golem! Then he Flip Summoned Mixeroid, using its effect to Tribute itself and Special Summon Submarineroid. It attacked directly to drop Sicking to 900 Life Points.
Sicking drew, desperately needing a Golden Ladybug to stay in this Duel, but it wasn’t to be! Lava Golem dealt 1000 damage, ending the Match!

Steven De Lara is your Remote Duel Extravaganza Speed Duel Champion!