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Renowned Competitors in the Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament!

July 8th, 2023

This weekend’s Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament is a 2-day event played under the rules of the Advanced Format that was in effect at YCS Edison in April of 2010. This epic event has drawn out some top-Level Duelists from years past. Check out some of the YCS Champions and World Championship competitors participating in this weekend’s Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament!

Frazier Smith is a huge fan of tournaments played under the April 2010 Forbidden & Limited List. He won a Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event in Atlanta in November of 2010, and tournaments played under the April 2010 Forbidden & Limited List remind him of that time.

Frazier Smith

“I grew up playing the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME since 2005. I’ve played for over 20 years, and I like the April 2010 format because it’s very diverse. I appreciate that I can play one of many competitive Decks and all of them can win,” he said. Smith is using a HERO Frog Deck in this weekend’s Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament.

Thomas Mak won YCS Chicago in 2014 with his Bujin Deck, and now he’s competing in the Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament with his HERO Beatdown Deck using Deep Sea Divas.

Thomas Mak

“I like that there’s a huge variety of Decks and it’s a very strategic format. You have have to bait out your opponent’s cards and build up to your win card by card,” he said.

Sean McCabe never won a YCS, but he did compete in the 2013 Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship. He also took second place at YCS Atlanta in 2010 after losing to Frazier Smith in the Finals and took second place at YCS Toronto in 2014. Now he’s Dueling in the Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament to bring him closer to that era of Dueling!

Sean McCabe

“I like the variety of Decks in the format. There’s a lot of nostalgia playing it, too. I was 19 when YCS Edison happened. I also like seeing people from the past who play the format, who I haven’t seen in a while,” he said. McCabe is using a Gladiator Beast Deck in this weekend’s Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament.

A lot of Duelists from the past have come out for this weekend’s Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament, and they all say they’re having a blast competing in it! Follow the coverage to see which Duelist will prevail and take home the GIANT Black Rose Dragon!