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Brand New Public Event Prizes at YCS Vancouver!

September 9th, 2023

Public Events always have some amazing prizes at big tournament weekends, and here at YCS Vancouver there are 3 brand-new game mats making their debut! Yup, this is the first time Duelists have a chance to win these mats, so let’s take a look at what’s on offer…

On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!

The first of these 3 new game mats is the brand new Win-A-Mat featuring artwork from On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! This mat will be awarded to Duelists who claim victory in 8-Player Win-A-Mat tournaments starting this weekend.

Libromancer Origin Story

Rivalry of Warlords is one of the newest fan-favorite Public Events, where Duelists borrow a deck based on strategies they might not be used to seeing in regular competition. The newest Rivalry of Warlords prize is this fiery Libromancer Origin Story game mat!

Super-Nimble Mega Hamster

Finally, for Duelists who love taking a stroll down memory lane, this is the newest prize for Time Wizard tournaments! Super-Nimble Mega Hamster was widely played in the April 2010 format, which has become one of the most popular formats for Time Wizard events since they were introduced. It’s sure to be a big hit!

These awesome new game mats are all available here at YCS Vancouver. If you couldn’t make it out this weekend, don’t worry: you’ll have plenty of chances to get your hands on these mats next weekend at YCS Cancun, or next month at YCS Indianapolis!