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Home > 2023/09 - YCS Vancouver, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Finals Feature Match: Kody Manabe Versus Jesse Kotton

Finals Feature Match: Kody Manabe Versus Jesse Kotton

September 10th, 2023

We’re now at the end! 731 Duelists entered, and we’re down to the final two Duelists standing in the finals of YCS Vancouver! Kody Manabe and Jesse Kotton have each torn through the competition this weekend with their Unchained decks, and now they will face off in the last Duel of the weekend. Only one of these Duelists will come out on top, and walk away with a championship trophy and an Ultra Rare Anotherverse Gluttonia Prize Card. It’s time to Duel!

Jesse Kotton

Duel 1

Manabe won the die roll and chose to go first, with an opening hand consisting of Triple Tactics Thrust, Book of Eclipse, Dark Contract with the Gate, Tour Guide from the Underworld, and Unchained Twins – Rakea. He started by Normal Summoning Tour Guide, Special Summoning Fiendish Rhino Warrior from the Deck. He used the two monsters to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama, activating Yama’s effect to add Unchained Twins – Aruha to his hand. He used Rhino Warrior’s effect to send Unchained Souls of Sharvara to the Graveyard, then used Sharvara to Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained to his side of the field. He activated Aruha’s effect in his hand and targeted the set Chamber, and used the destroyed Chamber to Special Summon Unchained Twins – Sarama from his Deck. 

He then used Sarama’s effect, targeting Chamber to Set Chamber back to the field and destroy Aruha. This triggered Aruha’s effect, and Manabe used it to summon Unchained Soul of Shyama from the Deck. Shyama and Yama were used to Link Summon Unchained Soul of Rage! Then, Manabe activated Shyama’s Graveyard effect, destroying Sarama and Summoning Shyama to the field, triggering Sarama’s effect to Special Summon another Sharvara. Shyama and Sharvara were used to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Caesar! Manabe Set one card in his backrow and ended his turn. 

Kody Manabe

Kotton started his turn by Setting one card to his back row, and then Normal Summoning Unchained Twins – Rakea. He activated the effect of Rakea, targeting and destroying the Set card, which was an Abomination’s Prison. Kotton used the destroyed Prison to Special Summon Abominable Unchained Soul, and Kotton activated its effect, discarding a Book of Eclipse. Manabe didn’t respond, so Kotton destroyed the card Manabe Set at the end of his own turn, which was a Book of Eclipse! 

Here, Manabe activated the effect of the Unchained Soul of Rage, targeting the Abominable Unchained Soul, and Link Summoned Knightmare Unicorn. He used Unicorn’s effect, discarding a copy of Unchained Twins – Rakea, and targeting Kotton’s Rakea and shuffling it into the Deck. 

Kotton then activated Triple Tactics Thrust and added Triple Tactics Talent to his hand. He then activated Talent, trying to take control of one of Manabe’s monsters, and Manabe responded by activating the effect of his Rakea, destroying his own King Caesar, so Kotton took control of Rakea. This triggered the effects of Manabe’s King Caesar and Sharvara, allowing him to Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained from his Deck, as well as search for Dark Contract with the Gate. Kotton then activated the effect of Unchained Twins – Aruha in his hand, targeting the stolen Rakea and destroying it. 

This allowed Manabe to activate Rakea’s effect, Special Summoning an Abominable Unchained Soul from the Deck! He discarded Dark Contract with the Gate, and when Kotton didn’t have a response, he destroyed his own Knightmare Unicorn. This let Manabe use the effect of his Yama in the Graveyard and Special Summon Unchained Twins – Sarama from the Graveyard. Kotton then activated Unchained Soul of Sharvara in his hand, destroying his own Aruha to Summon out Sharvara, and Aruha’s effect was activated to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Shyama from the Deck. Kotton used Shyama and Sharvara to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama, using the Sharvara to Set an Abominable Chamber of the Unchained from the Deck, and Yama to get another copy of Sharvara. He then used the Shyama in the Graveyard, Special Summoning it out and destroying his Chamber, and activated Chamber’s effect to Special Summon Rakea. Kotton then used Shyama’s effect to destroy Manabe’s Abominable Chamber of the Unchained and his own Rakea, and used Rakea’s effect to Summon another Sharvara. Kotton used Shyama and Sharvara as Xyz Materials to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Caesar. He then entered the Battle Phase, and used Caesar to attack Manabe’s Sarama. Manabe attempted to use Sarama’s effect, but Kotton negated it with King Caesar! Kotton also used Yama to attack over the Abominable Unchained Soul. Kotton proceeded to Main Phase 2, and then ended his turn. 

Manabe drew for turn, and activated Dark Contract with the Gate, allowing him to add D/D/D Vice King Requiem from his Deck to his hand. He placed Requiem in the Pendulum Zone, and used its Pendulum Effect to destroy the Dark Contract and Summon the Requiem. He Xyz Summoned D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex, using Requiem as material, and used Machinex to destroy Kotton’s King Caesar while shuffling back the Dark Contract. 

This triggered Kotton’s Sharvara and Caesar, allowing Kotton to Set Escape of the Unchained and search for Dark Contract with the Gate. Manabe then activated Triple Tactics Thrust, adding Triple Tactics Talent to his hand. He then Normal Summoned Tour Guide from the Underworld, Special Summoning Aruha from the Deck. Manabe used Shyama’s Graveyard effect, Special Summoning Shyama and destroying the Aruha, and Summoning Sharvara from the Deck. Sharvara and Tour Guide were used as Link Material to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama! Yama added Unchained Twins – Aruha to the hand, while Sharvara Set Escape of the Unchained from the Deck.

Manabe activated the effect of the Aruha in his hand, targeting the Set Escape, Summoning Aruha and using Escape’s effect to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Disaster from the Deck! This was enough to force Kotton to concede the first Duel, giving Manabe a 1-0 lead. 

Manabe swarms the field with Unchained monsters to take the first game!

Duel 2

Kotton opted to go first in Duel 2, and started by Setting a card, and then activating the effect of Unchained Soul of Sharvara in his hand, Special Summoning it and destroying a Set copy of Escape of the Unchained. Escape triggered, Special Summoning Unchained Soul of Shyama from the Deck. Kotton used Shyama and Sharvara to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama, adding Unchained Twins – Sarama to his hand and Setting Abominable Chamber of the Unchained. Kotton used the Shyama in the Graveyard, targeting the Set Chamber, and used Chamber to Summon Sharvara from the Deck. He then used Yama and Sharvara to Link Summon the Unchained Soul of Rage

Kotton then Normal Summoned Sarama, and activated its effect to Set Chamber back to the field and destroy his Soul of Rage, which let him add Sharvara back to his hand. He activated Shyama’s effect to destroy Sarama, allowing him to Summon another Sharvara from his Deck. Kotton used Shyama and Sharvara to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave King High Caesar, Set two cards to his back row, and then ended his turn. 

Manabe opened with a hand consisting of Unchained Soul of Sharvara, two copies of Abomination’s Prison, Escape of the Unchained, and Change of Heart. Manabe started by activating Change of Heart, targeting Kotton’s King Caesar, but Kotton responded by activating the effect of Sharvara in his hand, destroying King Caesar and Summoning out Sharvara. Kotton used the King Caesar and Sharvara that were sent to the Graveyard to get Dark Contract with the Gate and Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained, respectively. 

Manabe activated Abomination’s Prison, adding an Unchained Twins – Aruha to his hand. He Set a card to the field, and then activated the effect of Aruha in his hand, destroying a Set Escape of the Unchained and Special Summoning Unchained Soul of Shyama from the Deck. Kotton responded by activating Book of Eclipse, flipping Shyama and Aruha face-down. Manabe activated a copy of Sharvara from his hand, destroying the Set Shyama, and then used Shyama’s Graveyard effect to destroy Aruha and Summon Shyama. It also triggered Aruha’s effect to Summon another Sharvara from the Deck! 

However, Kotton activated the effect of Nibiru the Primal Being in his hand, Tributing all monsters on the field! Manabe used Sharvara to Set an Abominable Chamber of the Unchained from the Deck. Manabe then Normal Summoned Unchained Twins – Sarama, but Kotton responded by activating his own Chamber, Special Summoning the Unchained Soul of Rage! Kotton activated the effect of the Soul of Rage, targeting the Primal Being Token and Link Summoning Knightmare Unicorn. He then used Knightmare Unicorn, discarding Dark Contract with the Gate, to return Manabe’s Sarama to the Deck. With few cards left to play, and seeing that Kotton still had several cards on the field and in his hand, Manabe packed it up. We’re moving on to Duel 3!

Kotton’s Knightmare Unicorn and Nibiru the Primal Being cleared Manabe’s field.

Duel 3

Manabe opted to go first in the pivotal Duel 3, opening with Unchained Soul of Sharvara, Unchained Twins – Rakea, Kashtira Ferir, Abominable Chamber of the Unchained, and Unchained Soul of Disaster. Manabe started by Special Summoning Fenrir, and using its effect to add another Fenrir from his Deck to his hand. He then Set one card, Normal Summoned Rakea, and used its effect to destroy the Set Chamber. He used Chamber to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Sharvara from the Deck, and then used Sharvara and Rakea to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama! He used Sharvara to Set an Escape of the Unchained from the Deck, while Yama added Unchained Twins – Aruha to his hand. 

Manabe then activated the effect of Aruha in his hand, destroying Escape and Summoning Aruha, and then used Escape to Special Summon Unchained Twins – Sarama from the Deck. At this point, Kotton once again used Nibiru the Primal Being! Manabe did have a response, using the effect of Sharvara in his hand to destroy Unchained Twins – Rakea. Although the Sharvara was still Tributed by Nibiru, it allowed him to use the effect of Rakea after Nibiru resolved, and he Summoned Unchained Soul of Shyama from the Deck. Manabe used the Token and Shyama to Link Summon Unchained Soul of Rage. Then, Manabe used Shyama’s Graveyard effect, targeting the Soul of Rage. Soul of Rage was destroyed, and Manabe used Soul of Rage to add Sharvara back to his hand, as well as banish Yama from the Graveyard to Special Summon Sarama from the Graveyard. He then used Sarama’s effect, Special Summoning Rakea and then destroying it, triggering Rakea’s effect to Special Summon the Unchained Soul of Disaster from his hand. The Soul of Disaster and Nibiru were used to Link Summon Muckraker From the Underworld! Muckraker’s effect was activated, Special Summoning back Manabe’s Sharvara as he discarded Fenrir, and then Sharvara and Shyama were used to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Caesar. Manabe ended his turn. 

Kotton started by activating Pot of Prosperity, revealing Pot of Prosperity, Unchained Twins – Aruha, Triple Tactics Thrust, and all three copies of Unchained Soul of Sharvara! Kotton added one of the Sharvara’s to his hand, then Set a card to his field and activated the effect of the Sharvara in his hand to try and destroy it while Summoning out Sharvara. However, Manabe negated Sharvara’s effect with King Caesar, detaching his own Sharvara as Xyz Material! With two Sharvara going to the Graveyard, each player used Sharvara to Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained to their side of the field. 

Kotton then activated Triple Tactics Thrust, adding Triple Tactics Talent to his hand. Kotton activated Talent to take control of one of Manabe’s monsters, and Manabe responded by using a copy of Sharvara in his hand, destroying King Caesar. Kotton took control of Manabe’s Muckraker! Since King Caesar was destroyed, Manabe got to add a Dark Contract with the Gate from his Deck to his hand. Kotton then activated Abomination’s Prison, adding Unchained Twins – Aruha to his hand, and then activated Aruha’s effect, targeting his Set Chamber. Chamber was triggered, Summoning Shyama from the Deck. Kotton then Normal Summoned Unchained Twins – Sarama, and used it to Set Chamber from the Graveyard to the field and then destroy Aruha. Aruha was used to Special Summon Sharvara from the Deck. Kotton then used Sharvara and Shyama to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama, and used Yama’s effect to add Sharvara from the Graveyard back to his hand. 

Kotton then activated Shyama’s effect in the Graveyard, destroying Sarama, and Sarama Special Summoned another Sharvara from the Deck. Shyama and Sharvara were used to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Caesar. Kotton then used the effect of the Muckraker he took, discarding Evenly Matched and Special Summoning Sharvara from the Graveyard. Muckraker and Sharvara were used to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn, returning Manabe’s only back row card to the Deck. He then used Unicorn and Yama to make the Unchained Soul of Anguish, and then used Anguish’s effect to target Manabe’s Sarama and Link Summon Unchained Soul of Rage. The Soul of Rage attacked and destroyed Sharvara, and High King attacked Manabe’s Life Points directly, dealing half damage thanks to Pot of Prosperity. However, Manabe was left with only one card in hand and no cards on the field. 

Manabe drew Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring for turn. He activated Dark Contract with the Gate, adding D/D/D Vice King Requiem from his Deck to his hand. He placed Requiem in the Pendulum Zone, destroyed the Dark Contract to Special Summon Requiem, and used Requiem as an Xyz Material to Summon D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex. At this point, Kotton activated the effect of Unchained Soul of Rage, targeting the Machinex to use it as a Link Material, and with no cards left to play, Manabe conceded. 

Kotton cleared Manabe’s board in the decisive third Duel!

And that’s it! Jesse Kotton wins his 6th Championship and is the winner of YCS Vancouver!