. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Here’s the list of Bounty Duelists for YCS Cancun, Mexico 2023!
Home > 2023/09 – Cancun, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Here’s the list of Bounty Duelists for YCS Cancun, Mexico 2023!

Here’s the list of Bounty Duelists for YCS Cancun, Mexico 2023!

September 16th, 2023

Bounty #1: 2023 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG World Champion Paul Aronson (United States)

Bounty #2: 2023 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG World Championship Runner-Up Mateo Renteria (Peru)

Bounty #3: Carlos Jesus Mercado from Mexico

Bounty #4: Paulo Goncalves from Brazil

Bounty #5: Hector Perez from Chile

Bounty #6: Gerald South from Costa Rica

Bounty #7: Bohdan Temnyk from Australia

Bounty #8: Andres Torres from Colombia

Bounty #9: Richard Coronel from Ecuador

Bounty #10: Oscar Alexis Vargas from Mexico