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Public Events Playoff: Random Points Winner!

September 10th, 2023

Every YCS features two Public Events Playoff events: 4-player elimination tournaments that each award an additional Super Rare Prize Card! One is for the 4 Duelists with the most Public Events Points collected over the course of the weekend, and the other lets 4 random Duelists who participated in at least one Public Event duke it out for another Prize Card! 

That means that here at YCS Vancouver, 8 lucky Duelists got a chance at a Super Rare copy of Anotherverse Gluttonia! And here’s the winner of the Random Playoff…

Benjamin McDow won a Super Rare Anotherverse Gluttonia with Dragon Link!

Kudos to Benjamin McDow, the proud winner of one of the first copies of Anotherverse Gluttonia ever awarded!