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Home > 2023/09 - YCS Vancouver, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 5 Feature Match: Marcus Siu Versus Ryan Leung

Round 5 Feature Match: Marcus Siu Versus Ryan Leung

September 9th, 2023

It’s Round 5 here at YCS Vancouver, and Marcus Siu and Ryan Leung are both currently undefeated at 4-0. Each of these two players is from British Columbia, and each of them is aiming to take home the title as the winner of their first home-town YCS! 

Marcus Siu

Duel 1

Siu won the die roll and decided to go first. His opening hand consisted of Dimension Shifter, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Pressured Planet Wraitsoth, Kashtiratheosis, and Forbidden Lance. During his Standby Phase, he activated the effect of Dimension Shifter from his hand. Then, during the Main Phase, he activated Pressured Planet Wraitsoth. Leung had Psy-Framegear Delta in hand and tried to negate the activation of Wraitsoth by using its effect, but Siu had Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, which he Chained to allow his Wraitsoth to resolve. He added Kashtira Fenrir from his Deck to his hand with Wraitsoth’s effect. Siu Special Summoned Fenrir, and activated Kashtiratheosis, but Leung activated Psy-Framegear Delta from his hand once again, negating Kashtiratheosis, and Summoned Delta from his hand and Psy-Frame Driver from his Deck. On the resolution, Siu used Fenrir’s effect to banish the Driver face-down, and then Set a card and passed his turn. Leung’s Delta was banished during the End Phase.

Leung drew a card for turn and activated Emergency Teleport during the Draw Phase, Special Summoning Psy-Framegear Delta. He Special Summoned Spright Blue, and used its effect to add Spright Jet from his Deck to his hand. Then he Special Summoned Spright Jet and added Spright Gamma Burst to his hand! Afterwards, Siu used Fenrir’s effect to banish Leung’s Spright Jet. Leung summoned Nimble Beaver, and used its effect to summon another Beaver out of the deck. He used the two Beavers to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix, and activated its effect by discarding Psy-Framegear Gamma to destroy Siu’s Set Forbidden Lance. Leung then used Knightmare Phoenix and Spright Blue as Xyz Materials to Xyz Summon Gigantic Spright with 3200 ATK. Gigantic Spright was used to Special Summon Spright Carrot from the Deck. Leung then entered the Battle Phase and used Gigantic Spright to attack Kashtira Fenrir. In the Damage Step, Leung activated Spright Gamma Burst, giving all of his Level/Rank/Link 2 monsters an additional 1400 ATK points until the end of the turn. He then attacked directly with Psy-Framegear Delta and Spright Carrot. In Main Phase 2, Leung used Delta and Carrot to Xyz Summon Melffy of the Forest, and used its effect to add Melffy Catty to his hand. In the End Phase, Leung Special Summoned Melffy Catty from his hand. 

With minimal resources on hand, Siu conceded the first match. 

With a board full of monsters, Leung is able to take Duel 1!

Duel 2

Siu chose to go first in the second Duel, with his hand consisting of Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Kashtiratheosis, Kashtira Fenrir, Kashtira Unicorn, and Kashtira Riseheart. Siu started by Special Summoning Kashtira Unicorn, and activated its effect to add Kashtira Birth from his Deck to his hand. He then activated Kashtiratheosis, targeting Unicorn, and Special Summoned Kashtira Fenrir from his Deck. He used Fenrir’s effect to get another Kashtira Riseheart. He then Normal Summoned Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, forgetting that Kashtiratheosis only allows him to summon Xyz Monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Siu Special Summoned Kashtira Riseheart, banishing Kashtira Birth from his deck and the top 3 cards of his opponent’s Deck. He then used Fenrir, Unicorn, and Riseheart to Xyz Summon Kashtira Arise-Heart and passed his turn. 

Leung started his turn and proceeded to the Battle Phase, where he activated Evenly Matched from his hand! Siu chose to banish the Ash Blossom he Summoned, keeping Kashtira Arise-heart on the field, and since a card was banished, Leung used Arise-Heart’s effect to attach Ash Blossom to it. However, in Main Phase 2, Leung Tributed Kashtira Arise-Heart to Special Summon Kurikara Divincarnate! Leung then Normal Summoned Nimble Angler, then Special Summoned Spright Blue, activating its effect to add Spright Jet to his hand. He Special Summoned Jet, adding Spright Starter to his hand with its effect. He then used Blue and Angler to Link Summon Spright Sprind, and activated the effect of Sprind to send an Angler to the Graveyard. He used Angler’s effect to Special Summon two Nimble Beavers from his Deck. The two Nimble Beavers were used to make Gigantic Spright, and Leung used Gigantic Spright to Special Summon Psy-Framegear Delta from the Deck. He used Delta and Spright Jet to Xyz Summon Melffy of the Forest, and used Melffy of the Forest to search for Melffy Catty. He Special Summoned Spright Red, and then in the End Phase, Special Summoned Melffy Catty from his hand. 

Siu drew a card and Special Summoned Kashtira Fenrir. Leung returned his Melffy Catty to his hand and got Melffy Pinny. On the resolution, Siu used Kashtira Fenrir’s effect to try to banish Spright Red, but Melffy of the Forest was used to negate the effect of Fenrir, as well as stop it from attacking. Afterwards, Melffy Pinny’s effect was activated in the hand, allowing him to Special Summon it and Tune it with Melffy Catty to Synchro Summon Herald of the Arc Light. Siu proceeded to Special Summon Kashtira Riseheart, but Leung responded by activating the effect of Spright Sprind, detaching an Xyz Material from Melffy of the Forest to return Riseheart to Siu’s hand. Then Siu Normal Summoned the same Riseheart, activating its effect and banishing Scareclaw Kashtira from his Deck; but Leung chose to negate Riseheart’s effect with Spright Red, Tributing Melffy of the Forest. Siu activated Kashtira Birth, using its effect to Special Summon Kashtira Unicorn, and used Unicorn’s effect to search for Kashtiratheosis. Entering the Battle Phase, Kashtira Unicorn attacked over Gigantic Spright. Siu then used Fenrir and Unicorn to make Number 11: Big Eye, activating Big Eye’s effect to take control of Leung’s Herald of the Arc Light. Siu used Big Eye as a material to Xyz Summon Divine Arsenal AA–ZEUS – Sky Thunder, and activated its effect to send all other cards on the field to the Graveyard before ending his turn. 

Leung started his turn by activating Spright Starter to Special Summon Spright Jet from his Deck, then used Jet’s effect to add Spright Gamma Burst to his hand. He then Special Summoned Spright Blue from his hand and got another copy of Jet with Blue’s effect. The Jet and Blue on the field were used to Xyz Summon Number 29: Mannequin Cat. Leung activated Gamma Burst, which allowed Mannequin Cat to destroy Zeus in battle, but Leung was locked into Level/Rank/Link 2 monsters because he had activated Spright Starter earlier in the turn, and so he was forced to end his turn. 

Siu drew for turn and Special Summoned Kashtira Unicorn. With Siu able to search for several cards, Leung chose to concede Duel 2. On to Duel 3!

Mannequin Cat can’t survive the upcoming swarm of Kashtira monsters!

Duel 3

In the pivotal third Duel, Leung chose to go first, starting off his turn by Normal Summoning Nimble Angler. He then Special Summoned Spright Blue, and used Blue’s effect to grab Spright Carrot from his Deck. Then, he Special Summoned Spright Jet, and used its effect to add Spright Double Cross to his hand. Leung used Blue and Angler to make Gigantic Spright, activating the effect of Gigantic Spright to Special Summon Psy-Framegear Gamma from the Deck. Gamma and Jet were used to Link Summon Spright Sprind, and Sprind’s effect was used to dump Nimble Angler to the Graveyard, allowing Leung to Special Summon two Nimble Beavers from his Deck. The two Beavers were used to make Melffy of the Forest, who once again added Melffy Catty to his hand. Leung Special Summoned Catty during the End Phase before passing turn.

Siu drew for turn and added Kashtira Big Bang to his hand of Evenly Matched, Kashtira Riseheart, Kashtira Birth, Forbidden Lance, and Lava Golem. Siu Special Summoned Lava Golem to Leung’s field by Tributing Spright Carrot and Gigantic Spright. Leung took the opportunity to activate Catty’s effect, returning it to his hand and getting Melffy Pinny from his Deck. Siu entered the Battle Phase, and in the Battle Phase, Leung activated the effect of Melffy Pinny, once again using Pinny and Catty to make Herald of the Arc Light. Already in the Battle Phase, Siu activated Evenly Matched from his hand, but Leung responded, negating it with Herald of the Arc Light. Siu Normal Summoned Kashtira Riseheart, and Leung responded by activating Spright Double Cross to Special Summon Spright Jet to his own field. This allowed Leung to use the effect of Spright Sprind, detaching an Xyz Material from Melffy of the Forest to return Kashtira Riseheart to Siu’s hand. Siu Set 3 cards in his back row and then passed his turn. 

Leung drew for turn and took 1000 damage during the Standby Phase, thanks to Lava Golem’s effect. He switched Lava Golem, Melffy of the Forest, and Spright Jet to Attack Position, then Special Summoned Spright Blue, adding Spright Red to his hand with its effect. Leung used Melffy of the Forest and Spright Sprind to Link Summon Knightmaare Phoenix, discarding Knightmare Corruptor Iblee to destroy Siu’s face-down Kashtira Big Bang. Leung Special Summoned Spright Red, and attacked directly with Blue, Red, Jet, and Phoenix. With Siu only having 2500 Life Points left, Leung attacked with Lava Golem, but Siu had Forbidden Lance, so Lava Golem could only deal 2200 damage! However, Leung activated Spright Starter from his hand during the Battle Phase, and with more than enough damage on the field, Siu conceded the Match. 

Despite Siu’s Forbidden Lance, Leung is able to activate Spright Starter to push for enough damage to win the Duel!

Leung takes the victory and improves to 5-0 on Day 1 of YCS Vancouver!