Top 16 Feature Match: Mustapha Ghanem Versus David Flores
We’ve made it all the way to the top 16! These Duelists can see the finish line but the pressure only gets more intense from here. Only 4 wins away from that Championship title, both Mustapha Ghanem and David Flores are looking to take that next step toward victory!

Flores Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and used its effect to Special Summon Fiendish Rhino Warrior from the Deck, then Linked both for Unchained Soul Lord of Yama. Flores triggered Rhino’s effect to send Unchained Soul of Sharvara and Yama to get Unchained Twins – Aruha to hand. He used Sharvara’s effect to Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained and then Aruha to destroy that Set Chamber. The Chamber triggered to Special Summon Unchained Twins – Sarama.
Sarama’s effect activated, destroying Aruha to Set Chamber. Flores then triggered Aruha to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Shyama. He Linked Shyama and Yama to Link Summon Unchained Soul of Rage and Shyama’s effect activated in the Graveyard, targeting Sarama to Special Summon itself. He then activated Sarama’s effect to Special Summon Unchained Twins – Rakea from the Deck. Flores Linked Rakea and Shyama to Link Summon Muckraker From the Underworld, then used its ability, discarding a card to bring back Yama. Next, he Linked Yama and Rage to Link Summon Knightmare Gryphon. Gryphon’s effect activated, discarding Escape of the Unchained to Set that Escape and draw a card. He Set another card to his back row and passed.
Ghanem opened with 2 copies of Kashtira Fenrir, a Rite of Aremesir, Kashtiratheosis, Pot of Prosperity, and Fateful Adventure. He led with Prosperity for 6, revealing 2 copies of Enemy Controller, Lava Golem, Pressured Planet Wraithsoth, Prosperity, and Kashtira Big Bang. He took the Golem and then Special Summoned it to Flores’ field by tributing Gryphon and Muckraker. Ghanem Special Summoned Fenrir, which prompted Flores to activate Chamber and Special Summon Rage from his Graveyard. Flores then used its effect to link with the Fenrir to Link Summon Unchained Soul of Anguish. Next, Ghanem activated Fateful Adventure, followed by Rite to Special Summon an Adventurer Token. Fateful triggered to get Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon to Ghanem’s hand, and he used Fateful to get Illegal Knight and discard Dracoback. Flores activated Escape, targeting Anguish and the Token to destroy both.
That triggered the effects of Anguish and Yama, Special Summoning Gryphon from the Graveyard and getting Sarama back to Flores’ hand. Ghanem followed up with another Fenrir and then activated Kashtiratheosis, but Flores had Book of Eclipse as his last Set card! That was enough for Ghanem to concede.

Ghanem let Flores start the second Duel. Flores Normal Summoned Unchained Twins – Rakea and Set a backrow. He activated Rakea’s effect to destroy the Set Escape of the Unchained, which triggered to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Sharvara from Flores’ Deck. Both monsters were used to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama, triggering the effects of both Yama and Sharvara. Flores added Unchained Twins – Aruha to his hand and he Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained from his Deck.
He used Aruha to destroy the Set Chamber and Special Summon Aruha. Chamber then activated to Special Summon Unchained Twins – Sarama from the Deck. Flores activated Sarama’s effect to Set Escape and destroy Aruha, which triggered to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Shyama. He Linked Shyama and Yama to Link Summon Unchained Soul of Rage, then activated Shyama’s effect to destroy Sarama and Special Summon it from the Graveyard. Sarama Special Summoned another Sharvara from the Deck and Flores Link Summoned Muckraker From the Underworld.
Muckraker’s effect let him Special Summon Yama from the Graveyard, and he used Yama and Rage to Link Summon Knightmare Gryphon; Flores Set Chamber from his Graveyard. Unphased by Ghanem letting him start, Flores had made the exact same opening as the first Duel. He ended his turn.
Ghanem opened with Kashtira Unicorn, Lava Golem, Evenly Matched, Kashtira Birth, and 2 Kashtira Fenrir. He tributed both of Flores’ monsters to Special Summon Lava Golem, then entered the Battle Phase. Flores activated Chamber to Special Summon Rage from his Graveyard. Ghanem activated Evenly Matched but Flores used Escape to destroy Rage and Lava Golem, not allowing Evenly to banish anything. Rage triggered to get Sarama back to hand and, since Flores destroyed his cards, he was free to trigger Yama’s effect to Special Summon Gryphon from his Graveyard. Ghanem Special Summoned Fenrir in defence and Set a card to his back row before passing.
Flores Normal Summoned Sarama and used it to Set and destroy Escape. He then triggered Escape to Special Summon Shyama from his Deck in the zone next to Gryphon. Next, he activated Shyama to destroy Sarama and Ghanem’s set Birth. Flores then triggered Sarama to Special Summoned Sharvara. Sharvara and Shyama were used to Link Summon Yama, which Flores activated to get another Sharvara to hand, while also Setting Chamber from Deck with Sharvara’s effect in the Graveyard. He activated Shyama’seffect on the Set Chamber and Ghanem had seen enough!

David Flores keeps his dream alive as he moves on into the Top 8!