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QQ: Which Deck Will Win YCS Indianapolis?

October 22nd, 2023

QQ stands for Quick Questions! We’re about to start the Top 32, and there’s still a wide variety of Decks remaining in YCS Indianapolis! I asked some of this weekend’s attendees which Deck they expect to win. Check out their responses!

Jimmy Ye

“Rikka, because I’m playing it and in Top Cut. Seriously though, the Deck is very flexible and adaptable. It has a strong end field and a lot of people don’t know how to play against it.” -Jimmy Ye

Yucheng Li

“Purrely. It’s the most consistent, and most tech cards don’t affect them. Consistency is the most important aspect, and it has a good matchup against the top Decks.” -Yucheng Li

Brendan Outlaw

“I personally think the Rescue-ACE Sinful Spoils Deck can play a lot of interesting tech cards and has a lot of representation, so I think it’ll go very far.” -Brendan Outlaw

Sebastian Rodriguez

“I feel like Mannadium will have good representation and will win. It has a good matchup against Tearlaments and other Decks.” -Sebastian Rodriguez

Nicolai Solo

“Purrely will win. It is underrepresented, but it’s the most powerful Deck. Players have to respect it, and I don’t think they are respecting it in this tournament.” -Nicolai Solo

Follow the coverage to see which Duelist and Deck wins YCS Indianapolis!