Round 4 Feature Match: Wyatt Brannock vs. Shunping Xu
For this Round 4 Feature Match, we have Wyatt Brannock, here from all the way in Prescott, AZ. He’s using an Unchained Deck. He’s up against VIP Duelist Shunping Xu, from Philadelphia, PA, using Sinful Spoils Rescue-ACE. These are two of the favorite Decks of the event, but only one can come out on top in this Match!
Duel 1
Xu won the dice roll and played first. He had a hand of Infinite Impermanence; D.D. Crow; Effect Veiler; Nibiru, the Primal Being; and Diabellstar the Black Witch. He Special Summoned Diabellstar, sending D.D. Crow. Its effect Set Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye. He flipped it, sending Diabellstar to the Graveyard to Special Summon Rescue-ACE Hydrant. Hydrant’s effect added Rescue-ACE Air Lifter to his hand. He Normal Summoned Air Lifter, adding EMERGENCY! to his hand. He activated it, sending Air Lifter to the Graveyard and Special Summoning Rescue-ACE Turbulence. But Brannock had Infinite Impermanence for Turbulence! Xu used Hydrant and Turbulence to Link Summon S:P Little Knight. He Set Infinite Impermanence and passed the turn.

Brannock moved directly to his Battle Phase, and activated Evenly Matched. Xu banished his Infinite Impermanence face-down. In Main Phase 2, Brannock Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Xu hit it with Effect Veiler. Brannock Set Escape of the Unchained, then destroyed it with Unchained Twins – Aruha. He Special Summoned Aruha, and the destroyed Escape Special Summoned Unchained Soul of Sharvara. He used Sharvara and Tour Guide to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama. Sharvara’s effect Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained, and Yama added Sharvara to his hand. He then used Aruha and Yama to play Unchained Soul of Anguish. It used its effect on S:P Little Knight, and Xu Chained Little Knight to banish both monsters. Brannock Special Summoned Sharvara from his hand, destroying Chamber. Chamber Special Summoned Unchained Twins – Sarama. At this time, now that no further effects were on the Chain, Xu played Nibiru, the Primal Being! Brannock lost his monsters, but gained a 3500/3000 Primal Being Token. Brannock played Pot of Prosperity next, banishing six cards from his Extra Deck, adding Infinite Impermanence to his hand. He Set it and passed. In the End Phase, Little Knight and Anguish returned to play.
Xu drew WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils. He banished Snake-Eye from his Graveyard, adding Hydrant to his hand and returning Diabellstar to the bottom of the Deck. He Normal Summoned Hydrant, and Brannock flipped Impermanence. Xu played WANTED, adding Diabellstar to his hand. He then banished WANTED for its effect in the Graveyard, returning Snake-Eye to the bottom of the Deck to draw Air Lifter. He sent Nibiru to destroy Anguish. Yama was in the Graveyard, and it Special Summoned Unchained Twins – Sarama and destroyed it at once. Anguish returned Sharvara to his hand. Then, since Sarama was destroyed, its effect Special Summoned Abominable Unchained Soul, which destroyed S:P Little Knight by discarding the Sharvara he just got back. Sharvara’s effect Set Chamber on the field. In Main Phase 2, Xu Special Summoned Diabellstar, sending his Hydrant to the Graveyard. Its effect Set Snake-Eye. Then he used Diabellstar and Nibiru to play Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy, which stole Anguish! Then he Link Summoned using Anguish and Brannock’s Abominable Unchained Soul for Accesscode Talker! Accesscode banished Little Knight to destroy the Primal Being Token. Then he used Accesscode and Dharc to Link Summon a new Little Knight, banishing the Set Chamber!
Brannock had no cards left, but he drew Pot of Prosperity! He only had seven cards left in his Extra Deck, so he banished three. He added an Unchained Twins – Aruha to his hand. He Normal Summoned it, sending it to attack and lose in battle against Little Knight. Aruha’s effect Special Summoned Unchained Soul of Sharvara, which destroyed Little Knight in battle.
Xu drew Effect Veiler. He Normal Summoned Air Lifter, and Brannock conceded, knowing the resulting combo would be the end of him!

Duel 2
Brannock started the next Duel with Abomination’s Prison, getting Unchained Soul of Sharvara. He played Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Xu hit it with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Brannock Set Forbidden Droplet, destroying it to Special Summon Sharvara. He Link Summoned Yama, which was negated by Effect Veiler. Sharvara’s effect Set Escape of the Unchained.
Xu had ALERT!, Rescue-ACE Fire Engine, and Turbulence. He drew Snake-Eye. He bluffed having Evenly Matched by moving to his Battle Phase, but then simply passed his turn.
Brannock Normal Summoned Unchained Twins – Rakea, destroying Escape to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Shyama. Shyama destroyed Rakea to Special Summon Unchained Soul of Sharvara. Yama, Shyama, and Sharvara attacked directly, dropping Xu to 2000 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Brannock Xyz Summoned D/D/D Wave High King Caesar.

Xu drew another Turbulence. He bluffed Evenly Matched again… and Set his Spell Cards.
Brannock wasn’t falling for it, and went straight into the Battle Phase, ending the Duel!

Duel 3
Xu started first for the final Duel, with a hand of Infinite Impermanence, Effect Veiler, Pot of Prosperity, and 2 WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils. He played WANTED in his Draw Phase to add Diabellstar the Black Witch to his hand. In his Main Phase, he Special Summoned Diabellstar, ditching the second WANTED, and Brannock had Infinite Impermanence to negate it. Xu played Pot of Prosperity, banishing six cards to add Rescue-ACE Hydrant to his hand. He Normal Summoned it, adding Rescue-ACE Preventer to his hand. He used Hydrant to Link Summon Salamangreat Almiraj, then banished Hydrant to Special Summon Preventer. He used Preventer and Almiraj to Link Summon Sunlight Wolf. Preventer Special Summoned Hydrant, and Sunlight Wolf returned Preventer to his hand. He used Hydrant and Diabellstar to Link Summon S:P Little Knight. He Set Infinite Impermanence.
Brannock went to his Battle Phase, and he wasn’t bluffing – he activated Evenly Matched! Xu used Little Knight’s effect, temporarily banishing it and Sunlight Wolf. Brannock Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld, and it was negated by Infinite Impermanence. He Set a second Evenly Matched and destroyed it to Special Summon Unchained Twins – Aruha. He then Link Summoned Yama, and it was negated by Effect Veiler. In the End Phase, Xu’s monsters returned.
Xu drew Silent Graveyard. He Special Summoned Preventer, banishing Hydrant. Then he used Preventer and Sunlight Wolf to Link Summon Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze, and Preventer Special Summoned Hydrant. Hydrant’s effect added Turbulence to his hand. He used Hiita to steal Aruha, and Link Summoned Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians, which Special Summoned Diabellstar. Diabellstar put Snake-Eye on the field. Then he used Snake-Eye, sending Diabellstar to the Graveyard to Special Summon another Hydrant. He banished WANTED from the Graveyard for its effect, drawing Ash Blossom. He used Hydrant for Linkuriboh, then that with Selene for Accesscode Talker! Since he’d used Selene as a Link Material, it shot up to 5300 ATK! Its effect destroyed Yama, and then Xu used Little Knight and Hydrant for Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy, stealing Yama! Brannock was left defenseless; Xu sent his monsters to attack and end the Match!

Shunping Xu is victorious with Rescue-ACE!