YCS Richmond GIANT Cards!
ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! is a fan-favorite Public Event, and with good reason. Who doesn’t love seeing GIANT versions of their favorite cards? This weekend there are 3 events awarding these GIANT-sized prizes, as well as oversized cards for the top-ranked finishers.
The retro format Ultimate Time Wizard Tournament is an extremely popular event, and the prize for this weekend’s tournament is none other than the legendary Xyz Monster, Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn!

A key card in more modern versions of the Lightsworn strategy, this stunning Giant Card’s already caught the eye of many Duelists this morning. It’s sure to be one of the most coveted prizes of the weekend, but winning it will be no easy feat: if Duelists want to add this marvel to their collection they’ll need to use all their skill to survive a 2-day gauntlet, and defeat every other competitor in the tournament.

Next up, the Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! event is awarding 2 different GIANT prizes. Both are popular Battle City cards, and both are found in their normal sizes in the Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City boxed set. Arkana’s Dark Magician is going to look menacing on the winner’s wall at home, intimidating all who see it. And a giant-sized copy of Anti-Magic Arrows is waiting for a second winner, a massive reminder to opponents that their defenses could mean nothing!

Then we have 2 cards from Age of Overlord for the classic ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! events. Duamutef, Blessing of Horus is a powerful card in any Deck running the newly re-imagined Horus strategy. And not to be left in the dust, Diabellstar the Black Witch was seen in the finals of the YCS in Indianapolis just a couple weeks ago!

Last, and certainly not least, a bonus prize for the YCS Main Event! If any duelist manages to go undefeated in the Swiss Rounds, they’ll be awarded with the oversized version of the current YCS Prize Card – Anotherverse Gluttonia. This is only given out if a Duelist manages to win every round they play before the Top Cut, so it’s a tough card to acquire, and only available to the most skilled Duelists.