Home > 2024/02 TEAM YCS Las Vegas, NV, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which Older Cards are You Most Excited to Use in the Time Wizard Formats?

QQ: Which Older Cards are You Most Excited to Use in the Time Wizard Formats?

February 25th, 2024

QQ stands for Quick Questions! We’re firing them out to Duelists on the tournament floor here on Day 2 of TEAM YCS Las Vegas. Time Wizard Format events are a great opportunity for players to use older cards in a competitive tournament setting. Today, we asked players which cards they’re looking forward to using the most. Here’s what they had to say:

Thunder Dragon Colossus was and always will be the best boss monster that has ever been invented.” – Aron V.

“I will always use Sky Striker Ace – Raye whenever I’m allowed to, regardless of the format.” – Billy C.

“I don’t know if this counts, but I love Normal Summoning Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind, cutting Stardust Dragon’s Attack Points in half, and destroying it in battle!” – Cameron T.

Heavy Storm just feels different. I know that we can play Harpie’s Feather Duster right now, but using it isn’t the same thing as resolving a big Heavy Storm in older formats.” – Ray K.

Pot of Greed, even though I always have to clarify for my opponent that it allows me to draw two cards.” – Justin C.

There are tons of players here excited to participate in lots of Time Wizard format tournaments throughout the weekend. Stay tuned to see which players come out on top of the Ultimate Time Wizard event!