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TEAM YCS Las Vegas Dragon Duel Championship Playoff!

February 25th, 2024

At each YCS, the winner of the Saturday and Sunday Dragon Duel tournaments face off against each other, with the winner crowned as the Dragon Duel Champion of the weekend! Today, we have Shaun L, the Saturday winner, taking on Gabriel T, Sunday’s winner. The victor of this match will take home a Championship Trophy and a set of Super Rare Darklord YCS Prize Cards! It’s time to Duel!

Gabriel T.

Gabriel chose to go first. Shaun activated Dimension Shifter in the Standby Phase, but Gabriel responded with Called by the Grave! Gabriel followed it up with Branded Fusion, sending Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws and Fallen of Albaz to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon Rindbrumm the Striking Dragon. He then used the effect of Gazelle to search for Cornfield Coatl, discarded the Coatl to search for Mirror Swordknight, and Normal Summoned the Swordknight. Next, he activated its effect, tributing Swordknight to Special Summon Big-Winged Berfomet from the Deck! He tried to activate its effect, but Shaun responded with Infinite Impermanence. Gabriel Set a card to his backrow and ended his turn. 

Shaun drew a card for turn and looked down at a hand of Swordsoul Emergence, Heavenly Dragon Circle, and two copies of Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan. He activated Emergence, but Gabriel responded with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring! Shaun then discarded one copy of Longyuan to Summon the other, along with a Swordsoul Token. He then used the two monsters to Synchro Summon Baronne de Fleur, and in the process inflicted 1200 damage to Gabriel. 

Next, Shaun used Baronne to try to destroy Rindbrumm; Gabriel chained Rindbrumm to try and return Baronne to the Extra Deck, Shaun used Baronne to negate Rindbrumm, and Gabriel concluded the chain by activating Super Polymerization, fusing his Rindbrumm and Berfomet to make Predaplant Dragostapelia. Gabriel used Berfomet to Special Summon Swordknight from his Graveyard, then Shaun entered the Battle Phase and used Baronne to destroy Dragostepelia. Before Shaun could end his turn, he activated the effect of his Rindbrumm, Special Summoning it and banishing Fallen of Albaz. He also used Swordknight to Special Summon another Berfomet from the Deck, using its effect to search for a Gazelle and Chimera Fusion

Gabriel started his next turn by activating Chimera Fusion, fusing Berfomet and Gazelle from his hand to Special Summon Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts. He used Berfomet to revive Swordknight, and Gazelle to add a Coatl from Deck, then discarded the Coatl to search for another Swordknight. Since he controls Rindbrumm, Gabriel was then able to Special Summon Springans Kitt and search for a Branded Fusion. He then activated it to send Albaz and Bystial Druiswurm to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon Lubellion the Searing Dragon. He used Lubellion’s effect, discarding Chimera Fusion to Fusion Summon Chimera the Illusion Beast. With so many big monsters on Gabriel’s board, Shaun conceded the first Duel. 

Shaun’s Baronne de Fleur isn’t enough against Gabriel’s field of monsters

Shaun chose to go first this time, and opened with Swordsoul Emergence, Swordsoul Blackout, Infinite Impermanence, and two Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan. He activated Emergence, but Gabriel responded with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. He then discarded one Longyuan to summon the other and a Swordsoul Token, then used the two to Synchro Summon Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign – Qixing Longyuan. He then Set two cards and ended his turn. 

Gabriel activated Impermanence, targeting the Qixing Longyuan, and Shaun chained Qixing Longyuan’s effect, banishing the Impermanence and inflicting 1200 damage to Gabriel. Next, Gabriel discarded Cornfield Coatl, searching for Mirror Swordknight, then Normal Summoned the Swordknight and tributed it to Special Summon Big-Winged Berfomet. However, Berrfomet’s effect was negated by Shaun’s own Impermanence! Gabriel activated Branded Regained and then ended his turn. 

Shaun drew Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous for turn and Normal Summoned it, using its effect to Special Summon Swordsoul of Taia from the Deck. Taia banished Emergence from the Graveyard to Special Summon a token, and then used Emergence’s effect to lower Taia’s Level by 1. Shaun then used the Taia and the token to Synchro Summon Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing. He used Taia’s effect to send Tenyi Spirit – Shthana to the Graveyard, attacked Gabriel directly with Qixing Longyuan and Yazi, and then ended his turn. 

Shaun L.

Gabriel started by Normal Summoning Swordknight, and tributes it to Special Summon another Berfomet from the Deck. Shaun responded, banishing the Berfomet with Qixing Longyuan, but Gabriel was still able to search for Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws and Chimera Fusion. Gabriel attempted to activate the effect of Regained, but Shaun used Qixing Longyuan to banish Regained and inflict another 1200 damage. Next, Gabriel activated Chimera Fusion, using Berfomet and Gazelle from his hand to Fusion Summon Chimera the King of Mythical Beasts. He used the Berfomet and Gazelle to Summon back Swordknight and search for Cornfield Coatl. He then added Chimera Fusion back to his hand and activated it again, using Coatl from his hand plus Mirror and Chimera on the field to Summon Guardian Chimera! Gabriel used the Guardian to destroy Qixing Longyuan and Yazi as well as draw a card, Shaun used the destroyed Yazi to Summon Swordsoul of Taia from the Deck. Gabriel used Guardian to attack Taia, Set a card, and then ended his turn. 

Shaun drew his third Longyuan for turn! However, it was the only card in his hand, and he was not able to Summon it, so he passed his turn. However, during the End Phase, Gabriel used his King of Mythical Beasts to Special Summon another Berfomet from his Deck, and used it to search for another Gazelle and Chimera Fusion

Gabriel started his turn by Normal Summoning Springans Kitt and searching for Branded Fusion. Next, he activated the Chimera Fusion, using a Gazelle and Berfomet to make a King of Mythical Beasts. Once again, Gabriel used Gazelle and Berfomet to search for Coatl and revive Swordknight. He discarded the Coatl to search for another Swordknight, then activated Branded Fusion, sending Fallen of Albaz and Springans Kitt to the Graveyard to Summon Lubellion the Searing Dragon, then activated Lubellion’s effect, discarding Swordknight to Summon Chimera the Illusion Beast. With Shaun having no monsters to defend himself, Gabriel entered the Battle Phase and won the second Duel.

Gabriel attacks directly to win the second Duel!

Gabriel T. is the TEAM YCS Las Vegas Dragon Duel Champion!