Home > 2024/02 TEAM YCS Las Vegas, NV, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > TEAM YCS Las Vegas: Standings after Round 9

TEAM YCS Las Vegas: Standings after Round 9

February 25th, 2024
RankPlayer Name
1TrueRoof: Santiago G., Adrian G., Alexander H.
2Supreme Pro: Hansel A., Pakawat P., Ittipat A.
3Squiddy: Chancy W., Anthony E., Calvin C.
4Amano-Iwatoe: Minsu P., Matthew B., Cole G.
5Storm of Ragnarok: Joo A., Luka F., David F.
6Dboyz: Michael T., Zachary R., Khai N.
72 Doods: Levi D., Gary S., Rashad J.
8Zero mortals plan: Jarred R., Chancellor M., Tyler B.
9Fala Galera and The Disciples: Paulo G., Gabriel D., Michel D.
10This is too long: Ruben P., Kamal C., Jose S.
11Team Ragnarok: Corey N., James V., Blake T.
12Three P(Eat): Michael A., Dominic C., Ryan L.
13Wakanda and Friend: Dablessin W., Ashley G., Darelle L.
14Normal Summon Aleister: Siming Y., Christopher Y., Ian B.
15JJA: Joseph B., Aaron C., Jarvanta D.
16Good At Yugioh: Maximillian R., Jeffrey J., Vladis B.
17Sebastian Wesley Todd: Cameron N., Cristian U., Walter J.
18Casino After?: Daniel S., Logan S., Tej A.
19Team J.A.B: Albert L., Jordan S., Bryan M.
20MJS Collectibles: Liborio B., Anandeth S., Mustapha G.
21The Jawhari Brothers: Christopher L., Hani J., Hisam J.
22Team Sunrise with Sue Young: Chuong N., Antonio L., Gibran E.
23Gavin?s Mercenaries: Steve H., Alexander J., Andrei A.
24Lets Oge: Poe J., Panagiotis M., Jonah S.
25scythecord: Elijah Q., Christopher K., Ramiro S.
26Cintucky Boys: Justin S., Sean P., Michael G.
27Council of Robina: Steven S., Aaron M., Sebastian M.
28We Past That: Irvine O., Oscar O., Christopher L.
29The Xu Brothers and Lou: Shunping X., Anthony X., Yaozhong L.
30Papitos: Manuel B., Christian D., Jose O.
31Hidden Collectibles: Kameron T., Dillon C., Juan M.
32This top is for you Daniel: Donovan N., Nicolo M., Michael D.
33Dino Nuggets: Raymond D., Braedon H., Thanh N.
34Failure Management: Brandon L., Alex C., Julie T.
35Hooked on Ponix: Omar B., Aaron L., Jacob M.
362 Harolds and Kumar: Nathan S., Hurnake D., Phillip E.
37PM: Bryan D., Uhan C., Chanz E.
38Stovie Torbies: Kenny N., Ryan Y., Brian C.
39Team Robert Gaming: Robert M., William C., Benjamin M.
40Oh mon dieu?!: William W., Enzo F., Gabriel S.
41Blue-Eyes White Claw: Ryne H., Brian K., Caleb V.
42GVYC: Anthony P., Sam J., Julian H.
43Disturbing the Peace: Christopher M., Javius S., Edgard R.
44Back By Poplar Demand: Mason B., Tyler P., John L.
45554: Juan A., Dinh P., Tom M.
46You know how I get: Keegan S., Jackson R., Mitchell M.
47yee?s next door: Denis N., Andres T., Roberto H.
48KnightmareTCG: Miles H., Abel S., Kevin M.
49Team VCG: Minh P., Travis P., Tristan R.
50Bluenited Kingdom: Carl R., Luke B., Kalil S.
51Apostles of Z-arc: Ian C., Lijie D., Kevin H.
52Spicy Hot Salty Sailors: Chimmey N., Anthony C., Jonathan G.
53Bubble Bois: George S., Matthew G., Jonathon N.
54Mammals Gaming: Steven O., Vivek S., Farukh B.
55Malevolent Kitchen: Kevin G., Gage H., Dawson W.
56CGAP: Kevin L., Russell C., Evan B.
57CardCar D Lab: Chris N., Colby N., Dominick T.
58Slim & Huskies: Malik W., Alexander D., Joshua C.
59Team Goonsquad: Everett M., Brandon D., Thomas M.
61The POWA PUFF POPLARS: John W., Gabriel B., Blair H.
62Ozone TCG: Lyric B., Nicholas N., Howard D.
63X-0: Thomas R., Grabiel M., Patrick H.
65Young Fog: Rich C., Richard C., Dominik N.
66Ale House Aces: Joe W., Victor S., Estefan L.
67Team One: Jack A., Trevor M., Edwin F.
69Team Main Phaze: Ezequiel A., Adrian M., Jose O.
70dab apples: Allen C., Bruce M., Daniel G.
71Team already lou: Junxiang S., Wenbo G., Jingyang G.
74There?s Food at the House!: Andres E., Giovanni G., Andy G.
76Team No Flaregate: Ricardo L., Nicholas S., Adam H.
77The Girlies: Timothy M., Brian K., Chloe C.
78Trendy Frog House: Jose C., Guillermo M., Sergio C.
86Team PWP: Matthew W., Jose P., Luis P.
89Viva Las Vegas: Rennie W., Rennard W., Charlie S.
92Infinite Fire: Robert C., Joseph S., Ondrae M.