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Welcome To TEAM YCS Las Vegas!

February 24th, 2024

A new era of Dueling has begun! Last weekend we watched format-defining cards from the new Phantom Nightmare booster set in action, at the Undisputed Ultimate Duelist Series Championship in Los Angeles, and the TEAM Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series in San Jose. 

The impact was immediate: Jesse Kotton captured the title of Undisputed UDS Champion with a Fire King Snake-Eyes Deck, while all three members of the two-time Championship-winning “Team Kids Next Door” – Kamal Crooks, Ruben Penaranda, and Pak Pamornsut – piloted pure Snake-Eyes Decks to victory. They weren’t alone: Snake-Eyes decks captured the majority of the Top Cut seats in both Championships.

But Snake-Eyes cards weren’t all we saw in the Top Cut! The Voiceless Voice Ritual theme made its debut in Phantom Nightmare, revamping old Ritual Monsters with a stunning array of new abilities. The Deck was all over the Top 8 and Top 4 in San Jose; wildly impressive for an entirely new strategy. Branded Decks featuring the Albaz lore monsters also topped both tournaments, and Kashtira re-emerged as a powerhouse of Graveyard-hate.

That brings us to now: one week into the Phantom Nightmare season, a stunning 1,713 Duelists have gathered here at the The Expo, at the World Market Center in Las Vegas! Just like last weekend this is a TEAM YCS event: allies and rivals will unite to share their skills, resources, and knowledge, forming Dueling trios to tackle opposing teams. This weekend is a competition, make no mistake, but it’s also a celebration of the friendship and teamwork that’s so central to the spirit of the Yu-Gi-Oh! brand. And with 571 teams competing this weekend, this is the biggest TEAM YCS in Dueling history!

Now that the Poplar’s out of the bag we these teams will surely pull out all the stops to try and beat the expected field. But Snake-Eyes Duelists will be innovating as well, so the field’s full of possibilities here at the start of Day 1.

Will Snake-Eyes take another Championship? Will Voiceless Voice find even more victories? Or could a creative Duelist steal the win with some spicy surprises? We’ll answer those questions and more over the next two days of competition.

Day 1 is about to kick off! Welcome Duelists and Duel fans, to the first North American YCS of the year, in one of the most iconic card gaming capitals of the world. Welcome to TEAM YCS Las Vegas!