. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 3rd Place Playoff: Levi Dudley vs. Austin Colling
Home > 2024/04 YCS Raleigh, NC, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > 3rd Place Playoff: Levi Dudley vs. Austin Colling

3rd Place Playoff: Levi Dudley vs. Austin Colling

April 21st, 2024

While the Grand Finals play out on the livestream, we have another battle taking place. In this Feature Match, we determine the all-important question: Who’s in 3rd?

Levi Dudley, from Columbus, GA, is facing Austin Colling, from Cleveland, OH. We’ve got Dudley’s Fire King Snake-Eye Deck against Colling’s pure Snake-Eye Deck. This isn’t just for bragging rights – the winner of this Match will claim a Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card Anotherverse Gluttonia!

Duel 1

Colling won the dice roll, playing first. He started with Bonfire, adding Snake-Eye Ash to his hand. He Normal Summoned it, and Dudley activated Infinite Impermanence to negate its effects. Colling played Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, which placed Snake-Eyes Poplar in his back row. He then played Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye, sending Poplar to the Graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eye Oak. Oak Special Summoned Poplar. He used Oak’s effect, sending itself and Ash to the Graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon. Then he used Flamberge and Poplar to Link Summon I:P Masquerena. Poplar’s effect put Flamberge in the back row, and Flamberge’s effect Special Summoned Ash and Oak. He used I:P Masquerena and Ash to Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, then had that Special Summon Ash. He used Oak and Princess to Link Summon Salamangreat Raging Phoenix. Then he used Ash’s effect, sending itself and Flamberge to the Graveyard to Special Summon a second Flamberge from the Deck. He used the new Flamberge’s effect to put I:P Masquerena in his back row. He used Raging Phoenix to Link Summon Worldsea Dragon Zealantis, then used its effect to banish it and Special Summon it in the Main Monster Zone.

Dudley had a hand of Snake-Eye Oak, Snake-Eye Ash, Bonfire, and Fire King High Avatar Kirin. He drew Diabellstar the Black Witch. Dudley started with Snake-Eye Ash, adding Legendary Fire King Ponix to his hand. He played Bonfire to find Poplar, and Special Summoned it. Poplar put Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye in his hand. Colling used his Flamberge to Special Summon his I:P Masquerena, then used I:P Masquerena with Flamberge to Link Summon S:P Little Knight. He activated Flamberge’s effect, then Little Knight’s effect to banish Poplar. Dudley responded with Kirin’s effect in the hand, and Colling Chained with Little Knight’s Quick Effect, banishing itself and Dudley’s Ash. Ash and Little Knight were temporarily banished, then Dudley’s Kirin was Special Summoned by destroying his Poplar. Little Knight’s first effect now had no target, and Flamberge revived Colling’s Oak and Poplar.

Levi Dudley

Since his FIRE monster was destroyed, Dudley activated Ponix’s effect in his hand to Special Summon it. He also used Poplar’s effect to place itself in his back row, and Colling’s Oak put Ash into his hand. Ponix hit the field, but Colling had Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill to negate it. Dudley used Kirin and Ponix to Link Summon Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze, and he took 500 damage due to Ghost Mourner. When Hiita hit the field, Colling used Promethean Princess’s effect in the Graveyard, targeting his own Poplar and Dudley’s Hiita. Colling then Chained Divine Temple to steal Dudley’s Poplar from the back row. Princess hit the field, and Dudley’s destroyed Hiita let him add Fire King Avatar Arvata from his Deck to his hand. He pitched Arvata to Special Summon Diabellstar, which Set WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils. He activated Original Sinful Spoils to Special Summon the Snake-Eye Oak in his hand, and Oak Special Summoned his banished Ash. He used Ash to Link Summon Relinquished Anima, then used that and Oak to Link Summon Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy! Dharc Special Summoned Colling’s I:P Masquerena. He used both monsters to Link Summon his own Promethean Princess, and used it to Special Summon Oak. He was running out of fuel, and he realized he wasn’t overcoming Colling’s field of monsters. He conceded the first Duel.

Duel 2

Dudley chose to play first this time, and had a hand of Flamberge, Kirin, Crossout Designator, and two copies of Bonfire. He played Bonfire, getting Snake-Eye Ash. He Normal Summoned it to use its effect. Colling responded with Effect Veiler, and Dudley Chained Kirin to destroy Ash in response. Dudley Special Summoned Kirin, and Ash’s effect added Poplar to his hand. He Special Summoned Poplar, which added Original Sinful Spoils to his hand. He used Kirin and Poplar to Link Summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf, with Poplar placing itself in the back row. He used Original Sinful Spoils, sending Poplar to the Graveyard, and Colling used Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Dudley responded with his Crossout Designator, banishing his own Ash Blossom to negate Colling’s. The Chain resolved, and he Special Summoned Ponix from the Deck in the Zone next to Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf. Ponix put Fire King Sanctuary in his hand, and Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf returned Kirin to his hand. He played Sanctuary to place Fire King Island on the field. He used Ponix and Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf to Link Summon Promethean Princess, and had that Special Summon Ash from his Graveyard. He used Ash’s effect, sending itself and Sanctuary to the Graveyard to Special Summon Flamberge Dragon from his hand. He activated Island next, destroying Promethean Princess to add Sacred Fire King Garunix to his hand. He Special Summoned Garunix with its effect, and it destroyed Arvata in the Deck. Arvata then Special Summoned Ponix from the Graveyard. He used Ponix and Garunix to Link Summon I:P Masquerena. Flamberge put Arvata in his back row.

Colling started the same way as Dudley, with Bonfire. He found a Poplar and Special Summoned it, adding Divine Temple to his hand. He played it to place Ash in his back row. He tried to move to the Battle Phase, threatening to attack I:P Masquerena. Dudley was forced to act, and used I:P Masquerena’s effect, then Chained Flamberge to Special Summon Arvata. He used I:P Masquerena and Flamberge to Link Summon S:P Little Knight. Colling’s Temple tried to Special Summon his Ash, but Dudley’s Little Knight banished it first. Dudley’s Flamberge Dragon Special Summoned Ash and Poplar from his Graveyard, letting him add Original Sinful Spoils and Oak to his hand. Colling continued his Main Phase, playing WANTED to add Diabellstar to his hand. He Special Summoned Diabellstar, sending his back row Ash to the Graveyard. Diabellstar’s effect activated, and Dudley Chained his Little Knight’s effect to banish itself and Colling’s Poplar. Diabellstar resolved, and Colling Set Original Sinful Spoils. He Normal Summoned a second Poplar, using it to Link Summon Anima. Poplar’s effect activated to put Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring in the back row, and Dudley responded to the Anima Summon with Promethean Princess’s effect in his Graveyard, destroying his own Poplar and Colling’s Diabellstar to Special Summon the Princess. Colling was running out of options, and Dudley still had an Arvata and Kirin he could use to disrupt him. He conceded!

Duel 3

The final Duel began with 8:42 on the clock. Snake-Eye combos can take a long time to play out, so the Duelists were moving as quickly as possible while still playing correctly.

Austin Colling

Colling started with Diabellstar, pitching a second Diabellstar to Special Summon the first. It Set Original Sinful Spoils. He Normal Summoned Poplar, adding Divine Temple to his hand. He played Temple to place Ash in his back row. He used Original Sinful Spoils, sending Ash to the Graveyard to Special Summon Oak. Oak revived Ash, which added another Ash to Colling’s hand. He used Ash’s effect, sending itself and Diabellstar to the Graveyard to Special Summon Flamberge from the Deck. He used Flamberge and Poplar to Link Summon I:P Masquerena. Poplar put Flamberge in the back row, and Flamberge revived Poplar and Ash. Dudley activated Nibiru, the Primal Being! Dudley Special Summoned Nibiru, and Colling Special Summoned a Primal Being Token with 3200/1500 stats, in Defense Position. Nibiru triggered Colling’s Divine Temple, which let him Special Summon Flamberge. He used its effect to put I:P Masquerena in his back row.

Dudley had Arvata, Ash Blossom, and two copies of WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils. He drew Diabellstar. In the Draw Phase he used WANTED to get another Diabellstar. He moved to the Main Phase and Normal Summoned Arvata. He Special Summoned Diabellstar, pitching his second Diabellstar just like Colling had done. Diabellstar Set Original Sinful Spoils. He flipped it, sending Diabellstar to the Graveyard, and Colling had Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate it! Dudley banished WANTED from his Graveyard, returning Original Sinful Spoils to the Deck, and drew Ponix. He sent Arvata to destroy the Defense Position Primal Being Token. Nibiru attacked Flamberge, destroying both monsters, and Arvata negated Flamberge effect by destroying Ash Blossom from Dudley’s hand. Then Dudley Special Summoned Ponix from his hand, which added Island to the hand. Ponix attacked directly. In Main Phase 2, he used Ponix and Arvata to Link Summon Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze. Colling used Divine Temple to Special Summon I:P Masquerena, and also used Ghost Mourner to negate Hiita. Dudley played Island and used its effect, destroying his Hiita (and dropping to 6150 Life Points due to Ghost Mourner) to get Garunix in hand. He Special Summoned Garunix, which destroyed Kirin in his Deck. Kirin Special Summoned Arvata and destroyed Colling’s I:P Masquerena. He passed with just Arvata, Garunix, and Island in play.

Colling started his turn with two minutes on the clock. He Normal Summoned Snake-Eye Ash, adding Poplar to his hand. He tried to Special Summon Poplar, and Arvata negated and destroyed it by destroying Garunix. In a new Chain, Colling banished Original Sinful Spoils in the Graveyard to return Oak to his Deck and add Ash to his hand. He then used his on-field Ash, sending itself and Divine Temple to the Graveyard to Special Summon Oak from his Deck. Oak revived Poplar, and he used it to Link Summon Relinquished Anima… just as the timer ran out. Colling was looking to power over Dudley’s lone Arvata, but we wouldn’t get to see the end result. With Colling’s Life Points higher, he was the winner of this Duel and the Match!

Congratulations to Austin Colling, winner of a Super Rare Anotherverse Gluttonia!