QQ: Giant Card Requests
QQ stands for Quick Questions! This weekend at YCS Raleigh we asked a handful of Duelists the following question: What card do you want to see as a GIANT card?
“Injection Fairy Lily, it is my favorite card! So I want a GIANT one!” -Ed Acepcion
“Out of any card? One For One! I think a lot of GIANT cards are usually Monsters, so a powerful Spell, like it, would be cool” -Alex Gravely
“Lightsworn Dragonling, it is a nice-looking card and my favorite of all the new Lightsworn!” -James Morgan
“Any card? Dark Magician Girl, specifically the new art that we’re getting in this year’s Tins. Or Pot of Greed!” -Sam Arunnaveesiri
“Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. It is the Lightsworn Monster I have used the most. It has a variety of applications, and both it and its Twilightsworn counterpart are awesome.” -Zachariah Butler
“Graceful Charity, it’s one of those iconic cards from the game’s history and it would look great with the foiling that goes on GIANT cards” -Nathan Lawder
There are plenty of different cards from the game’s history, with over 10,000 cards to choose from. Some of these cards have been GIANT Cards in the past. Almost every one of them has made a huge impact on the game’s history, so Duelists here at Raleigh would love to see those cards get the GIANT Card treatment.