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Home > 2024/04 YCS Raleigh, NC, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > The 11-0 Duelist at YCS Raleigh!

The 11-0 Duelist at YCS Raleigh!

April 21st, 2024

At the end of 11 Swiss Rounds of YCS Raleigh, only one Duelist remains undefeated with a perfect 11-0 record. Now, he is awarded a special prize to keep no matter what happens in the Top 32 cut.

Remember Sean Kilian from yesterday’s YCS First-Timers article? He was confident that he would succeed this weekend. After 11 Swiss Rounds, he has proven that his confidence was well-placed. Sean won every Match he played in the Swiss Rounds, and as a result, he’ll be taking home an oversized copy of AnotherverseĀ Gluttonia.

Sean Kilian finished the Swiss Rounds with a perfect 11-0 record to earn an oversized copy of AnotherverseĀ Gluttonia!
