South America WCQ: Standings after Round 8
June 29th, 2024
Here are the standings after Round 8. The Top 128 Duelists will come back tomorrow to play in two more Rounds of Swiss before the Top 64 cut.
Rank | Player Name | Points |
1 | Pablo Cesar Dominguez Lamazares | 24 |
2 | Adrian Gregory George | 22 |
3 | Leonardo Nieto Aguirre | 22 |
4 | Jose Antonio Castillo Aramundiz | 21 |
5 | Joaquin Pojaghi | 21 |
6 | Paulo Roberto Goncalves da Silva | 21 |
7 | Joseph Brandon Mendez Medina | 21 |
8 | Pedro Henrique Nogueira | 21 |
9 | Key Andree Chavez Curioso | 21 |
10 | Johan de Castilho Hallack | 21 |
11 | Edson Antonio Ramirez Revilla | 21 |
12 | Henrique Cinque Figueira | 21 |
13 | Sanjay Atmaram Manoo | 19 |
14 | Francisco Andres Osorio Bobadilla | 19 |
15 | Carlos Andres Perez Padilla | 19 |
16 | Luis Manuel Martin Valdivieso Bustamante | 19 |
17 | David Alejandro Singer Ruiz | 19 |
18 | Ronald Gonzalo Soto Guerra | 19 |
19 | Camilo Rojas Puertas | 19 |
20 | Lucas Da La Paula de Oliveira Vaz | 19 |
21 | Luciano Jeronimo Bregion Jr. | 19 |
22 | Ivan Alberto Cerna Benites | 19 |
23 | Renzo Agustin Vasquez Tarrillo | 19 |
24 | Daniel Alves Lima Santos | 19 |
25 | Alberzon Ajata Argollo | 18 |
26 | Jhon David Guerrero Sanchez | 18 |
27 | Anthony Alexander Ramirez Medina | 18 |
28 | Daniel Esteban CarreƱo Cartez | 18 |
29 | Cesar Augusto Wiese Carrillo | 18 |
30 | Alvaro Alonso Aramburu Valderrama | 18 |
31 | Agustin Alejandro Da Silva Medeiros | 18 |
32 | Aldo Elvis Castillo Huarilloclla | 18 |
33 | Renzo Alejandro Rodriguez Grados | 18 |
34 | Rafael Mariano Reich | 18 |
35 | Jorge Luis Lengua Navarro | 18 |
36 | Francisco Christiansen Cafiero | 18 |
37 | Rudolph Von Landwuest Rodriguez | 18 |
38 | Raul Jesus Villafuerte Rueda | 18 |
39 | Roberto Dallorto Gallegos | 18 |
40 | Sebastian Alonso Serna Samame | 18 |
41 | Gustavo Vilella Maia do Carmo | 18 |
42 | Fernando Alberto Donoso Abarca | 18 |
43 | Nicolas Agustin Zaccari | 18 |
44 | Gabriel Angelo Kenneth Romero Morales | 18 |
45 | Juan Fernando Sanchez Galvez | 18 |
46 | Juan Renan Rodriguez Tejada | 18 |
47 | Joaquin Kimura Yurich | 18 |
48 | Genaro Oroche | 18 |
49 | Felix Gabriel Parra Suarez | 18 |
50 | Rodrigo Abanto Blanco | 18 |
51 | Patricio Daniel Coba Rodriguez | 18 |
52 | Jesus Marcelo Nava Flores | 18 |
53 | Josue Samuel Becerra Duque | 18 |
54 | Michael Virgilio Herrera Castro | 18 |
55 | Diego Andres Cifuentes Hernandez | 18 |
56 | Juan Mateo Augusto Renteria Pastor | 18 |
57 | Diego Said Lozano Diaz | 18 |
58 | Juan Carlos La Torre Infantas | 18 |
59 | Miguel Alejandro Chiriboga Bolanos | 18 |
60 | Taiel Fernandez | 18 |
61 | Fabian Enrique Tabilo Ponce | 18 |
62 | Michel Verissimo Da Silva Luiz | 17 |
63 | Santiago Andres Anaya Bermudez | 17 |
64 | Fabricio Junior Rojas Vivanco | 17 |
65 | Renato Andre Menacho Vidal | 17 |
66 | Sergio Antonio ValVerde Ato | 16 |
67 | Gerardo Jesus Delgado Portilla | 16 |
68 | Lucas Nahuel Melian | 16 |
69 | Victor Alfonso Ocrospoma Zeballos | 16 |
70 | Santiago Marin Lopez | 16 |
71 | Alessandro Rafael Villanueva Parasi | 16 |
72 | Esteban Velasquez Prieto | 16 |
73 | Andrey Fernando Flores Balderrama | 16 |
74 | Kenny Jorge Coaquira | 16 |
75 | Hubert Dante Ccalachua Curasi | 16 |
76 | Mateus Moreno Fernandes | 16 |
77 | Diego Palero Salcedo | 16 |
78 | Antonio Alvarez Reategui | 16 |
79 | Carlos Julio Ceballos Cedeno | 16 |
80 | Vitor Gimenez Leite Keller | 16 |
81 | Alvaro Fernando Soberon Tejada | 16 |
82 | Jimmy Yotashi Flores Patilla | 16 |
83 | Hans Brian Camposano Vidal | 16 |
84 | Jesus Antonio Dextre Ramirez | 16 |
85 | Moisses David Salas Ramones | 16 |
86 | Kenned Gianpool Cubas Rojas | 16 |
87 | Gabriel Ramos Camac | 16 |
88 | Joaquin Alfonso Lichtig | 15 |
89 | David Humberto Campoblanco Nunovero | 15 |
90 | Gustavo Eduardo Reyes Rodriguez | 15 |
91 | Claudio Patricio Ulloa Salinas | 15 |
92 | Jonathan Giancarlo Galarza Arevalo | 15 |
93 | Gustavo Francisco Sotomayor Ramirez | 15 |
94 | Rodrigo Andres Barra Soto | 15 |
95 | Santiago Gean Paul Acevedo Serrano | 15 |
96 | Nicolas Miguel Vera Avila | 15 |
97 | Cristian Camilo Ballesteros Gonzales | 15 |
98 | Franco Ignacio Vargas Martinez | 15 |
99 | Leonel Ignacio Caceres Medina | 15 |
100 | Kenji Okujama Diaz | 15 |
101 | Vinicius De Oliveira Curcio | 15 |
102 | Piero Vallejo Arata | 15 |
103 | Davis Roberto Guardales Guerrero | 15 |
104 | Anko Ignacio Gonzalez Zambrano | 15 |
105 | Alan Mayron Varas Gatica | 15 |
106 | Jose Luis Sanchez Cardenas | 15 |
107 | Thor Salgado Tucunduva | 15 |
108 | Franco Persano | 15 |
109 | Juan Sergio Ruiz Davila | 15 |
110 | Erick Gabriel Garrido Trejo | 15 |
111 | Jaime Andres Villagran Pico | 15 |
112 | Vinicius Jato Braga | 15 |
113 | Renato Rosell Alfaro Cereghino | 15 |
114 | Giancarlo Jesus Aguero Huaranga | 15 |
115 | Renzo Renato Vanini Valle | 15 |
116 | Angelo Leonidas Guaman Guevara | 15 |
117 | Alonso Molina Effio | 15 |
118 | Alexander Yerim Naola Pereyra | 15 |
119 | Ayrton Neil Mucching Quiroz | 15 |
120 | Andrew Fernando Huanacuni Campos | 15 |
121 | Josue David Cherres Pineda | 15 |
122 | Saimont Steward Sela Suarez | 15 |
123 | Santiago Sturmo Torres Huarcaya | 15 |
124 | Chris Javier Aguilar Arellano | 15 |
125 | Jorge Alejandro Valverde | 15 |
126 | Johnny Steven Quintana Aguilar | 15 |
127 | Ernesto Alonso Perez Aschiero | 15 |
128 | Joao Douglas Duarte Bezerra | 15 |
129 | Diego Felipe Monroy Cifuentes | 15 |
130 | Ricardo Matias Caceres Avello | 15 |
131 | Andres Alejandro Arredondo Sequel | 15 |
132 | Diego Castillo Navarro | 15 |
133 | Gabriel Tupi | 15 |
134 | Matias Lopez Raffaele | 15 |
135 | Luis Enrique Huamanchumo Machicado | 15 |
136 | Gabriele Junior Villanueva Parasi Jr. | 15 |
137 | Gianfranco Henry Huanqui Andia | 15 |
138 | Jose Tomas Mallea Velasquez | 15 |
139 | Carlos Andres Antinopai Araya | 15 |
140 | Matias Octavio Fernandez Silva | 15 |
141 | Francisco San Juan Dinamarca | 15 |
142 | Renato Adolfo Medina Boreka | 15 |
143 | Miguel Ernesto Mollo Benavidez | 15 |
144 | Oscar Crespo Chugar | 15 |
145 | Jean Pier Depaz Sanchez | 15 |
146 | Gonzalo Ubillus Hernandez | 15 |
147 | Steven Fernando Gomez Romero | 15 |
148 | Boris Armando Guachichullca Guaman | 15 |
149 | Victor Glauber Lopes Silva | 15 |
150 | Pedro Dratwa Mutzenbruher | 15 |
151 | Wily Jose Estrada Belmonte Arquedas | 15 |
152 | Raul Esteban Barrera Gomez | 15 |
153 | Isaac Ezequiel Coello Vera | 15 |
154 | Diego Alejandro Venegas Acevedo | 15 |
155 | Anthony Fabricio Quito Cruz | 15 |
156 | Ciro Rafael Lazo Mares | 15 |
157 | Bruno Roggerio Tieppo | 15 |
158 | Julio Mendoza Trelles | 14 |
159 | Adrian Alberto Vizarraga Santander | 14 |
160 | Lenin Mauricio Bedon Espinoza | 14 |
161 | Sebastian Agustin Verdugo Arcos | 14 |
162 | Jonathan Javier Ruiz Rios | 14 |
163 | Joel Pedrera Garay | 14 |
164 | Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ohep | 14 |
165 | Alvaro Ricardo Huaman Torres | 14 |
166 | Rogger Antonio Vera Moran | 14 |
167 | Italo Wilder Romero Ocola | 14 |
168 | Diego Gonzalo Kobayashi Godoy | 14 |
169 | Esteban Andres Almeida de la Torre | 14 |
170 | Fernando Bryan Gonzalez Arias | 14 |
171 | Fernando Andres Ballen Gavilanez | 14 |
172 | Christian Xavier Suarez Espinoza | 13 |
173 | Liang Lay Roco | 13 |
174 | Jonathan Amet Malaga Morales | 13 |
175 | Christopher FL Moran | 13 |
176 | Jose Adrian Amaya Aguilar | 13 |
177 | Victor Andres Pachas Calle | 13 |
178 | Gustavo Adolfo Lopez Mantilla | 13 |
179 | Juan Jose Daniel Ludena Rincon | 13 |
180 | Jose Luis Garnica Castaneda | 13 |
181 | Diego Orlando Romero Hernandez | 13 |
182 | Jorge Eduardo Reita Reyes | 13 |
183 | Inan Khipa Martin Riveros Herrera | 13 |
184 | Enrique Andre Pando Robles | 13 |
185 | Felipe Katon Zhou Zhou | 13 |
186 | Cesar David Rengifo Realpe | 13 |
187 | Juan Pablo Rebolledo Currin | 13 |
188 | Vicente Guillermo Verdugo Arcos | 13 |
189 | David Nicolas Rivas Sepulveda | 13 |
190 | Vinicius Martella Fiorante | 13 |
191 | Nicolas Sebastian Vega Vicencio | 13 |
192 | Juan Felipe Guevara Grijalva | 13 |
193 | Henry Leonardo Miranda Rojas | 13 |
194 | Sebastian Alonzo Salvatierra Leiva | 13 |
195 | Arnaldo Enrique Aguilera Perez | 13 |
196 | Julio Cesar Paucar Torres | 13 |
197 | Christian Bernardo Naranjo Estay | 13 |
198 | Jose Roberto Perez Pozo | 13 |
199 | David Alejandro Haro Moreno | 13 |
200 | Francisco Manuel Melillo | 13 |
201 | Jhosep Miguel Lomelli | 13 |
202 | Giovanny Andres Trivino Manobanda | 13 |
203 | Juan Adolfo Artica Reina | 13 |
204 | Eddie Andre Alba Pando | 12 |
205 | Paul David Delgado Rezabala | 12 |
206 | Jorge Eduardo Salazar Vasquez | 12 |
207 | Leonardo Pustilnik Vieira Martins | 12 |
208 | Jairo Jesus Pincheira Avalos | 12 |
209 | Daniel Hernando Otero Alvarez | 12 |
210 | Bruno Fontes Franceira | 12 |
211 | Sergio Julio Pizarro Avila | 12 |
212 | Cristian Carlos Bacarreza Castro | 12 |
213 | Luis Fernando Gamez Achicanoy | 12 |
214 | Andres Amadeus Arancibia Rivera Jr. | 12 |
215 | Diego Humberto Maldonado Estrada | 12 |
216 | Joel Alexander Paz Aguilar | 12 |
217 | Stefano Jesus Ibarra Abanto | 12 |
218 | Alejandro Antonio Fuentes Roncagliolo | 12 |
219 | Fernando Martin Luna | 12 |
220 | Oscar Marcelo Munoz Serrano | 12 |
221 | Felipe Jose Rico Ragazzi | 12 |
222 | Fernando Morales Mamani | 12 |
223 | Guido Manuel Samame Ojeda | 12 |
224 | Giovanny Eduardo Chunga Santos | 12 |
225 | Juan Bernardo Perero Munoz | 12 |
226 | Oscar Kevin Sanchez Tomasto | 12 |
227 | Leonardo Rosendorn | 12 |
228 | Marcio Paes Filho | 12 |
229 | Cristhian Joel Gordillo Huiman | 12 |
230 | Felipe Bisserier Zapata | 12 |
231 | Luis David Cada Aguilera | 12 |
232 | Kevin Frachtenberg | 12 |
233 | Felipe Andres Ahumada Ahumada | 12 |
234 | Victor Hugo Calderon Diaz | 12 |
235 | Leonel Chacallua Catacura | 12 |
236 | Jprge Hernan Vivanco Capeza | 12 |
237 | Gabriel Nicolas Valiente Fleitas | 12 |
238 | Diego Andres Nino Bautista | 12 |
239 | Jorge Aurelio Dutzan Roncoroni | 12 |
240 | Wangli Pancieri Campos | 12 |
241 | Jose Alejandro Alzamora Guzman | 12 |
242 | Nestor Adalberto Huanacuni Machaca | 12 |
243 | Jordy Isaias Torres Ascencio | 12 |
244 | Emerson Daniel Valencia B. | 12 |
245 | Jeison Daniel Ramirez Espinoza | 12 |
246 | Santiago Daniel Suarez Carrillo | 12 |
247 | Matheus Ivan Hladki Pelle | 12 |
248 | Adriel Marcelo Garcia Garcia | 12 |
249 | Luis Guillermo Enrique Soto Flores | 12 |
250 | Josias Jamael Calvache Ramos | 12 |
251 | Leonardo Abel Lozano Gonzalez | 12 |
252 | Juan Francisco Castillo Saavedra | 12 |
253 | Marcelo Leon Colque | 12 |
254 | Rodrigo Antonio Herrera Centurion | 12 |
255 | Gabril Fernando Lachi Cordero | 12 |
256 | Cristian Camilo Quiceno Laurente | 12 |
257 | Steven Joseph Flowers Ramirez | 12 |
258 | Rodrigo Bastian Ramirez Bustos | 12 |
259 | Victor Arturo Torres Timana | 12 |
260 | Mario Alberto Valdez Markoch | 12 |
261 | Yimi Sandoval Velasquez | 12 |
262 | Santiago Ramiro Caicedo Tinoco | 12 |
263 | Yuri Andres Arribasplata Espinoza | 12 |
264 | Luis Leonardo Calcina Huanque | 12 |
265 | Cesar David Rios | 12 |
266 | Sebastian Nicolas Chavez Gutierrez | 12 |
267 | Julio Martinez Camata | 11 |
268 | Angel Joseph Miranda Alvarado | 11 |
269 | Gabriel Alexander Munoz Tancun | 11 |
270 | Frans Nelson Rosales Rojas | 10 |
271 | Mauricio Edward Castaneda Celis | 10 |
272 | Fernando Ignacio Dona Olivares | 10 |
273 | Christian Alexander Bocanegra de la Cruz | 10 |
274 | Brandon David Leon Vallejos | 10 |
275 | Alberith Victor Quispe Cami | 10 |
276 | Bernny Ricardo Valenzuela Negri | 10 |
277 | Daniel Antonio Garcia Madrid | 10 |
278 | Carlos Alberto Bermudez Betancourt | 10 |
279 | Pablo Andres Villalobos Gonzalez | 10 |
280 | Seth Aiden Batioja | 10 |
281 | Carlos Manuel Rojas La Rosa | 10 |
282 | Guillermo Orlando Ledesma Porro | 10 |
283 | Oscar Javier Beltran Beltran | 10 |
284 | Benjamin Ignacio Zuniga Quintana | 10 |
285 | Felix Vladimir Moreno Carbo | 10 |
286 | Enmanuel Julio Avila Jove | 10 |
287 | Juan Ignacio Esmoris Garcia | 10 |
288 | Israel de Jesse Bravo Montt | 10 |
289 | Bruno Fabricio Penafiel Aguirre | 10 |
290 | Josue Miguel Tapia Armas | 10 |
291 | Fabricio La Cruz | 9 |
292 | Andres Eduardo Castro Caballero | 9 |
293 | Brayan Joaquin Melchor | 9 |
294 | Antonio Francisco Lopez Pozo | 9 |
295 | Mateo Andres Proano Daza | 9 |
296 | Felipe Santamaria | 9 |
297 | Mauricio Andre Caceres Rencoret | 9 |
298 | Joaquin Ignacio Moraga Vallejos | 9 |
299 | Mariano Jose Caceres Valdivia | 9 |
300 | Gabriel Martin Jara Estrella | 9 |
301 | Juan Alfredo Crespo Bedregol | 9 |
302 | Gonzalo Andres Zeballos Alvarez | 9 |
303 | Andres de Jesus Tejada Sanchez | 9 |
304 | Sebastian Basantes Sanchez | 9 |
305 | Cesar Leonardo Peralez Tapia | 9 |
306 | Cristian Diego Ojeda Guerra | 9 |
307 | Juan Antonio Fernandez Alarcon | 9 |
308 | Galo Andres Manzo Villareal | 9 |
309 | Carlos Eduardo Barba Pezo | 9 |
310 | Felipe Ignacio Encina Espinoza | 9 |
311 | Maglio Vicente Cusme Mejia | 9 |
312 | Wilfredo Teofilo Inquil Moyna | 9 |
313 | Jose Ignacio Bustamante Gonzalez | 9 |
314 | Carlo Andres Leviante Aguilar | 9 |
315 | Eddie Martin Velarde | 9 |
316 | Gean Carlos Quintanilla Huaman | 9 |
317 | Jhon Alejandro Rueda Arango | 7 |
318 | Erick Jose Sampedro Pallo | 7 |
319 | Geronimo Galadiel Mosqueta Rojas | 7 |
320 | Pablo Elias Flores Cruz | 7 |
321 | Jose Luis Alejandro Velarde Chavez | 7 |
322 | Jose Miguel Larriega Pozo | 7 |
323 | Rodrigo Alberto Palacios Marcelo | 6 |
324 | Brayan Carlos Serrano Ochoa | 6 |
325 | Abraham Roman del Castillo | 6 |
326 | Stefano Patrick Martinez Reyes | 5 |
Categories: 2024 South America WCQ > Championships