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World Qualifying Points Playoff: Top 8 Feature Match – George Lucas Sacco vs. Denis Nadas

July 19th, 2024

Eight Duelists remain, looking to secure their position in the World Championship! George Sacco just won his livestream Feature Match, and he’s brought his Fiendsmith Yubel Deck back for more! He’s facing Denis Nadas, using Fiendsmith Snake-Eye! It’s Single Elimination, so these Duelists must win this and the following Matches for their World Championship invite.

Duel 1

Sacco started Triple Tactics Talent, Nightmare Throne, Unchained Soul of Sharvara, Gruesome Grave Squirmer, and Opening the Spirit Gates. He started with Nightmare Throne, destroying Spirit of Yubel from his Deck, which Special Summoned Yubel. He played Opening the Spirit Gates to add Dark Beckoning Beast to his hand. He Normal Summoned Dark Beckoning Beast, which added Chaos Summoning Beast to his hand. He used his additional Normal Summon to play it, then used Dark Beckoning and Yubel to Link Summon Moon of the Closed Heaven. He brought Phantom of Yubel to the field, returning the materials from the graveyard, then used Moon to play Fiendsmith’s Requiem. Requiem’s effect Special Summoned Fiendsmith Engraver. He used Chaos Summoning Beast and Fiendsmith Engraver to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Sequence. It fused Moon and Requiem into Fiendsmith’s Lacrima, which returned Engraver to the hand. He discarded it to add Fiendsmith’s Tract to his hand. He used Opening the Spirit Gates, discarding Tract to Special Summon Spirit of Yubel, which put Nightmare Pain on the field. He used Pain to destroy Spirit, adding Gruesome Grave Squirmer to his hand. Spirit and Throne let him Special Summon Yubel and Yubel – Terror Incarnate.

Denis Nadas

Nadas finally responded, using Infinite Impermanence to negate Phantom. Then, he revealed Nibiru, the Primal Being! He gave Sacco a 3600/2400 Primal Being Token in Defense Position. Sacco used Triple Tactics Talent to reveal Nadas’s hand of Bonfire, Snake-Eyes Poplar, and Diabellstar the Black Witch, shuffling Diabellstar back into the Deck. He used Terror Incarnate and Chaos Summoning Beast from his graveyard to play a new Phantom of Yubel. He Special Summoned a Gruesome Grave Squirmer, then Special Summoned Fiendsmith Engraver from his graveyard with its own effect. A flurry of Special Summons using Sharvara, Unchained Soul Lord of Yama, and Unchained Soul of Rage left him with an Abominable Chamber of the Unchained Set, plus Yubel and Spirit of Yubel. He used the two Yubel monsters to Xyz Summon Varudras, the Final Bringer of the End Times in Defense Position.

Nadas began by Normal Summoning Poplar, using its effect. Sacco used Phantom of Yubel to change Poplar’s effect, destroying Terror Incarnate from his Deck. Sacco then flipped Chamber, bringing Soul of Rage from the graveyard. Sacco used that to Link Summon using Nadas’s Nibiru, into S:P Little Knight, banishing Poplar. Nadas played Bonfire, adding another Poplar to his hand. He activated its effect to Special Summon it. He sent it to the graveyard to Special Summon his last unknown card, Diabellstar the Black Witch, the very same card he’d lost to Talents the turn before! Sacco responded to Nadas’s effects with S:P Little Knight, banishing itself and Diabellstar for the turn. Poplar went to the back row, Diabellstar Set Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye. Nadas passed, and the monsters returned.

Sacco drew Fiendsmith Engraver. He Tribute Summoned it using S:P Little Knight, Link Summoned Requiem, then had that get a new Engraver. He returned Sequence to the Extra Deck to Special Summon the first Engraver from his graveyard, and Xyz Summoned  Sequence. He used that to play Fiendsmith’s Lacrima, which revived Engraver. He Special Summoned Squirmer and used that with Sequence to play Muckraker From the Underworld. Muckraker revived Soul of Rage. Sacco equipped Engraver with Requiem, then used Engraver’s effect to send Diabellstar to the graveyard. Nadas tried reviving Diabellstar with its effect, and Sacco shut that down with Varudras. He switched his monsters to Attack Position, and Nadas had nothing to defend himself!

Duel 2

Sacco started this time with Mulcharmy Purulia, Terror Incarnate, and THREE copies of Engraver! During Nadas’s Draw Phase, he used Purulia’s effect.

Nadas Special Summoned Diabellstar the Black Witch by sending Snake-Eyes Diabellstar to the graveyard, and Sacco drew Forbidden Droplet with Purulia. Diabellstar Set WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils. He played Original from hand, sending Diabellstar to Special Summon Snake-Eye Ash. Ash got Poplar, and he Special Summoned it. Poplar got Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, and Sacco drew Spirit of Yubel. Nadas played Divine Temple to place Snake-Eye Oak in his back row. He used Ash’s effect, sending itself and Oak to the graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon. He used Flamberge and Poplar to Link Summon Moon of the Closed Heaven. Poplar put Snake-Eyes Diabellstar in the back row, and Flamberge revived Oak and Poplar. Oak revived Ash. He used Moon to play Fiendsmith’s Requiem, which Special Summon Fiendsmith Engraver. Ash and Engraver were used to play Sequence, and he used that to Fusion Summon Fiendsmith’s Lacrima, returning Engraver to his hand. He discarded it to add Fiendsmith’s Tract to his hand. He played Tract, adding Fabled Lurrie to his hand, and discarding it. Lurrie’s effect let it return from the graveyard. He used Lacrima and Oak to play I:P Masquerena, then revived Engraver with its effect. He used Tract to fuse Lurrie, Sequence, and Engraver into Fiendsmith’s Desirae! He equipped Sequence to Desirae. He used Poplar and I:P Masquerena for Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, which revived Flamberge. He Special Summoned Snake-Eyes Diabellstar from his back row. He used Desirae to negate his own Promethean Princess, letting him now play a non-FIRE monster. He used Promethean Princess and Snake-Eyes Diabellstar to Link Summon Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess. Flamberge put Masquerena in the back row.

Sacco drew Rivalry of Warlords. Nadas immediately used Flamberge to Special Summon I:P Masquerena. Sacco used Terror Incarnate and Spirit of Yubel from his hand to bring Phantom of Yubel to the field. He discarded an Engraver, and Nadas flipped Crossout Designator! He banished and Engraver of his own to shut the card down for the whole turn. Sacco Set Droplet and Rivalry. Before the turn’s end, Nadas used I:P Masquerena with Flamberge to play S:P Little Knight. Its effect targeted the Set Rivalry of Warlords, and Sacco needed to protect it. He tried using Phantom of Yubel, and Nadas negated that with Apollousa. Sacco conceded, knowing he needed Rivalry to have a chance, and hopefully leaving Nadas guessing at what the Set card was.

Duel 3

Sacco had Spirit of Yubel, Forbidden Droplet, Nightmare Throne, Gruesome Grave Squirmer, and Opening the Spirit Gates. He started with Nightmare Throne to destroy Spirit of Yubel from his Deck. Spirit Special Summoned Yubel. Nadas Special Summoned Bystial Magnamhut by banishing the Spirit. Sacco used Droplet, sending his in-hand Spirit to negate Magnamhut. Sacco used Opening the Spirit Gates to add Dark Beckoning Beast, and Nadas had drollx. Sacco used Yubel and Dark Beckoning Beast to Link Summon Moon, then put Phantom of Yubel into play. He used Moon to play Requiem, which Special Summoned Engraver. He equipped Requiem to it, and it sent Magnamhut to the graveyard. He Special Summoned Squirmer, using it with Engraver to Link Summon Sequence. Sequence Fusion Summoned Fiendsmith’s Lacrima, which revived Engraver. He used Engraver and Sequence to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama. He Special Summoned Engraver with its own effect, which he stacked with Lacrima for D/D/D Wave High King Caesar. Squirmer revived Spirit, which Set Nightmare Pain. He used Spirit and Yama to play Unchained Soul of Rage.

George Sacco

Nadas Normal Summoned Snake-Eye Ash. Sacco used Phantom of Yubel to change Ash’s effect, destroying a Yubel from his Deck. Yubel Special Summoned Terror Incarnate. Nadas used Ash to Link Summon Relinquished Anima pointing to Soul of Rage, and Sacco used Rage to combine with Anima, putting S:P Little Knight on the field. It banished Snake-Eye Ash from Nadas’s graveyard. Nadas played WANTED to find Diabellstar the Black Witch. He Special Summoned Diabellstar, sending an Effect Veiler to the graveyard. Sacco responded to Diabellstar’s effect with Little Knight, banishing both Diabellstar and his own Terror Incarnate. Diabellstar’s effect Set Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye. Now, Nightmare Throne Special Summoned Spirit of Yubel. Nadas had expended all his resources, and didn’t see a way forward – he offered the handshake!

George Sacco is moving on with Fiendsmith Yubel!