Dragon Duel Round 1 Feature Match: Rylan D. vs. Nicholas R.
Here we are in Round 1 of the Dragon Duel Championship! We’ve got a great matchup for this Feature Match, starting with Pennsylvania Duelist Rylan D. and his Tenpai Dragon Deck! His facing Nicholas R., here from New York City with his Fiendsmith Snake-Eye Deck! These are two of the biggest Decks of the format, each using new cards from The Infinite Forbidden to bolster their already formidable status.

Duel 1
Rylan won the dice roll and chose to play second. He had a hand of Dora Dora, Effect Veiler, Tenpai Dragon Paidra, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, and Called by the Grave.
Nicholas started with WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils in the Draw Phase, adding Diabellstar the Black Witch to his hand. He Special Summoned Diabellstar, pitching a second copy of WANTED, and used its effect to Set Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye on the field. He flipped it, sending Diabellstar to the graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eye Ash. Rylan hit Ash with an Effect Veiler. Nicholas followed up with Fiendsmith’s Tract, adding Fabled Lurrie to his hand and discarding it. He Special Summoned Lurrie, and used it to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem. He Tributed it for its effect, and Rylan used Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Nicholas activated WANTED’s graveyard effect, returning Original to the Deck to draw a card. He Set a back row card.
Rylan drew another Dora Dora. He Normal Summoned one of them, and Nicholas flipped Impermanence. Rylan Set Called by the Grave.
Nicholas sent a Droll & Lock Bird to the graveyard to Special Summon a new Diabellstar, and Rylan flipped Called by the Grave to banish the earlier Diabellstar and negate it. Nicholas Link Summoned Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze, which stole Rylan’s Ash Blossom. He Link Summoned Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, which revived Snake-Eye Ash. Ash added Snake-Eyes Poplar to his hand, and he Special Summoned it to then add Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye to his hand. Temple let him put Snake-Eyes Diabellstar in his back row. He used Ash’s effect, sending itself and Snake-Eyes Diabellstar to the graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eye Oak from the Deck. Oak revived Ash. He used Oak’s effect, sending itself and Ash to the graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon. He moved to the Battle Phase, sending Poplar (boosted by Divine Temple) to destroy Dora Dora. Princess and Flamberge attacked directly, dropping Rylan to 900 Life Points! Nicholas used Flamberge’s effect to put Oak in his back row.
Rylan drew Sangen Kaiho. Nicholas used Flamberge to Special Summon Oak, which revived Ash, and Ash added another Ash to his hand. Rylan Normal Summoned another Dora Dora, which added Tenpai Dragon Genroku to his hand. He Special Summoned it, and Tributed it to Special Summon Tenpai Dragon Paidra. It Set Sangen Summoning on the field, and he flipped it. He used Sangen Summoning’s effect to add Tenpai Dragon Chundra to his hand, discarding a Paidra. He Special Summoned Chundra, using it and Dora Dora to play Sangenpai Bident Dragion. Bident revived Chundra, and he used Bident with Paidra to play Sangenpai Transcendant Dragion! He Set Kaiho and moved to the Battle Phase. Transcendant destroyed Princess. Chundra attacked Poplar, and it Special Summoned Tenpai Dragon Fadra before Rylan took 300 damage. Fadra attacked Poplar, and in the Damage Step it revived Paidra to protect his Life Points. Bident returned to the field and attacked Poplar, finally destroying it. Paidra destroyed Oak. Then he used Bident and Paidra to Synchro Summon Trident Dragion! It destroyed Fadra and Sangen Summoning, which boosted its ATK to 6000! It wiped out Flamberge Dragon and Ash, with Transcendant preventing Flamberge from activating. Finally, Trident Dragion attacked directly to end the first Duel!

Duel 2
Nicholas chose to play first. In the Draw Phase, Rylan used Dimension Shifter. Nicholas Normal Summoned Snake-Eye Ash, Rylan used Infinite Impermanence, and Nicholas had Crossout Designator to negate it! Ash added Poplar to his hand, and he Special Summoned it to add Divine Temple to his hand. He played Temple to put Snake-Eyes Diabellstar in his back row. He used Ash and Poplar to Link Summon S:P Little Knight, and Set a card.
Rylan had Sangen Summoning, Dora Dora, and Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill. He drew Chundra, and Nicholas paid 1000 Life Points to flip Skill Drain! Rylan played Sangen Summoning, then Normal Summoned Dora Dora. He Special Summoned Chundra, then Link Summoned Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres.

Nicholas Special Summoned Diabellstar by sending Skill Drain to the graveyard. Rylan used Ghost Mourner on Diabellstar, and Nicholas responded with S:P Little Knight’s effect on itself and Hieratic Seal. Rylan used Hieratic Seal’s effect in response, bouncing Sangen Summoning to his hand. S:P Little Knight then failed to banish anything, since both targets were no longer in play. In a new Chain, Hieratic Seal Special Summoned Fadra from the Deck. Nicholas Special Summoned Snake-Eyes Diabellstar from his back row with Temple’s effect. Nicholas then used Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye from his hand, sending Diabellstar to the graveyard to Special Summon Poplar. Since Diabellstar had been affected by Ghost Mourner, Nicholas took 2500 damage. He used Ash’s effect, sending Snake-Eyes Diabellstar to the graveyard to Special Summon Oak, and Oak revived Ash. He used Oak, sending itself and Ash to the graveyard to Special Summon Flamberge. Then he used Poplar and S:P to play Moon of the Closed Heaven, and that to play Fiendsmith’s Requiem. Requiem Special Summoned Fiendsmith Engraver, and he equipped it with Requiem. He sent both cards to the graveyard to play Necroquip Princess. He returned Requiem to the Extra Deck to Special Summon Engraver from the graveyard. Then he used Engraver and Necroquip to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Sequence. It fused Moon and Engraver from the graveyard into Fiendsmith’s Lacrima. Then he used Lacrima and Sequence to Link Summon I:P Masquerena. He used I:P and Flamberge to play Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, and Flamberge revived both Poplar and Oak. He used Poplar and Princess to Link Summon Hiita. Poplar’s effect put Snake-Eyes Diabellstar in his back row, and he Special Summoned it by putting Poplar in the back row. He used all his monsters to Link Summon Accesscode Talker, giving it 2000 extra ATK. It banished Hiita to destroy Fadra, and attacked directly. That left the Life Points as 3700 to 4500, with Nicholas slightly leading.
Rylan drew Paidra. He played Sangen Summoning, then Normal Summoned Paidra. Nicholas Special Summoned Poplar with Temple, and Paidra’s effect put Sangen Kaimen in Rylan’s hand. With Kaimen he got Chundra, and he Special Summoned it. Nicholas revived Princess by destroying Poplar, but Rylan’s monsters were unaffected thanks to Sangen Summoning. He moved to the Battle Phase, and Chundra attacked Princess. Its effect brought Fadra to the field, and both Fadra’s and Paidra’s meant nothing happened in this battle. Paidra attacked Princess for no result as well. Then he Chundra to Paidra to Synchro Summon Sangenpai Bident Dragion. Bident revived Chundra. Fadra attacked and revived Paidra. He used Fadra and Bident to Synchro Summon Sangenpai Transcendant Dragion, which destroyed Princess in battle. He revived Bident and destroyed Divine Temple. He Synchro Summoned Trident Dragion, destroying Sangen Summoning and another monster. Sangen Summoning boosted Trident Dragion to 6000 ATK! He sent it to attack three times, ending this Match!

Rylan D. is your victor with Tenpai Dragons!