NAWCQ Top Tables Update: Round 7
We’re in Round 7 of the 2024 North America WCQ! Here are the Decks we’re seeing at the top 20 tables!

Fiendsmith Snake-Eye are still going strong, with 18 Decks represented at the top tables. Tenpai Dragons are next, with 7 Duelists showcasing them. There’s one more Duelist using Tenpai Dragons mixed with Sky Strikers. Fiendsmith Yubel has 2 Duelists, with an addition Duelist with pure Yubel. After that, we have a swathe of other strategies. From Ancient Gears to Melodious to Runicks to Despia Branded, there’s a lot of variety amongst the rogue strategies.
We’ve still got quite a way to go before things are decided! Check back for more updates on the top Decks here at the NA WCQ.