. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: What’s Your Favourite New Card from The Infinite Forbidden?
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QQ: What’s Your Favourite New Card from The Infinite Forbidden?

July 20th, 2024

QQ stands for “Quick Questions”, which we’ll be firing off to Duelists all weekend long. This time, we asked players what their favourite new card is from the brand new set, The Infinite Forbidden, and here’s what they had to say! 

“I mean, it has to be Fiendsmith Engraver, right? It’s the best card in the set by a lot.” – Jayson L. 

“I love all the Mimighoul monsters, I think Mimighoul Dragon is my favourite one. They remind me so much of Toon monsters, I think that they definitely look like a Deck that Pegasus would play.” – Justin C.

“People say that Mulcharmy Purulia is really good, but I don’t think it’s that amazing. But I’m still happy that it’s going to be out, since it’s really good against Floowandereeze and I don’t like playing against that Deck.” – Riley P.

Fiendsmith’s Requiem because it’s basically just Knightmare Mermaid but it came out five years later.” – Jesse S. 

“Other than Fiendsmith Engraver? I mean, I’m playing Tenpai Dragons, so it has to be Tenpai Dragon Genroku, which is basically a Snake-Eyes Poplar for my deck!” – Vincent P.

It definitely seems that the new Fiendsmith cards are some of the most highly sought after cards out of The Infinite Forbidden, though there are still plenty of other cards that players will be looking to spice up their decks with. Stick around and find out what strategies and tech cards are able to come out on top this weekend!