. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 10 Feature Match: Noah Lane Mowdy vs. Jesse Aaron Hellwig
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Round 10 Feature Match: Noah Lane Mowdy vs. Jesse Aaron Hellwig

July 21st, 2024

Welcome to Day 2 here at the NAWCQ! We have 3 rounds to go until the Top 64, and there are still plenty of players competing and hoping for the chance to make it. For this feature match, we have Noah Lane Mowdy playing against Jesse Aaron Hellwig. Both players are piloting the Fiendsmith Snake-Eye strategy, which makes use of the new Fiendsmith cards just introduced in The Infinite Forbidden. These two players are each 7-2, so they’ll each be looking to go undefeated from this point in order to secure their top spot. It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Hellwig won the dice roll and decided to go first! His opening hand consisted of Effect Veiler, Snake-Eyes Poplar, WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils, Triple Tactics Talent, and Fabled Lurrie. He started by Normal Summoning Poplar, but when he activated its effect, Mowdy responded with Effect Veiler! Hellwig then activated Triple Tactics Talent, looking at Mowdy’s hand and returning Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to the Deck. Hellwig activated WANTED, adding Diabellstar the Black Witch from his Deck to his hand. Upon resolution, Mowdy activated Droll & Lock Bird, preventing both players from adding cards from their Deck to their hand for the rest of the turn. Next, Hellwig sent Poplar to the Graveyard to Special Summon Diabellstar, and activated Diabellstar’s effect to Set Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye from the Deck, as well as Poplar’s effect to place it in the Spell/Trap Zone. Hellwig then activated Original, sending Poplar to the Graveyard and Special Summoning Snake-Eye Oak from his Deck. He activated Oak’s effect, Special Summoning Poplar back from the Graveyard, then used Poplar and Diabellstar to Link Summon Moon of the Closed Heaven. He used Moon to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem, then activated Requiem’s effect to Special Summon Fiendsmith Engraver from the Deck. He activated Requiem’s effect in the Graveyard to equip it to Engraver, then activated Oak’s effect, sending Oak and Requiem to the Graveyard to Special Summon  Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon from his Deck! 

Hellwig then used Flamberge and Engraver to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Sequence, and activated Flamberge’s effect to Special Summon both Oak and Poplar from the Graveyard. He activated Sequence’s effect, returning Requiem and Moon to the Extra Deck to Fusion Summon Fiendsmith’s Lacrima, and activated Lacrima’s effect to add Engraver from the Graveyard to his hand. He used Poplar and Oak to Link Summon I:P Masquerena, then used IP and Sequence to Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames. He activated Princess’ effect to Special Summon back Flamberge Dragon from the Graveyard, used Lacrima and Princess to Link Summon Salamangreat Raging Phoenix, then used Raging Phoenix to Link Summon Worldsea Dragon Zealantis. He activated the effect of his Flamberge Dragon, placing I:P in his Spell/Trap Zone, and ended his turn. 

During Mowdy’s Draw Phase, Hellwig activated the effect of his Flamberge Dragon, Special Summoning I:P from the Spell/Trap Zone. Mowdy started by activating Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, placing Snake-Eyes Diabellstar in the Spell/Trap Zone. He then activated Crossout Designator, calling Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon and banishing a Flamberge Dragon from his own Deck; he was hoping that he could prompt his opponent to activate I:P’s effect preemptively, but Hellwig didn’t take the bait, so Mowdy conceded the first Duel. 

Duel Two

Mowdy started his turn by activating Fiendsmith’s Tract, adding Fiendsmith Engraver from his Deck to his hand and then discarding Fabled Lurrie. He activated Lurrie’s effect to Special Summon it, and Hellwig Chained Droll & Lock Bird, preventing anymore cards from being added from Deck to hand for the rest of the turn. Mowdy used Lurrie to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem, then activated Requiem’s effect to Special Summon another Engraver from his Deck. He then Special Summoned Diabellstar the Black Witch by sending Engraver from his hand to the Graveyard, but when he activated Diabellstar’s effect, Hellwigh activated Infinite Impermanence, negating its effect! Mowdy activated the effect of the Engraver in his Graveyard, returning Lurrie to the Deck to Special Summon it, then used the two Engravers on his field to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Sequence. He activated Sequence’s effect, returning Requiem and an Engraver to the Extra Deck and Deck, respectively, to Fusion Summon Fiendsmith’s Lacrima, then activated Lacrima’s effect to Special Summon back the Engraver in his Graveyard. He then used Sequence, Lacrima, and Engraver to Link Summon Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess! He Set one card to his backrow and ended his turn. 

The remaining cards in Hellwig’s opening hand were Fabled Lurrie, Bonfire, and Diabellstar the Black Witch. He drew Snake-Eyes Poplar for turn, and started by activating Bonfire, adding Snake-Eyes Poplar from his Deck to his hand, but when he attempted to activate its effect to Special Summon it, Mowdy responded with Apollousa’s effect to negate it. Hellwig then sent Poplar from his hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon Diabellstar the Black Witch, with Diabellstar as Chain Link 1 and Poplar as Chain Link 2. Mowdy activated Apollousa’s effect as Chain Link 3, negating Poplar’s effect, and Hellwig resolved Diabellstar’s effect to Set Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye from his Deck to the field. Hellwig Normal Summoned Poplar, but Mowdy used his Apollousa for a third and final time to negate Poplar’s effect!

Hellwig used Diabellstar and Poplar to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix, discarding Fabled Lurrie to try and destroy Mowdy’s Set card, but Mowdy responded by activating the Set card, which was Skill Drain! Hellwig activated Lurrie’s effect, Special Summoning it from the Graveyard, used Lurrie to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem, and activated Requiem’s effect to Special Summon Fiendsmith Engraver. He activated the effect of the Requiem in his Graveyard to equip it to Engraver, then activated Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye, sending Requiem to the Graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eye Ash. He activated Ash’s effect, sending it and Engraver to the Graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon from his Deck, then activated the Graveyard effect of Engraver, returning Requiem to the Extra Deck to Summon it. He entered the Battle Phase and attacked Diabellstar with Flamberge Dragon, and Mowdy activated Diabellstar’s effect, sending Apollousa to the Graveyard to Special Summon back Diabellstar in Attack Position! Since Diabellstar had more Attack Points than either of Hellwig’s other monsters, Hellwig proceeded to Main Phase 2, where he used FLamberge Dragon and Engraver to Link Summon Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze. He activated Flamberge’s effect to Special Summon Ash and Poplar from the Graveyard, used Ash and Knightmare Phoenix to Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, then used Princess and Poplar to Link Summon Salamangreat Raging Phoenix and ended his turn. 

Mowdy started his turn by activating Bonfire, adding Snake-Eye Ash from his Deck to his hand. He then activated the effect of the Engraver in his Graveyard, returning Sequence to the Deck to Special Summon it. He used Engraver to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem, then activated Requiem’s effect to Special Summon another Engraver from his Deck. He activated Requiem’s effect in the Graveyard, equipping it to Engraver, then Normal Summoned Snake-Eye Ash, activating its effect by sending it and Skill Drain to the Graveyard to Special Summon Snake-Eye Oak from his Deck. He activated Oak’s effect to Special Summon Ash back from the Graveyard. Hellwig activated the effect of the Princess in his Graveyard, destroying his own Raging Phoenix and Mowdy’s Oak. Mowdy summoned Ash and activated its effect to Special Summon Poplar and search for Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye. He activated Temple, placing Snake-Eyes Diabellstar to his Spell/Trap Zone, then activated Snake-Eyes Diabellstar’s effect, Special Summoning it and placing Oak in the Spell/Trap Zone. He used Diabellstar and Poplar to Link Summon Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze, and activated Hiita’s effect to Special Summon Raging Phoenix from Hellwig’s Graveyard. He then activated Engraver’s effect, sending both his own Requiem and Hellwig’s Hiita to the Graveyard, used Ash and Hiita to Link Summon Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians, used Selene to Special Summon Diabellstar from the Graveyard, and used Selene and Diabellstar to Link Summon Accesscode Talker. Accesscode gained 3000 Attack Points, and Mowdy activated its effect, banishing Hiita from his Graveyard to destroy Hellwig’s Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames. With Hellwig having no monsters left on the field, Mowdy won second Duel!

Duel Three

Hellwig’s opening hand contained Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, Bonfire, Snake-Eye Ash, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, and Skill Drain. He started his turn by Normal Summoning Snake-Eye Ash, but when he activated its effect, Mowdy responded with Effect Veiler. Hellwig then activated Bonfire, but Mowdy responded with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Next, Hellwig activated Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, placing another Snake-Eye Ash to his Spell/Trap Zone. He Set one card to his backrow and ended his turn. 

Mowdy started his turn by activating his own Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye, placing Snake-Eyes Diabellstar to his Spell/Trap Zone. He then Normal Summoned Snake-Eye Ash, but Hellwig activated his Divine Temple as Chain Link 2, Special Summoning Mowdy’s Snake-Eyes Diabellstar, and activated Skill Drain as Chain Link 3! With Hellwig summoning Snake-Eyes Diabellstar, Mowdy activated the effect of his own Temple, Special Summoning Hellwig’s Snake-Eye Ash out of the Spell/Trap Zone, as well. Mowdy then activated Bonfire, adding Snake-Eyes Poplar from his Deck to his hand, then activated its effect to Special Summon it. He used Snake-Eye Ash and Poplar to Link Summon Moon of the Closed Heaven, then activated Poplar’s effect to place Snake-Eye Ash in the Spell/Trap Zone, then used Moon to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem. He activated Requiem’s effect, and Hellwig responded with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring! He entered the Battle Phase and attacked Hellwig’s Ash with the Ash he summoned from Hellwig’s Spell/Trap Zone, destroying them both. He then ended his turn. 

Hellwig drew Fiendsmith Engraver for turn, and activated its effect to add Fiendsmith’s Tract to his hand. He activated Tract, adding Fabled Lurrie to his hand and discarding it, then activated Lurrie’s effect to Special Summon it. He used Lurrie to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Requiem, then activated Requiem’s effect, Tributing it to Special Summon Fiendsmith Engraver from his Deck. Next, he activated the effect of the Engraver in his Graveyard, Special Summoning it by returning Lurrie to the Deck. He activated Requiem’s effect, equipping it to one of his Engravers, and proceeded to the Battle Phase. He attacked Mowdy’s Life Points directly with two Engravers and the Snake-Eyes Diabellstar, leaving Mowdy with only 1000 Life Points remaining. In Main Phase 2, Hellwig activated the effect of the Tract in his Graveyard, using the two Engravers to Fusion Summon Fiendsmith’s Lacrima. Here, Mowdy activated the effect of his Divine Temple, Special Summoning Snake-Eye Ash to his side of the field. Hellwig used Lacrima and Diabellstar to Link Summon Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze, and activated Lacrima’s effect in the Graveyard, returning Engraver to the Deck to inflict 1200 damage to Mowdy’s Life Points!

With that, Hellwig wins in Round 10 and continues on with an 8-2 record, hopeful to win the rest of the way and make the Top 64 here at the NAWCQ!