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Round 11 Feature Match: Benjamin Rosen vs. Sean Washington

July 21st, 2024

For this Round 11 Feature Match, we have a battle of FIRE Decks, but there’s no Snake-Eyes in sight here! From Boston, we have Benjamin Rosen with Tenpai Dragons! He’s facing Virginia Duelist Sean Washington, using Salamangreat! These Duelists have 8-2 records, so they’re desperate for a win to keep the Top 64 dream alive.

Benjamin Rosen

Duel 1

Rosen won the dice roll and chose to play second. Washington had a hand of Salamangreat Weasel, Salamangreat Spinny, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, and two copies of Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill. He Normal Summoned Weasel, then sent Spinny to the Graveyard to give Weasel 500 ATK. He Special Summoned Spinny from the Graveyard and Xyz Summoned Salamangreat Miragestallio. Rosen had an Ash Blossom to negate Miragestallio, and Washington passed the turn.

Rosen played Terraforming, and Washington negated it with Ash Blossom. He Normal Summoned Tenpai Dragon Chundra, then Special Summoned a second Chundra. He attacked Miragestallio with one copy of Chundra, using Chundra’s effect to Special Summon Tenpai Dragon Paidra from his Deck. Paidra’s effect put Sangen Kaimen in Rosen’s hand, and finally, Chundra lost the battle against Miragestallio. Rosen played Kaimen to find Tenpai Dragon Fadra and Special Summon it, which revived the fallen Chundra. He attacked with both copies of Chundra, and nothing happened thanks to Paidra’s and Fadra’s effects.

He used Fadra’s effect with a Chundra to Synchro Summon Sangenpai Bident Dragion. Washington activated Ghost Mourner, and Rosen responded with Paidra to Synchro Summon again! He combined Paidra and Bident into Trident Dragion, Ghost Mourner had nothing on the field to affect, and then Bident’s effect resolved and revived Fadra. Trident Dragion missed its timing to activate since it was Synchro Summoned in the middle of the Chain. It attacked and destroyed Miragestallio, and Fadra attacked directly. Bident Dragion returned to play and attacked directly. Finally, he used Fadra’s effect with Bident to Synchro Summon Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion and attacked directly!

Duel 2

Washington started this time with two copies of Salamangreat Circle, Salamangreat of Fire, Effect Veiler, and Will of the Salamangreat. He started with Circle in the Draw Phase, and Rosen had Ash Blossom. Washington played Salamangreat of Fire, and Rosen had Effect Veiler. Washington used Salamangreat of Fire to Link Summon Salamangreat Balelynx and find Salamangreat Sanctuary. He used Will of the Salamangreat to revive Salamangreat of Fire, then Link Summoned Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze. He used it to Special Summon Ash Blossom from Rosen’s Graveyard, then Link Summoned Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames. Rosen used Infinite Impermanence to negate Princess, and Washington Set Circle to finish.

Rosen Normal Summoned Paidra, and Washington used his Effect Veiler. Rosen passed. Washington tried playing Circle in the End Phase, but Rosen had a second Ash Blossom for the second Circle.

Washington drew his own Ash Blossom. Princess let him revive Salamangreat of Fire, and he added Salamangreat Gazelle to his hand. He Link Summoned Salamangreat Raging Phoenix, then Special Summoned Gazelle from his hand. Gazelle sent Weasel to the Graveyard. He played Sanctuary, using Phoenix to Link Summon a second Phoenix. That triggered the effect of Weasel in the Graveyard, letting him return Weasel to the Deck to put Salamangreat of Fire on Rosen’s side of the field, while also letting Washington draw Circle. Raging Phoenix’s effect resolved next, putting Weasel in his hand. In a new Chain, Washington’s Promethean Princess triggered in the Graveyard, since Salamangreat of Fire went to Rosen’s side. Princess destroyed Rosen’s Paidra and Washington’s Gazelle to return to the field. With Gazelle destroyed, the first Raging Phoenix returned from the Graveyard with an ATK boost! Washington sent all his monsters to attack and even the score!

Duel 3

Rosen chose to play second. Washington opened the final Duel with Effect Veiler, Ash Blossom, Gazelle, Code of Soul, and Salamangreat Rage. Rosen activated Dimension Shifter! He Normal Summoned Code of Soul, using its effect. He Link Summoned Balelynx to put Salamangreat Sanctuary in his hand, then used Balelynx to Link Summon another Balelynx. He set Rage to finish.

Sean Washington

Rosen Normal Summoned Paidra and activated its effect. Washington negated it with Ash Blossom. Rosen sent Paidra to attack Balelynx, and Washington flipped Salamangreat Rage to destroy Paidra.

Washington drew Salamangreat Charge. He Normal Summoned Gazelle, and Rosen negated it with Ash Blossom. Washington played Charge next, Special Summoning Ash Blossom and returning his other banished FIRE monsters to the Deck and Extra Deck. He used Ash Blossom and Gazelle to Xyz Summon Miragestallio, which Special Summoned Salamangreat of Fire, and he used that to put Weasel in his hand. He used Balelynx and Miragestallio to Link Summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf, then used Salamangreat of Fire to Link Summon Balelynx in Sunlight Wolf’s column. Sunlight Wolf added Ash Blossom back to his hand. He Link Summoned Promethean Princess, reviving Sunlight Wolf, then Link Summoned Raging Phoenix. He played Sanctuary, then using Phoenix to Link Summon another Phoenix. Rosen negated the new Phoenix with Infinite Impermanence. Washington Special Summoned Weasel, then Link Summoned Balelynx. He used Weasel’s effect to put Salamangreat of Fire on Rosen’s side of the field, letting Washington draw Speedroid Terrortop. Princess triggered in the Graveyard, destroying Salamangreat of Fire and Balelynx. That allowed his Phoenix to return to the field… and Rosen finally activated Nibiru, the Primal Being! Washington lost everything, and received an 8300/0 Primal Being Token. In Defense Position, naturally.

Rosen Normal Summoned Chundra, and Washington used his Effect Veiler. Rosen used Chundra and Nibiru to Link Summon Hiita, stealing Promethean Princess! Princess revived Chundra. Chundra attacked the Primal Being Token, using its effect to Special Summon Fadra from the Deck before the Token was destroyed. Everything else attacked directly, dropping Washington to 1850 Life Points. He used Fadra’s Quick Effect to Synchro Summon Sangenpai Bident Dragion, and it was all over!

Benjamin Rosen wins the Match with Tenpai Dragons!