Round 7 Feature Match: Ryan Carrigan vs. Edwin Farmer IV
Ryan Carrigan from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and Edwin Farmer IV from Mount Laurel, New Jersey are both currently 5-1 in the 2024 North America WCQ. They’re going to need a bunch more wins in order to make the Top Cut, so they’ll be Dueling their hardest in the rest of the tournament. Carrigan is using a Labrynth Deck, while Farmer is using a Fiendsmith Yubel Deck. Labrynth has proven its ability to adapt to a shifting metagame, but can the Deck keep up with the new Fiendsmith powerhouse? It’s time to Duel!
Duel One
Farmer opened up Duel 1 with Fiendsmith’s Tract and added Fabled Lurrie to his hand.

He discarded it and then used its effect to Special Summon it. He Link Summoned Fiendsmith’s Requiem and then Tributed it to Special Summon Fiendsmith Engraver. He equipped his Engraver with the Requiem in his Graveyard and then Special Summoned Necroquip Princess by sending Engraver and Requiem to the Graveyard. He returned Lurrie to his Deck to Special Summon Engraver and then Link Summoned Fiendsmith’s Sequence. He used its effect by returning Requiem and Engraver from his Graveyard to his Deck and Special Summoned Aerial Eater. He activated its effect to send Spirit of Yubel from his Deck to his Graveyard. He returned Yubel – Terror Incarnate from his hand and Spirit of Yubel from his Graveyard to his Deck to Summon Phantom of Yubel and then Summoned Unchained Soul of Sharvara from his hand by destroying Sequence. He combined Sharvara with Aerial Eater to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Caesar.
Carrigan opened up with Pot of Extravagance, Infinite Impermanence, Big Welcome Labrynth, Welcome Labrynth, and Transaction Rollback. He drew Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle and then activated Pot of Extravagance by banishing 6 cards from his Extra Deck face-down. He lost out to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and then Set Infinite Impermanence, Welcome Labrynth, and Big Welcome Labrynth before ending his turn.
Farmer drew a card and then attacked with D/D/D Wave High King Caesar. Carrigan lost 2800 Life Points from the battle. In the End Phase, Carrigan activated Welcome Labrynth. Farmer Chained Caesar’s effect and Carrigan Chained Lady Labrynth’s effect. Farmer Chained the effect of his High King Caesar again, and Carrigan negated the effect of High King Caesar with Infinite Impermanence! He Special Summoned the Lady Labrynth and then Special Summoned Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle with the effect of Welcome Labrynth. Farmer activated the effect of the Unchained Soul of Sharvara that he detached from his Caesar and Carrigan Chained Big Welcome Labrynth. Carrigan Chained the effect of his own Lady Labrynth and then Farmer Chained the effect of Phantom of Yubel by Tributing it. Farmer destroyed Spirit of Yubel from his Deck, and then Carrigan Special Summoned Arianna the Labrynth Servant and returned Lady Labrynth to his hand. Farmer Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained with Sharvara’s effect. In a new Chain Farmer used his Spirit of Yubel’s effect, and Carrigan Chained the effects of Arianna and Lovely Labrynth. Lovely Labrynth destroyed the face-down Abominable Chamber, Arianna added Labrynth Stovie Torbie to Carrigan’s hand, and Farmer Special Summoned Yubel from his Deck. Carrigan activated the effect of his Stovie Torbie by discarding Transaction Rollback and Set Welcome Labrynth from his Deck.
Carrigan drew Infinite Impermanence and then flipped his Welcome Labrynth in the Draw Phase. He Special Summoned Ariane the Labrynth Servant and then paid half of his Life Points to use the effect of Transaction Rollback and copy the effect of Big Welcome Labrynth. He Special Summoned Lady Labrynth and returned it to his hand. He then activated the effects of Ariane, Arianna, and Lovely Labrynth on his field, plus Welcome Labrynth and Stovie Torbie from his Graveyard. He drew 2 cards from the effects of Ariane and Arianna and Special Summoned a Lady Labrynth from his hand. Next, he Synchro Summoned Chaos Angel by sending Stovie Torbie and Lady Labrynth to the Graveyard and targeted Yubel with its effect; but Farmer negated the effect with Effect Veiler. But it was over moments later! Carrigan entered his Battle Phase and banished Big Welcome Labrynth from his Graveyard to return Yubel to Farmer’s hand! Direct attacks from Chaos Angel, Ariane, Arianna, and Lovely Labrynth wiped out all of Farmer’s Life Points!

Ryan Carrigan wins the first Duel with his Labrynth Deck!
Duel Two
Farmer started off Duel 2 by Normal Summoning Samsara D Lotus. He Tributed it to Special Summon Spirit of Yubel and then activated Nightmare Pain. He used Nightmare Pain’s effect to destroy Spirit of Yubel and add Gruesome Grave Squirmer from his Deck to his hand. He used Spirit of Yubel’s effect to Special Summon Yubel from his Deck. Next, he activated his Gruesome Grave Squirmer’s effect. He destroyed Yubel and Special Summoned it, and then used Yubel’s effect to Summon Yubel – Terror Incarnate. Next, he sent his 2 monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Moon of the Closed Heaven. He returned Yubel and his Terror Incarnate from his Graveyard to his Deck to Summon Phantom of Yubel and then used Moon to Link Summoned Fiendsmith’s Requiem. He Tributed Requiem to Special Summon Fiendsmith Engraver and then equipped it with Requiem. He sent Engraver and Requiem to the Graveyard to Special Summon Necroquip Princess and then Special Summoned Engraver back from his Graveyard by returning Moon to his Extra Deck. Next, he sent Necroquip Princess and Engraver to the Graveyard to Link Summon Fiendsmith’s Sequence. He used its effect by returning Samsara D. Lotus and Necroquip Princess from his Graveyard to his Deck, and Summon Aerial Eater. He used its effect to send Yubel – Terror Incarnate from his Deck to his Graveyard. He banished Gruesome Grave Squirmer from his Graveyard to Special Summon Spirit of Yubel from his Graveyard and then sent Spirit of Yubel and Aerial Eater to the Graveyard to Link Summon Unchained Soul Lord of Yama. He used its effect to add Unchained Soul of Sharvara from his Deck to his hand. Next, he sent Sequence and Yama to the Graveyard to Link Summon Unchained Soul of Rage and activated the effect of Sharvara in his hand. He destroyed Soul of Rage and Special Summoned the Sharvara. He used Yama’s effect and the effect of Soul of Rage. He returned Engraver to his hand with Soul of Rage’s effect and Special Summoned Aerial Eater with Yama’s effect. He activated Engraver’s effect in his hand to discard it and add Fiendsmith’s Tract to his hand. He discarded the Lurrie and Special Summoned it with its effect. He combined Sharvara with Aerial Eater to Xyz Summon D/D/D Wave High King Caesar and then ended his turn.

Carrigan opened up Duel 2 with Trap Trick, Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle, Welcome Labrynth, Arianna, and Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon.

He drew Droll & Lock Bird and then entered his Main Phase. He Normal Summoned Arianna and activated its effect. Farmer Tributed his Phantom of Yubel to change Arianna’s effect so that it destroyed Spirit of Yubel from Farmer’s Deck instead. Farmer activated Spirit of Yubel’s effect to Special Summon Yubel. Next, Carrigan Xyz Summon Super Starslayer TY-PHON – Sky Crisis in Defense Position by using Arianna as an Xyz Material and used its effect to return Caesar to the Extra Deck. Sharvara’s effect activated since it was attached as an Xyz Material and was sent to the Graveyard, and Farmer Set Abominable Chamber of the Unchained from his Deck. Carrigan Set all of the Trap Cards in his hand and then ended his turn.
Farmer Special Summoned Engraver from his Graveyard by returning Requiem from his Graveyard to his Extra Deck and then banished Phantom of Yubel and Spirit of Yubel from his Graveyard to Special Summon Aerial Eater. He Xyz Summoned Caesar back to the field and then used Lurrie to Link Summon Requiem. He Tributed Requiem to Special Summon Engraver and then returned Spirit of Yubel and Terror Incarnate from his Graveyard to his Deck to Special Summon Phantom of Yubel. Farmer used the effect of Requiem to equip it to Engraver and Carrigan flipped Karma Cannon to put all monsters on the field face-down! Carrigan Flip Summoned Yubel and then attacked the face-down Typhon with Yubel. Carrigan Special Summoned Lady Labrynth from his hand and Farmer attacked the Lady Labrynth instead. Carrigan took the 2900 points of damage due to the effect of Nightmare Pain. Farmer Normal Summoned Samsara D Lotus and then entered his End Phase. In the End Phase, Carrigan activated Welcome Labrynth, which Farmer negated with the effect of Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Carrigan activated Trap Trick next! Farmer Chained D.D. Crow to banish Welcome Labrynth from the Graveyard and then Carrigan banished Big Welcome Labrynth from his Deck to Set one to his field. He activated Big Welcome Labrynth next and Chained the effect of Lady Labrynth to Set Welcome Labrynth from his Deck. He Special Summoned Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle and returned Typhon to his Extra Deck. He used his Lovely Labrynth’s effect to destroy Farmer’s face-down Abominable Chamber. Farmer Tributed Samsara D Lotus with his Yubel’s effect and then Special Summoned it back to his field in Defense Position with the effect of the Samsara D Lotus.
Carrigan drew Labrynth Chandraglier and then activated the effect of the Big Welcome in his Graveyard by banishing it. He returned Yubel to Farmer’s hand and then used Lovely Labrynth’s effect to destroy Nightmare Pain. Next, he activated Welcome Labrynth and Chained the effect of Lady Labrynth to Set Big Welcome Labrynth from his Deck. He Special Summoned Arianna in Attack Position and used Arianna’s effect to add Labrynth Stovie Torbie from his Deck to his hand. He used his Lovely Labrynth’s effect to set Daruma Cannon back from his Graveyard and switched all of his monsters into Attack Position. He Normal Summoned Stovie Torbie and then sent it to the Graveyard along with Lady Labrynth to Special Summon Chaos Angel. He used its effect to banish the face-down Phantom of Yubel and then activated Chandraglier’s effect in his hand by discarding Droll & Lock Bird. He Set Labrynth Labyrinth from his Deck to his field and then attacked the Lotus with Arianna to destroy it. Next, Lovely Labrynth destroyed Caesar in battle and Chaos Angel attacked and destroyed Engraver. Farmer Special Summoned Bystial Druiswurm from his hand in the End Phase by banishing Stovie Torbie from Carrigan’s Graveyard.

Farmer drew a card for his turn and then Special Summoned Engraver from his Graveyard with its effect by returning Sequence from his Graveyard to his Deck. Next, he used Engraver and Druiswurm to Link Summon S:P Little Knight and he used Druiswurm’s effect to send Lovely Labrynth from the field to the Graveyard. Farmer thought for a second and conceded, completely outmatched by the cards Carrigan had at his disposal.
Ryan Carrigan takes a 2-0 victory with his Labrynth Deck and advances with a 6-1 record!