. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Saturday’s Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Winners!
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Saturday’s Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Winners!

July 20th, 2024

Saturday’s Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Tournament is finished! Here are the three Duelists taking home GIANT and oversized Speed Duel cards!

First place: Nicholas Racioppi
Second place: Ryan Prescott
Third place: Brian Xelo

Nicholas Racioppi used a Red-Eyes Deck with Mai Valentine’s Battle City Siren Skill to win the GIANT Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin. Ryan Prescott used a Deck relying on Sartorius’s Destructive Fate Skill to take home an oversized (but not quite GIANT) Mystical Space Typhoon. Finally, Brian Xelo used a Vampire Deck with Marik’s Twisted Personality Skill to win an oversized (but still not GIANT) Arcana Force EX – The Light Ruler. Congratulations to all of them!