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Round 1 Feature Match: Clayton Tan vs. Arthur Castillo

August 17th, 2024

Round 1 is underway here this morning at YCS Sacramento! Arthur Castillo is a returning player, piloting his trusted Ninja deck, while Clayton Tan is piloting the new Mimighoul cards that were just released in The Infinite Forbidden. Which one of these players will begin their run this weekend with a victory? Let’s find out!

Clayton Tan

Duel 1

Tan won the die roll and chose to go first! His opening hand consisted of Mimighoul Dungeon, Mimighoul Maker, Kashtira Unicorn, and two copies of Mimighoul Archfiend. He started by Special Summoning Kashtira Unicorn, and activated its effect to add Kashtiratheosis from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Mimighoul Dungeon, and used its effect to add Mimighoul Dragon from his Deck to his hand. He activated Mimighoul Maker, Special Summoned Mimighoul Dragon to Castillo’s field in face-down Defense Position, added Mimighoul Cerberus to his hand, and then Special Summoned Mimighoul Archfiend to his side of the field.

He activated Archfiend’s effect next, changing the Dragon on Castillo’s field to Attack Position and giving control of it back to Tan. Tan activated the effect of Cerberus, Special Summoning it to his opponent’s side of the field in face-down Defense Position, and then did the same with additional copies of Dragon and Archfiend in his hand, leaving three monsters on Castillo’s field in face-down Defense Position. Tan activated Kashtiratheosis, targeting Unicorn and Special Summoning Kashtira Fenrir from his Deck, then activated Fenrir’s effect to add another Unicorn from his Deck to his hand. He then ended his turn. 

Castillo started his turn by activating Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts. He Special Summoned Mitsu the Insect Ninja, and Tan activated the effect of his Fenrir, banishing Mitsu face-down. Castillo ended his turn.

Tan drew another Mimighoul Archfiend. He activated the effect of his Dungeon, adding Mimighoul Dragon from his Deck to his hand. He then activated Unicorn’s effect, adding Kashtira Birth to his hand, as well as Fenrir’s effect, adding another copy of Fenrir. He used the Dragon and Archfiend on his field to Xyz Summon Lyrilusc – Assembled Nightingale. He then activated Birth. Tan used Unicorn and Fenrir to Xyz Summon Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation, and activated its effect, detaching Unicorn to destroy Castillo’s Hidden Village and banish Kashtiratheosis from his Graveyard.

He Normal Summoned Archfiend, and activated its effect to change the Cerberus on Castillo’s field to face-up Attack Position. Castillo was forced to trigger the effect of Cerberus, Special Summoning Masked Ninja Ebisu to Tan’s field and returning Cerberus to Tan’s side of the field. Tan then used Archfiend and Ebisu to Link Summon S:P Little Knight! He activated the effect of Birth, Special Summoning Unicorn to his side of the field, then activated Dark Armed’s effect again, destroying the Set Archfiend on Castillo’s field and banishing Kashtira Fenrir from his Graveyard. 

Tan entered the Battle Phase. He attacked Castillo twice with Assembled Nightingale, then attacked the face-down Dragon on Castillo’s field with Cerberus. He made more direct attacks with S:P and Unicorn, leaving Castillo with only 3500 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Tan used Assembled Nightingale to Xyz Summon Downerd Magician, then used it to Xyz Summon Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder! He ended his turn. 

Castillo started by activating The Warrior Returning Alive, adding Ebisu from his Graveyard back to his hand. Since he no longer controlled a Set monster, he Normal Summoned Yellow Ninja, then activated its effect, but Tan responded by activating S:P’s ability. S:P and Yellow Ninja were banished, but Castillo resolved Yellow Ninja’s effect, Special Summoning Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo from his hand. Hanzo’s effect resolved getting Tan another Mitsu, and he activated Unicorn’s effect, banishing Meizen the Battle Ninja from Castillo’s Extra Deck.

Castillo Special Summoned Mitsu, then used Mitsu and Hanzo to Link Summon Ninja Grandmaster Saizo! Before Castillo could activate its effect, Tan responded by activating ZEUS’ ability, sending all other cards on the field to the Graveyard! Castillo ended his turn, and Yellow Ninja and S:P returned to their respective fields. 

Tan drew another Kashtira Unicorn for turn. He activated ZEUS’ effect, sending S:P and Yellow Ninja to the Graveyard, changed ZEUS to Attack Position, then Normal Summoned Mimighoul Dragon. He entered the Battle Phase and attacked Castillo’s Life Points, winning him the first Duel!

Tan attacks with ZEUS and Mimighoul Dragon to win the first Duel!

Duel 2

Castillo chose to go first in the second Duel! He started by Normal Summoning Upstart Golden Ninja, then Special Summoned Mitsu the Insect Ninja from his hand. He Set three cards to his Spell/Trap Zone, then ended his turn. 

Arthur Castillo

Tan’s opening hand consisted of Pot of Prosperity, Kashtira Unicorn, Dominus Purge, Infinite Impermanence, and Nibiru the Primal Being. He then drew Dimension Shifter for turn! He started by activating Shifter’s effect. He continued with Pot of Prosperity, choosing to add Dark Ruler No More to his hand from the excavated cards. He played Dark Ruler No More, then Special Summoned Kashtira Unicorn. He activated Unicorn’s effect, getting Kashtiratheosis from his Deck to his hand. It let him Special Summon Kashtira Fenrir from his Deck, and Fenrir’s effect got him another Kashtira Unicorn. He entered the Battle Phase, attacked Mitsu with Unicorn, and Set two cards to his Spell/Trap Zone to end his turn. 

Castillo Set a card to his Spell/Trap Zone and passed. 

Tan drew another Impermanence for turn. Castillo activated Ninjitsu Art of Transformation in the Standby Phase, sending Upstart Golden Ninja to the Graveyard to Special Summon Dark Simorgh from his Deck. Tan started by activating the effect of his Unicorn, but Castillo responded with Solemn Strike, paying 1500 Life Points to negate Unicorn’s effect and destroy it! Tan then activated Fenrir’s effect, adding another Kashtira Fenrir from his Deck to his hand.

He entered the Battle Phase, declaring an attack on Dark Simorgh with Fenrir, and activated Fenrir’s effect banishing the Ninjitsu Art of Transformation. Dark Simorgh was destroyed since Transformation left the field, and Tan attacked Castillo’s Life Points directly with Fenrir. Tan Set a card to his backrow in Main Phase 2 and ended his turn. 

Castillo drew a card, but couldn’t activate anything and chose to concede the second Duel. 

Tan’s Kashtira cards overwhelmed Castillo’s Ninjas!

Tan takes the victory and kicks off the tournament with a 1-0 record, as Ninjas start the day with a win!