There’s an Evil★Twin Lil-la Sighting at YCS Sacramento!
If you’re here at YCS Sacramento, you might have seen a recognizable blue-haired figure wandering around the convention hall. It’s likely that that’s one of the players here, cosplaying as Evil★Twin Lil-la!

We caught up with Lil-La (who wished to remain unnamed) to talk about their cosplay and why they chose Evil★Twin Lil-la.
“I really like everything about the Live★Twin archetype,” Lil-La said. “The artwork is really cool, and I like how each of the twins is trying to summon out the other.”
We asked if the cosplay was an indication of the deck they were playing, and Lil-La replied saying: “Yes, I’m playing Labrynth Evil★Twin Fiendsmith. Sometimes, I have to make a difficult decision, whether I want to use my Normal Summon on a Live★Twin or Labrynth monster. But of course, it helps that Evil★Twin Ki-sikil is a LIGHT Fiend-type monster, so I can use it to make Fiendsmith’s Requiem.”
This Evil★Twin Lil-la is just one of several cool cosplays we’ve seen here at YCS Sacramento. There were tons of players that asked to take pictures with Evil★Twin Lil-la, as well! Maybe you should dress up as your favourite card or character the next time you’re attending a Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event!