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YCS Sacramento Prize Wall and Public Events Ticket Update

August 17th, 2024

By playing in Public Events, you’ll earn Public Events Tickets to exchange at the Prize Wall. All those sweet prizes are still the same, but the Public Events Ticket system is brand-new. In the past, you’d receive physical tickets which you’d have to use at the same event – there was no saving them up, even if you were traveling to lots of big tournaments. That’s changing as we move to a new digital ticket system! Now your points will travel with you between events, so you can save them and score amazing prizes.

Speaking of prizes, let’s check out what’s available at YCS Sacramento. First up? Some massive uncut sheets of promo cards!

Uncut Crimson Dragons
Uncut Millennium Ankhs

Next, there’s a mountain of GIANT cards! These are available in the full sized GIANT form, or as the slightly smaller “oversized” ones.

Game Mats abound! You can pick up all sorts of older Game Mats, many of which are usually exclusive to Regional Qualifiers, Win-A-Mat tournaments, YCS Top Cut Rounds, and many more!

Finally, there’s all the extra stuff! We have Dueling accessories like Deck boxes, coins, score pads, and dice. A Yu-Gi-Oh! tumbler with a speaker in it! And there’s even binders loaded with complete sets of cards!

Come and compete in some Public Events and get those tickets!