Home > 2024/10 – Cancun, Mexico > YCS Cancun, Mexico: Standings after Round 7

YCS Cancun, Mexico: Standings after Round 7

October 5th, 2024

Here are the final standings for Day 1. The top 128 Duelists will come back tomorrow to play 2 more Rounds of Swiss to determine who will advance to the Top 32 Single-Elimination Rounds:

Rank Player Name Points
1 Joaquin AR Lichtig Alfonso 21
2 Cesar Alberto Salinas Magana 21
3 Ittipat ON Arunnaveesiri 21
4 Christopher MEX Alvarado De la O 19
5 Cesar MEX Contreras Castillo 18
6 Mackey ON Chung 18
7 David July TX Flores 18
8 Rodrigo Manuel Lopez Gonzalez 18
9 Jose Antonio Jesus Castillo Aramundiz 18
10 David MEX Palenque Paredes 18
11 Ruben Andres Penaranda 18
12 Juan Carlos Coronel Contreras 18
13 Angel Ibarra Barcenas 18
14 Pakawat Thomas Pamornsut 18
15 Ethan Alejandro Islas Martinez 18
16 Victor Eduardo Figueroa Sanchez 18
17 Arturo Antonio Ordonez Mendez 18
18 Rico Carlos Eichelberger 18
19 Brian Joseph Ramirez 18
20 Edgar Gerardo Rodriguez Munoz 18
21 Andony CRI Sanchez 18
22 Jesse Dean Kotton 17
23 Ulises Rodrigo Leal Sanchez 16
24 Ibra Ismaila QC Wane 16
25 Alan Rodrigo Elias Chavez 16
26 Jose de Jesus Valenzuela Urena 16
27 James Miles Valentino 16
28 Joset Ferney Rojas Vargas 16
29 Juan Francisco Copado Figueroa 15
30 Jorge AZ Bernal Rodriguez 15
31 Darwin Roberto Soberanis Claudio 15
32 Matthew Hanfeng Lin 15
33 Gustavo Salvador Martinez Pineda 15
34 Alonso Chavez Huitron 15
35 Carlos Ochoa Balderas 15
36 Brayden Charles Hayes 15
37 Omar Cecilio Avalos Correa 15
38 Ulises Tadeo Munguia Fonseca 15
39 Aldo Farias Suarez 15
40 Bestoor Soroosh Sedghi 15
41 Roman Baeza Blanqueta 15
42 Hiram Montecillo Juarez 15
43 Mario Enrique Pulido Blanco 15
44 Jose Francisco Vidal Cervantes 15
45 Jose Carlos Palomeque Barro 15
46 Sebastian Garrido Guzman 15
47 Nelson Lolong BC Federipe 15
48 Shunping PA Xu 15
49 Alfredo Jose Zapata Caceres 15
50 Jose Miguel Frias Molgora 15
51 Jesus Argelio Peraza Caceres 15
52 Edgar Ivan Angel Gonzalez 15
53 Gilberto Hector Alcazar Jurado 15
54 Jordy Alan Balderas Sanchez 15
55 Enrique Utrera Fuerte 15
56 Daniel Armando Chan Correa 15
57 Omar Enrique Pina Pacheco 15
58 Fernando Miguel Mariosa Amaral 15
59 Zachary Anthony TX Rodriguez 15
60 Taku Daniel Utsuki Alexander 15
61 Shovon ON Roy 15
62 Hector Martin Alcocer Diaz 15
63 Julian Felipe Salas Acon 15
64 Diego Benjamin Simental Carro 15
65 Luis Aaron Mayorga Farfan 15
66 David Alfonso Limon Arcilla 15
67 Yohan L. CT Dossantos 15
68 Luis Alfonso Ramirez Carmona 15
69 Jhonatan de Jesus Cauich May 15
70 Roberto Zavaleta Guzman 15
71 Ludwing Jeshua Ramirez Silveira 15
72 Victor Manuel Vicke Velazquez 15
73 Valentino MEX Cicivila Juarez 15
74 Jorge Luis Perez Cortes 15
75 Oscar Alejandro Ruiz Castro 15
76 Jose Carlo Carrillo Toscano 14
77 Cesar Eduardo Soto Cantu 14
78 Joseph UT Chou Jr. 13
79 Andres Eduardo Tello Baez 13
80 Ivan Jesus Martin Lopez 13
81 Carlos Jesus Mercado Ramirez 13
82 Lexus Masalah Wingate 13
83 Martin Enrique Campos Ricalde 13
84 Luis Angel Valle Serratos 13
85 Oscar MEX Alejandro Ibarra 13
86 Hector Daniel Gil Munoz 13
87 Roger Alberto Cruz del Saz 13
88 Cesar Israel Ruiz Luna 13
89 Ivan MEX Martinez Laurrieta 13
90 Gerardo Yukio Shibata Salazar 13
91 Stefano Adrian Cabrera Alvarez 13
92 Alexander Josue Segura 13
93 Tiago Abner Araujo Hubner de Lima 13
94 Felix Armando Rodriguez Samayoa 13
95 Brian Roberto Zuniga Villalpando 13
96 Daniel MEX Formosso Alcocer 13
97 Andre MEX Martin Martinez 13
98 Victor Patricio Zuniga Luis 12
99 Bruno Fernando Durand Lopez Camara 12
100 Luke Richard TTO Woodcock 12
101 Alvaro Emmanuel Solis Aranda 12
102 Mu Chen ON Liang 12
103 Angel Jesus Briceno Medina 12
104 Joseph Liou Tello Wong 12
105 Luis Fernando Aguilar Bucio 12
106 Michael Alfonso Ortiz Vilchis 12
107 Sergio Alberto De la Cruz Zepeda 12
108 Humberto Andres Torres Rodriguez 12
109 Sebastian Muralles Quezada 12
110 Demario Montae Jester 12
111 Gabriel Martin Magdalena De Padua 12
112 Juan Diego Padron Mendoza 12
113 Ivan Villanueva Sandoval 12
114 Misael MEX Villegas Rodriguez 12
115 Francisco Andres Osorio Bobadilla 12
116 Oscar Leonardo Flores Bueno 12
117 Alexis Aldair MEX Galicia Alvarez 12
118 Daniel Bautista Aguilar 12
119 Javier Antonio Ovando de Dios 12
120 Alejandro Barragan Mujica 12
121 Javier Alberto Moreno Valdes 12
122 Patrick Owen James 12
123 Ricardo Emanuel Sosa Aguilar 12
124 Bayron Javier Ramirez Zuniga 12
125 Juan Carlos Alvarez 12
126 Gamebal Adolfo Lopez Contreras 12
127 Oscar Mauricio Rodriguez Aguilar 12
128 Erik Rodrigo Almazan Nava 12
129 Juan Jose Espinosa Posada 12
130 Luis Abraham MEX Rosas Barajas 12
131 Mauricio Esquivel Cazares 12
132 Carlos Alberto Lugo Sosa 12
133 Juan Diego Guzman Villegas 12
134 Guissepe Ruben Marrufo Santoscoi 12
135 Sergio Octavio Macias Gutierrez 12
136 Erik Daniel Navarrete Hernandez 12
137 Erick Bernardo Vega Quezada 12
138 Fernando Orozco Basilio 12
139 Alfonso Erick Mendoza Velasco 12
140 Luis Felipe Alfonso Gonzalez 12
141 Francisco Rodrigo Raya Farela 12
142 Erwin MEX Zapata Aquino 12
143 Jesus Antonio Chavez Montejano 12
144 Roberto Salomon Hernandez 12
145 Juan Carlos Chi Garcia 12
146 Rafael Alejandro Martinez Lopez 12
147 Jesus Enrique MEX Rodriguez 12
148 Miguel Angel Vela Garrido 12
149 Giancarlo Valdez Tolentino 12
150 Jesus Adrian Hau Dzib 12
151 Miguel Angel Dominguez Olvera 12
152 Daniel Montes Briones 12
153 Juan Enrique Lopez Hau 12
154 Brandon Luke TTO Deonarine 12
155 Jose Felix Del Rio 12
156 Shiva TTO Seebaransingh 12
157 Raul MEX Torres Perez 12
158 Brayan Jerome Portillo Ayala 12
159 Eduardo Daniel Cortes Moreno 11
160 Alexis Adonis Marroquin Utrilla 11
161 Juan Pablo Fernandez Padierna 11
162 Joao Pablo Vazquez Medina 11
163 Adrian MEX Guadarrama Briones 10
164 Luis Carlos Gonzalez Olivares 10
165 Jesus Miguel Dominguez Lara 10
166 Omar De Jesus Martin Lopez 10
167 Carlos Avila 10
168 Juan Daniel Juarez Nequiz 10
169 Luis Gioele Rodriguez Garcia 10
170 Daniel Barbabosa Galker 10
171 Jorge Carlos Preciat Cabrera 10
172 Ricardo MEX Anaya Ramirez 10
173 Diego Enrique Huh Can 10
174 Gerardo Oswaldo Buendia Romero 10
175 Samuel MEX Cosmes 10
176 Ruben Octavio Balam Raygosa 10
177 Nahum Roman Franco Ramirez 10
178 Eduardo Martin Fernandez Padierna 10
179 Alastair Lopez Gonzalez 9
180 Jesus MEX Ortiz Alavez 9
181 Jorge Alejandro Matu Gutierrez 9
182 Daniel De Meza Gutierrez 9
183 Roberto Hiroshi Shibata Galvez 9
184 Asad ON Farooq 9
185 Javier David Rodriguez Sosa 9
186 Cristobal Francisco Avila Romo 9
187 Jorge Alberto Pliego Diaz 9
188 Carlos de Jesus Tejero Fernandez 9
189 Diego Alejandro Melendez Duenas 9
190 Angel Jair Valle Navarrete 9
191 Sandro Argenis Pech Moguel 9
192 Juan Carlos Hernandez Jimenez 9
193 Erick Usiel La Torre Serrano 9
194 Rogelio Barrera Elias 9
195 Gilberto Medina Hernandez 9
196 Samir Ahmed Navarro Garcia 9
197 Leonardo MEX Paz Ferregut 9
198 Adrian Stadthagen de Sojo 9
199 Yael Alejandro Canche Ceballos 9
200 Dominick Ortega Coba 9
201 Everardo MEX Marquez Castillo 9
202 Julio Alberto Manrique Manzanero 9
203 Guillermo MEX Baeza 9
204 Geovanny Herve Romero Aviles 9
205 Jesus Rodolfo Perez Zarate 9
206 Erick MEX Enciso Puente 9
207 Antonio Ramses Garza Garcia 9
208 William Virgil Darkis 9
209 Luis Mena Ortiz 9
210 Enrique Adrian Gomez Cetina 9
211 Alejandro MEX Moguel 9
212 Jesus Emilio Posadas de la Torre 9
213 Arturo Imanol Medrano Campos 9
214 Carlos Gallegos Chio 9
215 Abdani Collantes Garcia 8
216 Leonardo Santiago Arroyo Tort 8
217 Cristian Valentin Lopez 8
218 Francisco MEX Adame H. Luz 7
219 Jose Manuel Marin Euan 7
220 Mariano MEX Morado 7
221 Geovany MEX Marcial 7
222 Juan Antonio MEX Reyes 7
223 Andres MEX Morado 7
224 Ricardo MEX Nieto Santiago 7
225 Angel Eduardo Avila Espinosa 6
226 Aldo Augusto Montalvan Izquierdo 6
227 Rodolfo MEX Henandez 6
228 Pedro Alberto Salinas Perez 6
229 Rigel Ivan Maldonado Cardena 6
230 Hasdal Manuel Yamallel Diaz 6
231 Gabriel Antonio Buenfil Molina 6
232 Joshua Michell Perez Gomez 6
233 Oscar Ivan Lopez Concha 6
234 Israel Jesus Echeverria Sosa 6
235 Jesus Eduardo Perez Chavez 6
236 Cesar David Martinez 6
237 Daniel Moreno Parra 5
238 Jose Enrique Garcia Pasos 5
239 Daniel Jesus Alejo Wittendorfer 4
240 Jose Cuauhtemoc Ramirez Ordaz 4
241 Francisco Daniel Morales Oceguera 3
242 Sergio Jesus Iniesta Romano 3
243 Erick Andrew Interian Echeverria 3
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