YCS Cancun, Mexico: Standings after Round 7
October 5th, 2024
Here are the final standings for Day 1. The top 128 Duelists will come back tomorrow to play 2 more Rounds of Swiss to determine who will advance to the Top 32 Single-Elimination Rounds:
Rank | Player Name | Points |
1 | Joaquin AR Lichtig Alfonso | 21 |
2 | Cesar Alberto Salinas Magana | 21 |
3 | Ittipat ON Arunnaveesiri | 21 |
4 | Christopher MEX Alvarado De la O | 19 |
5 | Cesar MEX Contreras Castillo | 18 |
6 | Mackey ON Chung | 18 |
7 | David July TX Flores | 18 |
8 | Rodrigo Manuel Lopez Gonzalez | 18 |
9 | Jose Antonio Jesus Castillo Aramundiz | 18 |
10 | David MEX Palenque Paredes | 18 |
11 | Ruben Andres Penaranda | 18 |
12 | Juan Carlos Coronel Contreras | 18 |
13 | Angel Ibarra Barcenas | 18 |
14 | Pakawat Thomas Pamornsut | 18 |
15 | Ethan Alejandro Islas Martinez | 18 |
16 | Victor Eduardo Figueroa Sanchez | 18 |
17 | Arturo Antonio Ordonez Mendez | 18 |
18 | Rico Carlos Eichelberger | 18 |
19 | Brian Joseph Ramirez | 18 |
20 | Edgar Gerardo Rodriguez Munoz | 18 |
21 | Andony CRI Sanchez | 18 |
22 | Jesse Dean Kotton | 17 |
23 | Ulises Rodrigo Leal Sanchez | 16 |
24 | Ibra Ismaila QC Wane | 16 |
25 | Alan Rodrigo Elias Chavez | 16 |
26 | Jose de Jesus Valenzuela Urena | 16 |
27 | James Miles Valentino | 16 |
28 | Joset Ferney Rojas Vargas | 16 |
29 | Juan Francisco Copado Figueroa | 15 |
30 | Jorge AZ Bernal Rodriguez | 15 |
31 | Darwin Roberto Soberanis Claudio | 15 |
32 | Matthew Hanfeng Lin | 15 |
33 | Gustavo Salvador Martinez Pineda | 15 |
34 | Alonso Chavez Huitron | 15 |
35 | Carlos Ochoa Balderas | 15 |
36 | Brayden Charles Hayes | 15 |
37 | Omar Cecilio Avalos Correa | 15 |
38 | Ulises Tadeo Munguia Fonseca | 15 |
39 | Aldo Farias Suarez | 15 |
40 | Bestoor Soroosh Sedghi | 15 |
41 | Roman Baeza Blanqueta | 15 |
42 | Hiram Montecillo Juarez | 15 |
43 | Mario Enrique Pulido Blanco | 15 |
44 | Jose Francisco Vidal Cervantes | 15 |
45 | Jose Carlos Palomeque Barro | 15 |
46 | Sebastian Garrido Guzman | 15 |
47 | Nelson Lolong BC Federipe | 15 |
48 | Shunping PA Xu | 15 |
49 | Alfredo Jose Zapata Caceres | 15 |
50 | Jose Miguel Frias Molgora | 15 |
51 | Jesus Argelio Peraza Caceres | 15 |
52 | Edgar Ivan Angel Gonzalez | 15 |
53 | Gilberto Hector Alcazar Jurado | 15 |
54 | Jordy Alan Balderas Sanchez | 15 |
55 | Enrique Utrera Fuerte | 15 |
56 | Daniel Armando Chan Correa | 15 |
57 | Omar Enrique Pina Pacheco | 15 |
58 | Fernando Miguel Mariosa Amaral | 15 |
59 | Zachary Anthony TX Rodriguez | 15 |
60 | Taku Daniel Utsuki Alexander | 15 |
61 | Shovon ON Roy | 15 |
62 | Hector Martin Alcocer Diaz | 15 |
63 | Julian Felipe Salas Acon | 15 |
64 | Diego Benjamin Simental Carro | 15 |
65 | Luis Aaron Mayorga Farfan | 15 |
66 | David Alfonso Limon Arcilla | 15 |
67 | Yohan L. CT Dossantos | 15 |
68 | Luis Alfonso Ramirez Carmona | 15 |
69 | Jhonatan de Jesus Cauich May | 15 |
70 | Roberto Zavaleta Guzman | 15 |
71 | Ludwing Jeshua Ramirez Silveira | 15 |
72 | Victor Manuel Vicke Velazquez | 15 |
73 | Valentino MEX Cicivila Juarez | 15 |
74 | Jorge Luis Perez Cortes | 15 |
75 | Oscar Alejandro Ruiz Castro | 15 |
76 | Jose Carlo Carrillo Toscano | 14 |
77 | Cesar Eduardo Soto Cantu | 14 |
78 | Joseph UT Chou Jr. | 13 |
79 | Andres Eduardo Tello Baez | 13 |
80 | Ivan Jesus Martin Lopez | 13 |
81 | Carlos Jesus Mercado Ramirez | 13 |
82 | Lexus Masalah Wingate | 13 |
83 | Martin Enrique Campos Ricalde | 13 |
84 | Luis Angel Valle Serratos | 13 |
85 | Oscar MEX Alejandro Ibarra | 13 |
86 | Hector Daniel Gil Munoz | 13 |
87 | Roger Alberto Cruz del Saz | 13 |
88 | Cesar Israel Ruiz Luna | 13 |
89 | Ivan MEX Martinez Laurrieta | 13 |
90 | Gerardo Yukio Shibata Salazar | 13 |
91 | Stefano Adrian Cabrera Alvarez | 13 |
92 | Alexander Josue Segura | 13 |
93 | Tiago Abner Araujo Hubner de Lima | 13 |
94 | Felix Armando Rodriguez Samayoa | 13 |
95 | Brian Roberto Zuniga Villalpando | 13 |
96 | Daniel MEX Formosso Alcocer | 13 |
97 | Andre MEX Martin Martinez | 13 |
98 | Victor Patricio Zuniga Luis | 12 |
99 | Bruno Fernando Durand Lopez Camara | 12 |
100 | Luke Richard TTO Woodcock | 12 |
101 | Alvaro Emmanuel Solis Aranda | 12 |
102 | Mu Chen ON Liang | 12 |
103 | Angel Jesus Briceno Medina | 12 |
104 | Joseph Liou Tello Wong | 12 |
105 | Luis Fernando Aguilar Bucio | 12 |
106 | Michael Alfonso Ortiz Vilchis | 12 |
107 | Sergio Alberto De la Cruz Zepeda | 12 |
108 | Humberto Andres Torres Rodriguez | 12 |
109 | Sebastian Muralles Quezada | 12 |
110 | Demario Montae Jester | 12 |
111 | Gabriel Martin Magdalena De Padua | 12 |
112 | Juan Diego Padron Mendoza | 12 |
113 | Ivan Villanueva Sandoval | 12 |
114 | Misael MEX Villegas Rodriguez | 12 |
115 | Francisco Andres Osorio Bobadilla | 12 |
116 | Oscar Leonardo Flores Bueno | 12 |
117 | Alexis Aldair MEX Galicia Alvarez | 12 |
118 | Daniel Bautista Aguilar | 12 |
119 | Javier Antonio Ovando de Dios | 12 |
120 | Alejandro Barragan Mujica | 12 |
121 | Javier Alberto Moreno Valdes | 12 |
122 | Patrick Owen James | 12 |
123 | Ricardo Emanuel Sosa Aguilar | 12 |
124 | Bayron Javier Ramirez Zuniga | 12 |
125 | Juan Carlos Alvarez | 12 |
126 | Gamebal Adolfo Lopez Contreras | 12 |
127 | Oscar Mauricio Rodriguez Aguilar | 12 |
128 | Erik Rodrigo Almazan Nava | 12 |
129 | Juan Jose Espinosa Posada | 12 |
130 | Luis Abraham MEX Rosas Barajas | 12 |
131 | Mauricio Esquivel Cazares | 12 |
132 | Carlos Alberto Lugo Sosa | 12 |
133 | Juan Diego Guzman Villegas | 12 |
134 | Guissepe Ruben Marrufo Santoscoi | 12 |
135 | Sergio Octavio Macias Gutierrez | 12 |
136 | Erik Daniel Navarrete Hernandez | 12 |
137 | Erick Bernardo Vega Quezada | 12 |
138 | Fernando Orozco Basilio | 12 |
139 | Alfonso Erick Mendoza Velasco | 12 |
140 | Luis Felipe Alfonso Gonzalez | 12 |
141 | Francisco Rodrigo Raya Farela | 12 |
142 | Erwin MEX Zapata Aquino | 12 |
143 | Jesus Antonio Chavez Montejano | 12 |
144 | Roberto Salomon Hernandez | 12 |
145 | Juan Carlos Chi Garcia | 12 |
146 | Rafael Alejandro Martinez Lopez | 12 |
147 | Jesus Enrique MEX Rodriguez | 12 |
148 | Miguel Angel Vela Garrido | 12 |
149 | Giancarlo Valdez Tolentino | 12 |
150 | Jesus Adrian Hau Dzib | 12 |
151 | Miguel Angel Dominguez Olvera | 12 |
152 | Daniel Montes Briones | 12 |
153 | Juan Enrique Lopez Hau | 12 |
154 | Brandon Luke TTO Deonarine | 12 |
155 | Jose Felix Del Rio | 12 |
156 | Shiva TTO Seebaransingh | 12 |
157 | Raul MEX Torres Perez | 12 |
158 | Brayan Jerome Portillo Ayala | 12 |
159 | Eduardo Daniel Cortes Moreno | 11 |
160 | Alexis Adonis Marroquin Utrilla | 11 |
161 | Juan Pablo Fernandez Padierna | 11 |
162 | Joao Pablo Vazquez Medina | 11 |
163 | Adrian MEX Guadarrama Briones | 10 |
164 | Luis Carlos Gonzalez Olivares | 10 |
165 | Jesus Miguel Dominguez Lara | 10 |
166 | Omar De Jesus Martin Lopez | 10 |
167 | Carlos Avila | 10 |
168 | Juan Daniel Juarez Nequiz | 10 |
169 | Luis Gioele Rodriguez Garcia | 10 |
170 | Daniel Barbabosa Galker | 10 |
171 | Jorge Carlos Preciat Cabrera | 10 |
172 | Ricardo MEX Anaya Ramirez | 10 |
173 | Diego Enrique Huh Can | 10 |
174 | Gerardo Oswaldo Buendia Romero | 10 |
175 | Samuel MEX Cosmes | 10 |
176 | Ruben Octavio Balam Raygosa | 10 |
177 | Nahum Roman Franco Ramirez | 10 |
178 | Eduardo Martin Fernandez Padierna | 10 |
179 | Alastair Lopez Gonzalez | 9 |
180 | Jesus MEX Ortiz Alavez | 9 |
181 | Jorge Alejandro Matu Gutierrez | 9 |
182 | Daniel De Meza Gutierrez | 9 |
183 | Roberto Hiroshi Shibata Galvez | 9 |
184 | Asad ON Farooq | 9 |
185 | Javier David Rodriguez Sosa | 9 |
186 | Cristobal Francisco Avila Romo | 9 |
187 | Jorge Alberto Pliego Diaz | 9 |
188 | Carlos de Jesus Tejero Fernandez | 9 |
189 | Diego Alejandro Melendez Duenas | 9 |
190 | Angel Jair Valle Navarrete | 9 |
191 | Sandro Argenis Pech Moguel | 9 |
192 | Juan Carlos Hernandez Jimenez | 9 |
193 | Erick Usiel La Torre Serrano | 9 |
194 | Rogelio Barrera Elias | 9 |
195 | Gilberto Medina Hernandez | 9 |
196 | Samir Ahmed Navarro Garcia | 9 |
197 | Leonardo MEX Paz Ferregut | 9 |
198 | Adrian Stadthagen de Sojo | 9 |
199 | Yael Alejandro Canche Ceballos | 9 |
200 | Dominick Ortega Coba | 9 |
201 | Everardo MEX Marquez Castillo | 9 |
202 | Julio Alberto Manrique Manzanero | 9 |
203 | Guillermo MEX Baeza | 9 |
204 | Geovanny Herve Romero Aviles | 9 |
205 | Jesus Rodolfo Perez Zarate | 9 |
206 | Erick MEX Enciso Puente | 9 |
207 | Antonio Ramses Garza Garcia | 9 |
208 | William Virgil Darkis | 9 |
209 | Luis Mena Ortiz | 9 |
210 | Enrique Adrian Gomez Cetina | 9 |
211 | Alejandro MEX Moguel | 9 |
212 | Jesus Emilio Posadas de la Torre | 9 |
213 | Arturo Imanol Medrano Campos | 9 |
214 | Carlos Gallegos Chio | 9 |
215 | Abdani Collantes Garcia | 8 |
216 | Leonardo Santiago Arroyo Tort | 8 |
217 | Cristian Valentin Lopez | 8 |
218 | Francisco MEX Adame H. Luz | 7 |
219 | Jose Manuel Marin Euan | 7 |
220 | Mariano MEX Morado | 7 |
221 | Geovany MEX Marcial | 7 |
222 | Juan Antonio MEX Reyes | 7 |
223 | Andres MEX Morado | 7 |
224 | Ricardo MEX Nieto Santiago | 7 |
225 | Angel Eduardo Avila Espinosa | 6 |
226 | Aldo Augusto Montalvan Izquierdo | 6 |
227 | Rodolfo MEX Henandez | 6 |
228 | Pedro Alberto Salinas Perez | 6 |
229 | Rigel Ivan Maldonado Cardena | 6 |
230 | Hasdal Manuel Yamallel Diaz | 6 |
231 | Gabriel Antonio Buenfil Molina | 6 |
232 | Joshua Michell Perez Gomez | 6 |
233 | Oscar Ivan Lopez Concha | 6 |
234 | Israel Jesus Echeverria Sosa | 6 |
235 | Jesus Eduardo Perez Chavez | 6 |
236 | Cesar David Martinez | 6 |
237 | Daniel Moreno Parra | 5 |
238 | Jose Enrique Garcia Pasos | 5 |
239 | Daniel Jesus Alejo Wittendorfer | 4 |
240 | Jose Cuauhtemoc Ramirez Ordaz | 4 |
241 | Francisco Daniel Morales Oceguera | 3 |
242 | Sergio Jesus Iniesta Romano | 3 |
243 | Erick Andrew Interian Echeverria | 3 |
Categories: 2024/10 – Cancun, Mexico