Synchro Monsters made a big comeback in Savage Strike, but the hits keep coming in Dark Neostorm.
Some of the best Synchros of all time are actually Tuners – cards like Formula Synchron, T.G. Wonder Magician, Accel Synchron and Coral Dragon all anchored huge combos in their time, and Denglong, First of the Yang Zing was so powerful it had to be Forbidden.
Ib the World Chalice Justiciar doubles down on that concept: it’s a Tuner itself, but it also turns others monsters into Tuners too. Check it out.
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We have two all-new Orcust cards arriving in Dark Neostorm! Both cards will fit perfectly into existing Orcust strategies without requiring changes to your Deck. They’re also both strong enough to merit strategizing around, and play well with non-Orcust cards too.
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There’s darkness at the bottom of the ocean, and in that darkness lies a new Mermail monster! Dark Neostorm introduces a powerful Mermail Link Monster – Mermail Abyssalacia – to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME! Read more…
Cards with search effects similar to Reinforcement of the Army are a great option for any Deck that contains the right type of monsters. If you’re a fan of Playmaker’s Code Talkers, Soulburner’s Salamangreats, or any Cyberse strategy, Cynet Mining is something you should definitely check out!
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Today’s preview card has been a long time coming. We’ve seen the journey of Auram the World Chalice Blademaster when he was first Chosen by the World Chalice, to when he joined the Mekk-Knights as Mekk-Knight Avram, then when he became Crusadia Maximus, and finally Crusadia Equimax. It’s been a long road for him, and it culminates with his ultimate form as the incredible Link Monster Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax! Read more…